The Dark King

Chapter 105: Dudian's idea


All the way along the dilapidated street covered with moss and gravel, everyone soon came to a desolate open space with a lower terrain. The road collapsed, and remnants of walls and concrete rubble wrapped with steel bars were piled up on the road, covered with vegetation.

Graily's figure stopped suddenly, looked at a certain place in front of her, raised her hand, and said, "Gart, go and have a look."

The one named "Gate" was the young thief with the ability of "color-changing" magic marks. He nodded slightly, and the skin color of his whole body changed rapidly, and only the black armor on his body disappeared.

Du Dian saw it again, still surprised, and asked in a low voice: "Can his ability still affect the armor?"

"Of course not, his battle armor was specially ordered from within the consortium. It is said that it is made of the skin scales of the "Phantom Lizard", which can resonate with his abilities. "A young man next to him lowered his voice.

Du Dian came to his senses, and subconsciously thought that if he was facing the enemy, this ability is not something to be afraid of. His own sense of smell ability can be easily restrained. Even if he has no sense of smell, he only needs to sprinkle some dust or paint on the opponent. The "color changing" ability is completely useless. However, the frightening thing about this ability is the sneak attack, approaching one-hit kills quietly.

After all, no matter how strong a person is, he can't be on guard all the time.

After a while, Gatt returned, revealed his figure, and reported: "It is indeed a mountain lion. It hunted a scythe walking dead and is eating."

Graili nodded slightly, "There are not many mountain lions, and the Black Weaver will definitely be watching them. We will wait here and don't get too close." After finishing speaking, he took out a bottle of light yellow The powder was poured into the palm of her hand, and lightly sprinkled on the tight-fitting battle armor all over her body. Immediately, her faintly fragrant body odor was covered by a thick and foul smell of rotting corpses.

The others had already experienced it, so they involuntarily took out a bottle of the same light yellow powder from their respective backpacks, and applied it all over their bodies, immediately covering up their own smell.

At this moment, Graili threw the bottle in Du Dian's hand, and said: "Smear it on, this is walking corpse powder, which can cover up the smell, but be careful not to apply it on the skin, it will cause infection."

Du Dian took it, thinking that the effect of this thing is similar to the walking corpse plasma that he smeared when he was avoiding the pursuit of the "fear of dye". In contrast, the rotten walking corpse plasma has a stronger smell and covers it more thoroughly. However, once the blood plasma is applied, it is very troublesome to wipe it off, unlike this powder, which can be easily removed by patting it with a cloth.

After the seven people were all coated with walking corpse powder, only the smell of walking corpses remained in place.

Graili glanced at the six people in the team, and said, "An Luo, take the two of them to another direction to guard, be careful not to expose them, and signal if there is a situation."

"Yes." The brown-haired young man named "An Luo" nodded, turned around with the other two young men, and left quietly, walking along the ruins of the broken rubble pile to another place.

Seeing their posture, Du Dian couldn't help asking: "Just wait like this?"

"That's the only way." Graley said in a low voice.

Du Dian said: "What if the black weaver didn't come?"

"Then wait forever." Greilly glanced at him and said, "Hunting requires patience, it is hungry, and at least we still have food reserves, although there are more than one mountain lion in Area 1 , but there will always be a time to finish eating."

Du Dian thought that it was right to be patient, but it would be too stupid and inefficient to just sit on the sidelines, so he said, "I have a way, I don't know if it's feasible."

"Huh?" Greilly and the other three looked at him with some doubts and surprises, thinking that you, a rookie who just came to hunt, do you have any ideas

Du Dian said to Graili: "The area of No. 1 area is too big, so waiting quietly will waste our time, maybe the black weaver is also looking for food in distress at the moment, and since this mountain lion is its favorite I think that this mountain lion should also know how to avoid its natural enemies, so it is likely not to go to some areas where black weavers will appear. That is to say, the chances of waiting for black weavers to find it are very high. Little! So, why don't we take the initiative to find the Black Weaver and send the mountain lion to it."

Graili and others were a little surprised when they heard it. After thinking about it carefully, they felt that what Du Dian said was not unreasonable. Any creature has the instinct to avoid its own natural enemies. Mountain lions can live in Area 1, so they naturally have extremely strong beasts. Keen intuition.

"You're right, but it's easier said than done. If you kill a mountain lion, you can lure it with its bloody smell, but the black weaver is too cunning, and it's hard for a dead mountain lion to lure it. interest." Graley shook her head.

Du Dian said: "Of course it's not killing. Many wild beasts don't eat dead things. These monsters are no different from wild beasts. I mean, let's use the method of scaring to make the mountain lion panic and run around so that it can move freely. The larger the area, the higher the chance of attracting the attention of the black weavers."

Greli and the other three were startled and looked at each other.

"Yeah, that's a good idea!" The previous thief Garter couldn't help clapping his hands.

Another man and a woman couldn't help but look at Du Dian in surprise, thinking that this little head is quite clever, and such clever ideas can be thought of.

Graili took a deep look at Du Dian, then turned to Gate and said, "Call the three of them back."

Gart immediately agreed and disappeared.

Du Dian hesitated and said: "Although this method is efficient, it has a shortcoming."

"I know." Greilly said without hesitation, "You don't have to worry, if you encounter other prey along the way, as long as it is lower than the hunting level of twenty-five, I can restrain it alone, and I won't let the mountain The lion died."

Seeing her thinking about this, Du Dian was also relieved, lest he didn't say it, and when such a situation happened, it was his strategy error.

Soon, the three people who had just left to squat came back. An Luo glanced at Du Dian and asked Graili, "Will this be too rash?"

"Just do it like this." Greilly expressed her choice, and said to a young man with a bow behind An Luo: "Shoot it."

This bow-backed young man is the only hunter in the team other than Du Dian, but his ability is not scent tracking, but ultrasonic hearing. What Du Dian and Graily said before has already fallen into his ears. Hearing the words, he nodded slightly. Walking forward for hundreds of meters, he came to a high-end rock and exposed his upper body. He drew his bow and arrow, and quickly aimed at the front. With a whoosh, the arrow flew out.

"Roar!" A painful cry came, especially loud in the silent ruins.

Immediately afterwards, there was the sound of fast-moving hooves, and they ran towards the distance.

Graili, Du Dian and others quickly followed up, and saw half of the bloody monster corpse left on the ground where the mountain lion had stayed before, with internal organs and other organs scattered all over the place.

Everyone only glanced at it, and then quickly followed the direction where the mountain lion left.