The Dark King

Chapter 106: lure out


During the chase, Du Dian finally saw the appearance of the mountain lion, which was similar to the lions he knew, the only difference was the size, with a shoulder height of three to four meters, a strong physique, the body hair like sharp needles, and three forelimb joints , The running posture is like a spider crawling rapidly against the ground.

At this moment, an arrow was stuck at the end of its back, and half of it sank into its body. The severe pain caused the mountain lion to scream and run away in a panic, without any trace of brutality and bloodthirsty.

Du Dian and the others were smeared with walking corpse powder, not afraid of revealing their whereabouts, and followed closely behind the mountain lion, only a few hundred meters away.

"There is a smell ahead." Du Dian also quickly felt the smell around him as he ran. He had smelled these smells early on, but he didn't sound a reminder until he entered the range of twenty miles.


"Eleven o'clock ahead."

Greyley raised her hand and made a gesture upon hearing this.

Gart in the team understood, and his figure disappeared.

After a while, Gate appeared in the team again, saying: "It's a 'dead blood beast'."

Graili said: "Don't worry about it, just keep chasing."

The crowd followed closely behind the mountain lion. When the mountain lion was tired from running, the young hunter would draw an arrow and shoot at it. The arrows were precise and hit every time.

On the way to track, occasionally some monsters with a hunting level of seven to eight appeared, hiding in the dark and attacking Du Di'an and others. The walking corpse powder on them makes them active walking corpses in the eyes of these monsters. Although most monsters have no appetite for ordinary walking corpses, some monsters with a hunting level below ten still like to eat this tender, juicy and delicious food. No food for spiked carapace.

However, under Du Dian's sense of smell and the strong hearing of the young hunter, these lurking monsters were discovered early on, and before they could make a move, they were easily killed by Graili, with clean movements, and the battle was resolved within seconds , completely crushed!

Although the mountain lion has a cruel personality, it was a little panicked when it was attacked suddenly. In its senses, it didn't know that the attack came from a few "walking corpses" behind it. It ran around in a panic and was occasionally shot too far It was so painful that it couldn't help turning around and roaring, but it couldn't see the enemy, so it could only vent its anger on the "walking corpses" behind.

The mountain lion's counterattack was naturally expected by Greilly, Du Dian and others. When it counterattacked, it quickly ran to other areas that it had not passed through. The plan was still in progress, and occasionally it was more efficient.

Two hours later, most of the physical strength of the people was exhausted, so they stopped stimulating the mountain lion immediately and let it stop to rest, and they also sat and rested not far away.

"Such a big commotion, will it scare the black weaver away?" A young man couldn't help but asked, drinking his saliva.

Graley asked, "Are you scared by your own food?"

The young man was choked and speechless.

Du Dian took the water bottle handed by Greilly, thinking that she had drunk it from her mouth, and felt a little uncomfortable. He wiped the mouth of the bottle quietly with his hand, and then lifted the bottle to drink from the air.

Seeing this scene, Greyley sneered and said nothing.

Du Dian returned the bottle to her after drinking, and was about to take a rest. Suddenly, his heart trembled, and the pores of his body shrank slightly. He suddenly smelled a strange stench approaching quietly at a distance of about thirty miles!

This smell was exactly the smell of the black weaver he had smelled from the black fragment earlier!

It finally appeared!

Du Dian was secretly happy that if he could complete this hunting mission earlier, he could go back to continue training earlier, otherwise, every day he stayed in this dangerous area No. 1, there would be a possibility of a change.

He didn't say anything immediately, but waited quietly.

Soon, the smell of the black weaver approached for about twenty-five miles. At this moment, the smell gradually faded away, and the body seemed to disappear.

Du Dian froze for a moment, a little puzzled.

"What?" Greyley looked at him.

Seeing that she noticed her expression, Du Dian said, "It's nothing."

Graili glanced at him, didn't say anything, just sat down to rest on her own, and set her eyes on the mountain lion who stopped and walked slowly in the distance.

A few minutes later, Du Dian suddenly smelled that the smell of the black weaver that had disappeared before appeared again! Moreover, the location where it appeared this time was eight miles away, and the smell was extremely faint, as if he was desperately restraining himself, if it wasn't too close, he could hardly smell it.

"It's approaching... at such a fast speed!" Du Dian was shocked in his heart, knowing that he couldn't wait any longer, and immediately said to Graili: "It has appeared, and it is coming here. The distance is about seven miles, no, it's closer!"

Greli and the other five people were taken aback, and Garter said anxiously: "Why didn't you say earlier, your sense of smell range is not twenty miles!"

Du Dian frowned, and said: "It used some method to hide the smell, and it suddenly appeared seven or eight miles away."

"Get ready." Graley said quickly: "The Black Weaver likes to sneak and attack underground. Dean can smell its smell from about eight miles away. It is already very rare. Everyone prepares for battle, Garrett, you protect Dean .”

Gat and the other four reacted, and thought so. There were hunters in the previous team, but they were still attacked and killed by the black weaver. It can be seen that the sneak attack ability of the black weaver is far beyond their imagination.

Several people drew out their weapons one after another and put their whole body on alert.

Grailly stared at the mountain lion in the distance, and said coldly: "Kill it at all costs, it's best not to keep your hands and make mistakes!"

"Yes." Gat and the others responded immediately with a slight change in their expressions.

At this time, Du Dian smelled the smell of the black weaver had come two miles or so, and the young hunter in the team seemed to have heard the movement, and hurriedly said: "It is about to appear in the direction of four o'clock ahead!"

Grailly stroked the black dagger beside her leg with her fingers, and said in a low voice, "Get ready."

At this time, the mountain lion, which was walking slowly, seemed to notice something, stopped, turned its head to look around, and roared in a low voice, as if it was threatening something. With a puff, the ground beneath it burst open, and a long black sharp blade pierced out, penetrated into the soft belly of the mountain lion, and pulled down.


The liver and other organs fell out bloody, together with the large and small intestines and blood vessels, washed out along with a large amount of blood.

"Roar!" The mountain lion roared angrily, twisting its limbs and trying to struggle, but like a trapped animal in a cage, it struggled weakly.

The ground around it broke one after another, and two or three meters long sharp black thorns shot out from the ground, piercing through the mountain lion's body, as if being nailed to death by several black ground thorns rising from the ground.


A ghostly shadow swayed past.

It was Graley.

With a swipe, she quickly approached the mountain lion, and she didn't see her pull out the dagger, but saw a silver reflection flash in the air, one of the sharp black thorns snapped off, and a light green liquid gurgled out from the break, like blood.