The Dark King

Chapter 108: Battle of the Beast


As the black weaver fell to the ground, everyone finally saw its appearance clearly. It was shaped like a giant spider, with a crawling height of about two meters and a body length of nearly five meters. It had eight black spiked spider legs under its abdomen, each with three legs. The joints are flexible and changeable, and at the front end are two crab-like limbs. Judging from the jagged bumps on the inside of the scythe, it is obvious that the destructive power is extremely terrifying.

All parts of its body are black hard shells, without hair, and its abdomen is extremely bloated, like a spider belly, but at the end, there is a large tail with hard scales, like a thick whip covered with spikes.

When Du Dian saw the black weaver from a distance, he felt a chill in his heart. Just from this hideous and terrifying appearance, he knew that his combat power was extremely terrifying, and he couldn't help worrying about Grailie.


The Black Weaver screamed sharply, full of impatience and anger. At this moment, four of its eight pointed legs were broken, one of which was an old injury, and was still in the process of regrowing. At this moment, the only remaining four pointed legs supported the body, eyeing it like a tiger. stared at Greyley.

Seeing that it finally came out of the soil, Greyley knew that it would not be able to run away for a while, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief, the killing intent that had been accumulated before couldn't stop boiling, his arms shook slightly, and the dagger on the leggings It was sucked into her hand like a magnet, and the action of pulling it out was so fast that it was hard to see clearly, it was obviously already proficient enough to penetrate the bone marrow.

Holding the dagger in both hands, she stared at the black weaver, and approached from the front step by step.

Although she is good at sneak attack and assassination, in this team, there is no existence that can contain the black weaver from the front. She can only take on the role of a warrior and fight head-on from the front!

The two small scarlet eyeballs on the flat head of the Black Weaver fixedly stared at Greyley, and the transparent mucus dripped from the back of his chin. After a moment of stillness, he catapulted out of all four legs and rushed towards Greyley.

The size of the two is completely disproportionate, but Graili's face is extremely cold, without the slightest fear. At the moment the black weaver pounced, he reacted extremely quickly and swayed to the side like an afterimage, quickly took off, and jumped towards the black The weaver's flanks were chopped off.

The black weaver's forward pounce hadn't stopped yet, and at this moment, he was attacked from the side by Greilly, and his body had no time to react. However, its head suddenly turned to the left, and a white filamentous mass ejected from its mouth.

Graili's face changed slightly, her body quickly rotated to release force, changed the direction of the attack, and dodged it in a thrilling manner.

As soon as she avoided the white filamentary object, Graili quickly exerted force on her feet and approached the Black Weaver again. The dagger in her hand quickly slashed at one of its sharp legs on the back of its body. It all seemed just right.

Du Dian's eyes were shining brightly. This Greyley avoided Baisi earlier, not so much to avoid, but to adjust the position, so that the attack again is more accurate and ruthless!

With a bang, the black weaver's sharp legs snapped off and fell down.


The black weaver screamed in pain, like fingernails scratching glass, it was extremely ear-piercing.

Du Dian heard the beating of blood vessels on his forehead, feeling dizzy and having a headache.

However, Graili was not affected at all, and after landing, he rushed forward again, without giving the black weaver a chance to breathe.

The black weaver's body landed on the ground, but he didn't jump up again, but suddenly got down on the ground, and when Greilly attacked again, the tail behind him suddenly swept out.

Graili's face changed when he heard the wind, and he hurriedly dodged sideways, avoiding the danger, and once again distanced himself from the black weaver.

All of this was said at a later time and then quickly, and it only happened in the blink of an eye, and it took only two or three seconds before and after.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

At this time, the arrows of the hunter and archer shot continuously, and one arrow pierced the black weaver, and one of the arrows pierced its eyeball, but the position was slightly off by half a centimeter, piercing the hard shell under the eyeball.

A deviation of just half a centimeter, but the result is very different, which shows how important the accuracy of bows and arrows is.

Du Dian and Gart watched the battle from the sidelines, feeling very sorry.

At this moment, the knight youth and the knife-wielding youth spread out, facing the three different directions of Greyley, and surrounded the black weaver.

The black weaver lay on the ground, looked around, and seemed to feel that it was difficult, and kept screaming like a demonstration.

The knight youth and the knife-wielding youth with injured legs also did not dare to act rashly. They knew that compared with the black weaver, they had no fighting ability at all. Graley is wounded, or in dire straits.

Graley panted slightly, she was not in a hurry to make a move, she was waiting.

The black weaver seemed to be getting irritable. Several legs were broken, and the blood flowed profusely, making it gradually lose its physical energy. If it continued to wait like this, it would only become weaker. It looked around at Greilly and the young knight, as if looking for a suitable opportunity to make a move.

For a while, there was silence in the open space.

A few minutes later, the uneasy black weaver finally couldn't hold back his shot, and rushed towards the young knight next to him.

The young knight's face changed, and he hurriedly backed away, waving his spear warningly.

However, the black weaver jumped in, and the claw-like limbs under his head immediately clamped the spear, and with a click, the sturdy gun shaft was easily snapped off!

Just when it was attacking the young knight, Graili also found an opportunity, immediately shot, and quickly attacked from another direction.

Sensing her approach, the Black Weaver immediately turned his head and bit her back, as if the previous attack on the young knight was just a cover.

The knight youth got out of its attack range, heaved a sigh of relief, hurriedly compressed the range and approached, waving the broken gun barrel, symbolically harassing, distracting the black weaver's attention, so that it can't concentrate on dealing with Greyley .

The shape of Grailly's two calves is a bit bent, not like the straight legs of a normal human body. Because of this, her speed has also reached a terrifying level. Under the bite of the black weaver, her body tossed and turned, and all of them fell apart. Avoiding it is like weightless dust, no matter how fierce the wind and rain are, it cannot be knocked down.


Graili suddenly charged forward, and while the black weaver was being harassed by the knight youth and the knife-wielding youth and turned his head, he slashed at the side of his head. The jagged dent shattered capillaries and veins in rapid tearing, causing massive bleeding.

The Black Weaver let out a scream, and turned his head to bite back, but Greli had already backed away, biting nothing.

Seeing that the harassment worked, the knight youth and the knife-wielding youth were overjoyed, and they harassed harder.

Greilie looked at the huge wound on its neck, and knew that as long as it dragged on, it would bleed profusely and be dying, so it immediately swam around and went up to sneak attack from time to time.