The Dark King

Chapter 121: Fortress in the city


In the sewers under the ruins that have long stopped being repaired, the light is dim and the air is rotten. In the darkness, iron cans or low-pitched attacks sound from time to time. It is impossible to distinguish whether it is caused by the bone-eating rat or other unknown things.

Bailin suppressed her panting, inhaled and exhaled slowly, trying to minimize the movement caused, she looked around vigilantly, years of hunting experience made her understand that the monsters that like to hide in the sewers are not the only monsters that like to hide in the sewers.

Under the interference of darkness, her vision became narrow, and she could only see the outline of things around five meters away. If Du Dian was here, she would be surprised to find that dark vision is not shared by all hunters, and it is also his magic mark One of the attached abilities!

Bailin's ears were pricked up, and she sensed the lurking danger through the subtle movements around her, so she couldn't let herself pant too loudly.


More than 20 meters ahead, the bone-eating mouse suddenly screamed, extremely painful, and the screaming stopped quickly. At the same time, a burst of water splashed, and then quietly fell silent.

Bailin's heart tightened, not sure if it was a few Bone Eaters fighting for food, or something else was hunting Bone Eaters. However, she didn't leave just like that. Monsters who like to eat mice are not much better than themselves, as long as they are careful not to be attacked by surprise.

She leaned against the side of the wall and walked slowly, always keeping an eye out for the ditch next to her, in case something jumped out of the ditch with rat corpses and rotten objects floating in it, and dragged her into it.

After groping forward hundreds of meters in fear like this, she found an open corner. The road here collapsed, and the faint light shone, and the putrid smell nearby was dispelled a lot. Sensing her approach, they all hid. In terms of identifying the strength of the enemy, the weak Bone Eater is even more sensitive than the large monster.

Bailin climbed out of the sewer along the rocks, and the fresh air rushed towards her face. She took a deep breath, looked back, and saw that the group of brain-peckers did not chase after her, so she was relieved and left the street quickly. Came to a nearby building.

There were a few walking corpses locked in the building, and when she saw Bailin roaring and rushing towards her, she didn't even look at it, her one-handed sword slashed out like a whirlwind, and the heads of the walking corpses fell off like autumn wind sweeping fallen leaves.

She found a place to sit down, feeling a little hungry, and suddenly thought that her luggage had been discarded by her, she couldn't help but her face darkened, and the hatred for Du Dian burned again in her heart, and she secretly said: "This kid smells me and throws me away. After getting rid of the brain-peckering beasts, knowing that I am not dead, they should still come after me, and when he comes to the door by himself, it will be his death!"

Thinking of the dead Nick, Lorna, and the others, she couldn't help clenching her fists, "I will avenge you, separate his body, and bury him separately in front of your hunting cemetery."

After a moment of hatred roiling in her heart, she gradually restrained the hatred and thought calmly, "This kid has a lot of evil thoughts. When he reappears, he will definitely think of new insidious methods. If I still use monsters, I will hide in the sewer or go to the adjacent ninth district. However, there are not many monsters that can be used by him. Because the brain-pecker does not eat walking corpses, he smears walking corpse powder and hides in the dark, so it is easier to attract them. Other monsters ate him right away, this is too risky, he probably won't do it a second time."

"If he didn't use monsters and rely on traps alone, he probably didn't know much. Although he killed Gree before, it was purely a sneak attack, not a trap."

"And, from before to now, it can be seen that his effective shooting range is only a mere 100 meters!"

Bailin's eyes were cold and stern. She noticed Du Dian's shooting range a few times before, and she wanted to improve her shooting range. It could not be done in three to five days of training, especially outside the wall, where there were not so many arrows. Yagi Du Dian kept shooting, and the training efficiency was extremely low.

"Within 100 meters, if he sneaks up and shoots an arrow, I can catch up with him in just three seconds and kill him! There was a group of brain-pecker beasts chasing him before, so I had to let him go. If I knew that Nick and the others would still die, I would have killed him." You should fight for serious injuries and kill him!"

There was a tinge of regret in her heart, but she quickly thought again, "He has nothing to do, unless he really thinks stupidly that he can sneak up and shoot me with one arrow. However, instead of waiting for him to attack, I might as well let me He came to attack and took the initiative in his own hands! Strength is weakness, he used Gree's sense of smell to confuse Gree's judgment, I can do the same."

Thinking of this, a plan came to her mind.


Du Dian ran quickly on the street, looking for the police station, and occasionally smelled a monster, so he took a detour to avoid it.

"There are more than a dozen streets, but there are still none. Isn't the police station of this city in District 7?" Du Dian frowned tightly, and suddenly, he saw a high barrier standing in an open place in front of him, about three or four Ten meters high and hundreds of meters across, the middle part has collapsed, whether it was washed by the disaster rain or baptized by the flames of war.

"Fortress?" Du Dian was taken aback.

Although it was covered with vines, its appearance left a deep impression on him.

Three hundred years ago, when the disaster broke out, countries all over the world built large-scale defensive fortresses in their cities of refuge. These fortresses are located at the entrances of various refuges in the city, and they are also the second line of defense after the national defense is breached.

Now that time has passed, the old people died early, and the once tenacious and strong fortress has also been mottled.

Du Dian was silent. After a while, he suddenly thought of something and quickly ran towards the fortress.

As he was getting closer to the fortress, Du Dian suddenly saw traces of artillery bombs everywhere on the ground. On one of the skeletons, the army green clothing had faded and faded, and he was still holding a machine gun in his hand!

Under the corrosion of rainwater in the open air, the machine gun was stained with rust. Although the steel of the machine gun itself was anti-rust, the nuclear radiation in the rainwater was too severe, and other components in the steel had long been destroyed and deformed.

When Du Dian saw the machine gun, he was pleasantly surprised. This defensive fortress really has a lot of ammunition!

Picking up the machine gun, Du Dian gently broke the barrel of the gun, and he pulled out the bullet chain behind the machine gun. There were faint traces of raindrops on the bullets. He glanced at it twice, and quickly unscrewed the back cap of the bullet. There was dark gunpowder inside, but it couldn't be poured out. It was infiltrated by moisture and hardened in the bullet case.

Regrettably, Du Dian dropped the string of bullets and continued to move forward, ready to search inside the fortress.

Along the way, bones piled up all over the place, all of which were so thick that even the bone-eating rats didn't bother to bite them. Some of the bones contained small patterned snakes, and their tails were exposed from the gaps between the ribs, living inside.

"Tank?" Du Dian suddenly saw a large object under the fortress covered with moss, but the long gun barrel was still visible. It was a tank, but at the moment it was turned over, and the tank was full of bones. It is not difficult to imagine the fierceness of the past battle situation.