The Dark King

Chapter 122: Free Cities


Du Dian came to the tank and looked up and down. The paint on the surface of the tank had peeled off, and the heavy machine gun on the top cover was covered with moss and dust, like a layer of stone sculpture.

"I don't know if the parts inside are rotten." Du Dian's eyes flashed, he climbed onto the tank, picked up the heavy machine gun that had been clogged with dust, threw it on the ground aside, lifted the tank cover, and jumped in.


As soon as it fell, a hoarse roar came from behind.

Du Dian had already smelled it, and the dagger quickly turned back and pierced into the throat of the young walking corpse in army green clothing. He had brown hair and scarlet green eyes like other walking corpses. Judging from his appearance, he was a foreigner. people.

"Giggle..." A voice like drowning came from the walking corpse's throat, and he fell limply.

Du Dian noticed that the faded national emblem on his military uniform belonged to a Western American country. He was a little puzzled, but he quickly thought of a place - the Free City State.

When disaster strikes, the Western capitalist empire is the first to be devastated. At that time, a large number of Western refugees were transported to Asia and entered the territory of northern Russia. At that time, countries all over the world united front, helped each other, and the law of accepting the upper limit of refugees had long been abolished. At least tens of millions of Western refugees were sent to Russia for no other reason. Russia’s territory is the largest in Asia, and Russia’s native population is not Not much, the land area has a lot of waste, which can accommodate so many refugees.

Secondly, there are a large number of air defense tunnels built by the former Soviet Union in Russia, which are also excellent choices for shelters.

"Could it be that after I fell asleep, my father sent the freezer into the Free City?" Du Dian thought of the types of buildings he saw from outside the wall, and felt more and more likely, "Could it be that the Free City built such a building?" The giant wall, my father felt that it was safer inside this giant wall, so he sent me here? However, I remember that when I was sleeping, the so-called free city was still a place where refugees gathered and was barren. How could it be possible to build a huge wall? "

"Even if it can be made, it should be made in an area with abundant materials, and the place where refugees are resettled is poor in materials, and transportation alone is very time-consuming."

Du Dian thought of the huge wall that was difficult to see when looking up, and another idea came to his mind, "Is this huge wall... really made by us humans?"

He trembled slightly in his heart, feeling that he still knew too little. At this time, a sense of hunger came from his stomach again, and he came to his senses. It was not the time to worry about this problem, so he immediately kicked away the corpse of the walking corpse and inspected the inside of the tank.

With just a glance, Du Dian was disappointed to find that the inside of the tank had long been deserted, and the damage caused by three hundred years was too terrible.

Leaving the tank, Du Dian continued to sneak into the fortress.

With the sense of smell, you can sense the sleeping corpses everywhere along the way, if you can avoid them, you can avoid them, and if you can't avoid them, you can directly touch them and kill them.

"I didn't expect that these walking corpses would also sleep." Such a thought flashed in Du Dian's mind.

Soon, he came to the inside of the fortress. The light inside was dim, but it didn't affect his sight at all.


A walking corpse jumped out from around the corner.

Du Dian had been prepared for a long time, and the dagger advanced, pierced its face precisely, and nailed it to the wall.

After absorbing hundreds of cold crystals, he felt that his physique was no less than that of other junior hunters. When the dark girl and the others escaped for their lives, he found that he could steadily keep up with their speed. You know, the dark girl and the others ran away in fright, and their speed had already exceeded the limit. It can be seen that his physique is even stronger than theirs.

However, if it is a frontal battle, Du Dian is still not sure, after all, his fighting experience is too little.

Moreover, through this sneak attack and hunting, he has realized that the battle is not simply a competition of hard data such as speed and strength of the two sides. After all, no one is stupid enough to fight head-to-head with you with a knife and a gun.

Terrain, weather, mood, etc. are all factors that affect the battle, and even cause a reversal effect!

After drawing out the dagger, Du Dian continued to walk along the dark corridor, looking for a place to store the ammunition.

With a squeak, a room was pushed open, and the three sleeping corpses in it raised their heads slightly, gradually waking up.

Du Dian didn't give them a chance to react, and quickly approached. The dagger pierced through one of the heads, and while drawing the knife, he turned around and stabbed the other quickly. Just as the walking corpse opened its mouth and was about to roar, it was pierced by a dagger and died instantly.

At this time, the other walking corpse was fully awake, roaring and waving its teeth and claws.

Du Dian quickly jumped up, bent over to avoid its claws, and quickly stabbed out the dagger.

With a puff, it hit with one blow. The walking corpse trembled and gradually fell down.

Du Dian exhaled, feeling a little cold sweat in his palms, and at the same time a little excited in his heart.

After getting rid of the walking corpses, Du Dian looked at the room, and suddenly found that it was a room for commanding operations. The military emblems on the shoulders of the walking corpses were all gold stars, which should be at the level of major generals.

His eyes were quickly attracted to a map on the desktop. The map was spread out very large. It was an old Asian map. Although many parts of the map were covered by dust from the roof and water stains from rats crawling. Destroyed, but the general outline can still be seen.

"In this way, this place is likely to be in the territory of Russia in Asia." Du Dian thought to himself, and suddenly thought that there should be such a fortress in other areas that have been cleaned, and the map inside should be used by scavengers. After taking it back, those people inside the wall should know how vast the real world is.

"The things that are picked up and brought back into the wall are handed over to the "Elemental Temple" for evaluation, and the Elemental Temple seems to be inextricably linked with the Holy See of Light. It's just that the military part of the giant wall has nothing to do with it..." Du Dian's eyes showed a bit of thought, "The Temple of Elements should have a lot of things, or in other words, the high-level of the giant wall should have a lot of things, but some things have not been announced. Come out, why? Just because these things blaspheme belief in God? "

He frowned, wondering if he wanted to use faith to educate ordinary people, but religion still existed in the old days, and the country was well managed.

Shaking his head, Du Dian didn't continue to think deeply, put away the map, turned around and continued to search for other places in the fortress.

Half an hour later, he finally found the arsenal of the fortress.

"This, so many..." Du Dian looked at the neatly stacked firearms, mines, grenades and other ammunition, and was pleasantly surprised. This fortress is simply a big treasure house!