The Dark King

Chapter 17: Survival teaching


Time flies, and three months have passed in a blink of an eye.

In these three months, in addition to the long-distance running endurance training that cannot be shaken every day, it is the "survival teaching course". "Collect resources"!

This is also the basic ability that scavengers must master!

"Foraging" is subdivided into several homework, namely "water source", "shelter", "obtaining food", and "survival".

Each course contains a wide range of content. The first is the "Water Source" course, which talks about finding water sources in different environments. These environments are divided into four categories: jungles, deserts, mountains, and swamps!

Finding water in the jungle is the easiest, but there are dangers lurking in the jungle. How to avoid these dangers is what is taught in the "Survival" course.

In addition to looking for water sources, there are also water source filtration, as well as testing of different water quality and so on.

Obviously, scavengers not only need to survive outside the giant wall, but also need to collect water samples from different places and bring them back to the giant wall for research. The entire Sylvia wall is a huge and solid shelter!

In addition to "foraging", "collecting resources" is also subdivided into four major subjects, with a huge amount of knowledge, namely "mining", "collecting herbs", "geological survey", and "exploring secrets".

Any one of them is a course that a single college specializes in outside!

That is to say, any one of them needs three years of study in an outside college, and only those who are smart and hardworking can graduate! But here, you must learn all of them in just three years!

Only by mastering all of them can we meet the requirements that Tuobu said and be able to live!

For Du Dian in these three months, the most difficult thing is not the eight courses, but the endurance training and the physical training of the "mining" course. Every time it is as difficult as death, but his progress in the past three months, It is also extremely obvious. From the initial 30-minute five laps on the first day, after a week, it reached 20 minutes and five laps, and after half a month, it reached 15 minutes and five laps!

It wasn't until a month later that he was given the right to have breakfast, still the last of the last children!

And the two breakfast opportunities he got at the beginning were used by him on the second day and half a month respectively, which helped him survive.

The continuous surmounting of the speed is not only because the sequelae of the freezer are gradually disappearing, but the most important thing is his own willpower, which has allowed him to survive the state of being tired to the point of coma again and again.

In the second month, the sequelae of the freezer were completely eliminated. Normally, it would take another three or four months to completely eliminate, but this month's super-intensive exercise accelerated the process. After the aftereffects of the freezer were completely eliminated, his speed immediately improved astonishingly, and he was able to steadily reach the top ten in the daily endurance training!

By the third month, he was already in the top three!

This astonishing speed of progress made other children look at him with admiration, especially Macon and two other children who lived in the same room with Du Dian, who nicknamed him "Mad Cow"! In the quiet library, Du Dian stood in front of the legal bookshelves, holding a primer on the basics of the law in his hand, and read it quietly. Since the beginning of the third month, he has taken ten minutes to come to the library every day to study law. Fa, this is the longest time he can squeeze out.

"Dean, why are you going to read the law again? I asked the teacher to say that there is an exam today. Let us review it quickly. If we fail, we will be eliminated." In front of a geological bookshelf next to him, Macon looked Then he touched Du Dian in front of the law bookshelf, a little speechless.

Du Dian made a gesture: "Shh!" He kept his eyes fixed and continued to read the basic legal science in his hand intently.

Soon, ten minutes passed. Although he just saw half a paragraph, he closed the book and put it back, turned around and returned to the grass bookshelf, skillfully took out a book called "The Complete Book of Plants" and flipped through it, reviewing it quickly. Once again, after confirming that nothing was missed, he put it on the bookshelf and turned to leave.

"Dean!" Macon quickly caught up and said, "What do you think will be tested in today's exam?"

"I don't know." Du Dian said truthfully.

"I hope I don't take the geological survey test, I haven't had time to learn it yet." Macon rolled his eyes and said with a smile: "How about this, if it happens that I will, I will help you, if you will, How about you help me?"

Du Dian said unhappily: "Our little trick, let's not think about cheating."

"Try it, just do it secretly." Macon said with a bitter face: "I don't want to be eliminated. Didn't the teacher say that those who are eliminated will lose their qualifications to be guards, and the cost of special training during this period is all I have to pay by myself, my family can’t afford such an expensive fee.”

Du Dian shrugged and said he could do nothing.

Indeed, on the third day of the special training, Tob said these words, but Du Dian already knew that this training camp was to select guards in name, but in fact it was training scavengers, so the eliminated people , Most of them will still become guards, and Tuobu's words are equivalent to three hundred taels of silver here, which confirms Du Dian's guess.

Of course, for other children, this is undoubtedly a bad news!

It was these words that made many children who wanted to give up a long time ago gritted their teeth and persisted.

Soon, the two arrived at the school grounds before the specified time. There were already many people gathered here, discussing in low voices, as if they were guessing what the topic of the exam would be.

Not long after, Tob appeared punctually. Before he appeared, everyone had stood neatly and meticulously. Of course, many people learned this through kicking their stomachs.

However, this time Tob didn’t appear alone, and there was a slender and tall figure beside her. She was a girl in her early twenties, with a wheat complexion, and her face had long been out of childishness, full of mature and sexy charm, without losing her own age With a youthful atmosphere and a faint smile on his face, many children in their teens opened their mouths slightly and were a little stunned.

In fact, the phenomenon of prematurity is not unique to this world. Even in the old days, children in their teens knew much more about certain aspects than adults thought. In this world, thirteen-year-olds It is the legal age of marriage. If you are not married at the age of twenty, you are already the age of "hate marriage". After all, under the corrosion of radiation, it is not easy for most people to live to be sixty years old.

Sensing the dryness in the eyes of some older children, Tob sneered coldly, and said in a consistent low tone: "Through these three months of training, you rubbish have barely qualified as basic guards. Starting today, every six months Every month, there will be a big exam, but all the losers will be eliminated!"

All the children showed vague tension on their faces.

Du Dian also realized that this exam was by no means a simple knowledge test. Soon, Tob's words confirmed his thoughts: "This exam is very simple. Instructor Chris will send you to a place later. You only need to survive there for ten days to qualify!"