The Dark King

Chapter 18: desert


"Survive for ten days?" All the children were taken aback. Although Tob said it was "simple", after three months of being together, everyone already knew what he meant by "simple". No one expected that the assessment this time was not the kind of pen and ink test they had imagined, but a personal practice!

Obviously, if you want to survive for ten days, you must master all four courses in the "foraging" category!

Soon, someone figured it out.

As long as there is a water source, the limit of the human body's hunger strike is seven to fifteen days. If the willpower is extremely tenacious, it is possible to live for a month. In other words, they only need to find a way to find a water source, and there is hope to pass!

If you are lucky enough to find some food, you will have no problem staying through ten days!

Thinking about it this way, many children's confidence has greatly increased.

Du Dian frowned slightly, and he was not very optimistic in his heart. With Tuobu's style, he would never give such a simple test.

"Children, come with me." At this time, the "Chris" woman standing next to Tobu smiled and said: "Sister will take you to a fun place, I'm sure you will like it."

When some big boys heard her words, their eyes lit up.

"Line up." Chris smiled and turned to lead the way.

All the children stood side by side in a long line. Under the leadership of Chris, they soon came to the side of the school field. There were dozens of large black carriages parked here, and each carriage was the same as when Du Dian was brought here. Like a carriage, the carriage can accommodate seven or eight adults, and if it is a child, ten are more than enough.

"Let's all get in the car." Chris pursed her lips and smiled.

The drivers of these carriages are all young men in standard soft armor, including the young man in standard soft armor who drove Du Dian over.

"Dean, come here." Macon greeted Du Dian in front of a carriage.

Du Dian took a look and walked over.

Apart from Macon, the other two children who lived in the same room as him were also in the carriage. Obviously, under Macon's call, they all got together and prepared to take care of each other in the next test. After all, people in the same room are the most trustworthy.

"Hey, the curtains here are all sewn." Macon was about to lift the curtains and look out, and immediately noticed this.

Du Dian suddenly had a bad feeling in his heart. Could it be that the venue for this outside the huge wall

The slightly shaking carriage, the sound of iron hooves trampling on the ground, Du Dian closed his eyes, listened and calculated silently. It has been 20 minutes since he left the school grounds. The noise outside gradually quieted down. It was obvious that the carriage had driven into a remote place, and the journey was silent.

After the silence lasted for half an hour, the speed of the carriage gradually stopped.

After coming to a complete stop, Du Dian slowly opened his eyes, and a gleam of light flashed in his eyes, "There are 28 turns, and there are three short stops in the middle, it should be an inspection, and the route should be heading west..."

In his mind, he repeatedly recalled the route he felt before. The speed of this carriage is very fast, so the feeling is very obvious when turning, and he can feel whether it is a left turn or a right turn.

If that Chris knew what Du Dian was thinking at this moment, she would definitely be stunned. Although it is not difficult to do this, other children can do it as long as they pay attention. However, from the moment they entered the carriage, the psychological oppression caused by the black closed environment, as well as the pressure brought by the first test, made all the children feel uneasy and worried. How could they calm down and pay attention to these things? To brutally terrible calm!

Most importantly, this calmness appeared in a child!

With a click, the carriage was pulled away, and Du Dian immediately knew that this time it was not an inspection, but the final destination!

All the children quickly got off from the carriages, looking eagerly at the place where they were about to survive for ten days, and the next moment, all the children were stunned.

In front of him was...a desert!

That's right, a desert with only grains of sand! !

Survive ten days in the desert? !

All kids want to squirt blood.

Du Dian jumped off the carriage and saw the endless hot desert, he couldn't help sighing deeply. Sure enough, the "simple" that Tuobu said could never be so "simple"!

"Children!" Chris clapped her hands, attracting the attention of all the children, with a charming smile on her face, "Next, you will survive here. If anyone can't hold on, just go to the ground Draw an "X" sign and you will be rescued. Of course, while being rescued, it also means being eliminated. Similarly, it also means that one's own family must pay for the special training expenses during this period. I believe you already know about this cost. Just work hard! "

Having said that, she blinked her eyes and said, "I wish you all good luck. By the way, this first test is the easiest." After speaking, she turned around and jumped onto a black horse nearly three meters high. , This black horse has pure hair, and it is the same breed as the horse that Du Dian has seen to pull carts for hunters.

Obviously, this also represents Chris's identity, and she is probably a hunter!

Du Dian squinted his eyes, quietly watching Chris whip and gallop away, and the rest of the carriages also turned around, keeping the formation and galloping away, raising dust all over the sky, gradually disappearing from the sight of all the children .

For a time, there were only more than 300 children left in the vast desert.

"Hey, how do you live like this!"

"This is murder!!"

"I knew it, it's not that simple..."

After Chris and the others led the carriage away, the children present immediately shouted angrily.

"Everyone! Everyone!" A tall and well-built child in the crowd shouted: "We must unite and find the water source first. As long as we find the water source, we can survive. Unity is powerful!" Obviously, this child adapts very well. quick.

When the other children heard his words, they stopped complaining. Some responded to his words, and some began to think about how to survive in the next ten days. In the previous three months of special training, everyone learned Don't try to reason with Tuobu, because you use your mouth and the other party uses your fists!

"Dean, let's go with them." Macon said to Du Dian. Since the first day of drying the bed boards, he gradually got used to asking Du Dian for advice. In their room, although he was the last The one with appeal, but the most authoritative one, is undoubtedly Du Dian.

"No, the four of us can do it together." Du Dian shook his head without thinking.

Macon asked in astonishment, "Why?"

The other two children were also full of puzzlement. Unity is powerful. This is the absolute truth, and the content taught in the course is also: in a harsh environment, only by uniting can there be hope for survival!

However, the prestige established by Du Dian in the past three months prevented them from questioning immediately.

"If there are many people, it is easy to find water sources, but this is a desert, not a jungle or a swamp. Water sources are scarce here. Even if they are found, they can only supply the needs of some people. In the end, they will inevitably collapse due to uneven distribution of resources." Du Dian said directly.

Macon and the other two children were startled, but immediately came to their senses.

"Let's go, a lot of time has been wasted." Du Dian looked, found a direction, and walked first.