The Dark King

Chapter 37: Two blessings


Du Dian counted the time, and waited for about ten minutes after Jenny left before going around the garden path. It didn't take long before they came to the banquet hall, and hearty laughter was heard from a distance. The door of the banquet hall was completely open, and it seemed that the banquet had ended, and nobles came out in groups of three or four.

Du Dian didn't expect that the time when he came out happened to be the end of the banquet, and he secretly thanked the mosquito that he slapped to death for being bitten in time. He did not enter the banquet hall again, but walked towards the outside of the manor along the path next to the main road. When he reached the middle of the main road, he saw that there were no nobles on the road, so he ran over immediately, pretending to come out of the banquet hall, and prepared to return look.

After a while, when they came outside the manor, there were only seven or eight of the large number of noble carriages parked here before.

Seeing that Pete's carriage was still there, Du Dian breathed a sigh of relief and walked over.

There was no one in the carriage, apparently Pete hadn't come out yet.

Du Dian got into the carriage first and waited inside.

Not long after, Pate came back drunk and swayed back. When he got in the car, he saw Du Dian sitting in it, and said with a tongue anesthetized by alcohol: "You, why are you here, come on, have another drink, I have admired your family's name for a long time..." After finishing speaking, he swayed and bent down, and knelt down to Du Dian in the carriage.

Du Dian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and quickly helped him up, saying: "You drink too much, come and sit down for a while."

"My lord, I will definitely follow your lord's orders..." Pate spoke vaguely, but obediently leaned against the carriage and sat down.

Du Dian looked at the smirk on his drunken face, sighed, lifted the curtain, and said to the driver: "Go back."

"Yes, my lord." The coachman said respectfully, then shook the rope, and the carriage started to run.

The second floor of the banquet hall.

The party is over, and now the guests of each family have dispersed, and the servants are cleaning up the garbage left in the hall. And the owner of this ancient castle, the members of Master Mel's family, returned to their respective rooms to rest.

At the moment in a luxurious room on the second floor.

Melshaya sat on her big soft goose feather bed, her little feet were dangling by the bed, her white and tender calves were slender and slender, she held a book of exquisitely covered poems in her hand, and said with a smile: "I didn't expect your cousin to invite you to Thailand. Master Zha wrote poems, although the lines are a bit sad, but they are still as beautiful as ever. I believe that in a few days, this "Girl's Sorrow" will be spread all over the streets and alleys from the mouths of bards. At that time, who Everyone will know that this poem was written for me, hehe."

When she was talking, she looked up, but saw another slender and graceful figure of her age in the room, sitting at her desk at some point, with a quill pen on it, as if writing something, she couldn't help being surprised.

"Little girl, what are you writing?" Melshaya jumped off the bed, slipped her smooth white feet into the pink slippers with a bear pattern, came to the back of the girl at the desk, and stretched her head to look.

"How to make you meet me..."

"In my most beautiful moments..."

"For this, I have prayed to God for five hundred years..."

Melshaya involuntarily read the content written by the girl lightly, a little crazy.

The girl's quill calligraphy is slender and graceful, extremely beautiful. When she finishes writing the last stroke, she reads it quickly from the beginning, and only after confirming that there are no mistakes or omissions, she puts the quill back in satisfaction, blows the paper to dry gently, folds it and puts it away .

"It grows by the road you must pass..." Mel Shaya whispered softly, her little eyes were slightly teary, she came back to her senses, and seeing the girl put away the paper, she couldn't help saying: "Xiao Ni Son, you wrote this poem? Didn’t you learn the rigid law, and you can still compose poems?”

If Du Dian saw this girl, he would be surprised. It was the Jenny he saw in the garden.

Jenny carefully put away the origami, stuck out her tongue at her, and said, "I don't have such skills, it was written by someone else and given to me."

Melshaya was taken aback, and immediately hooked her neck savagely, humming and said: "Be honest, who gave it to you? This is a confession poem. It is so well written that I can't help falling down." Tears, if there is a knight who is willing to write such a poem for me, I will marry him immediately!"

Jenny blushed and said, "It's not what you think."

"Hmph!" Melshaya squinted her eyes and said, "Be honest! I remember, I was going to look for you at the banquet, but you disappeared. You must have sneaked out, although I know you don't like these things very much. The occasion, but today is my birthday, as my best friend, you didn't even give me a blessing, it's too rude!"

"Who said I didn't bless you." Jenny smiled slyly, stretched out her palm, and a scarlet gemstone necklace fell from her little hand. The gold necklace and pure natural gemstones are definitely top-notch works of art. I know you like this string of "blazing flames". This is the only one made by Bit master of our Bron family. "

Mel Shaya's eyes lit up, and she raised her snow-white chin and said, "You are considered a friend, but don't think that you can hide from the sharp eyes of my Miss Mel, tell me honestly, who is the guy who ate gentian , how dare to secretly show affection to you at my banquet."

Jenny chuckled and said, "Speaking of which, I have to thank you."

"Thank me?" Melshaya was taken aback.

"He didn't know that this banquet was mainly to celebrate your birthday, so he sneaked out without any presents. Just as I wanted to go for a walk, I was bumped into by him." Jenny blushed slightly, and said, "I will come later." When he left, he gave me this poem."

Melshaya was dumbfounded.

The next moment, the busy servants in the castle heard a loud cry of grief, and the direction of the sound came from the eldest lady's room on the second floor. For a moment, the servants and guards looked at each other.

In front of the old castle where he stayed temporarily, Du Dian got off the car and asked the driver to send Pete back to the Scavengers headquarters under the Mellon Consortium.

At this moment, the night was dark, and Macon and others had already gone to sleep. Except for the guards at the gate, the maids and domestic servants in the castle had already rested. Du Dian returned to his room and lay on the bed. Many things he encountered today appeared in his mind, including the anger and aggrieved by being humiliated, and the joy and beauty brought by the beautiful girl. He thought about it and gradually fell asleep .

The next day, as soon as Du Dian woke up early in the morning, he saw Pete coming to the castle quickly, carrying a small wooden box in his hand.

"Good morning, Mr. Pate." Du Dian greeted him, a little surprised in his heart, he didn't expect to be so drunk last night, and he recovered after one night.

Pate smiled and said, "I drank too much last night. I heard from the coachman that you were the one who sent me back."

"This is what it should be." Du Dian looked at the small box in his hand and wondered, "What is this?"

Pete put the box on the table in the living room, opened the box, and inside were syringes that Du Dian had seen before, and immediately knew that Pete was here to give them "God's blessing."

"I just transferred it yesterday, and I didn't have time to give it to you. I don't need to introduce this thing anymore. You have one for each of you, Dean. You have two, one is the basic distribution, and the other is your first month. Received, on the day of next month, the second copy will be issued to you." Pete said with a smile.

Du Dian asked: "Can I take it back and use it myself?"

"Of course not." Pate shook his head and said, "This is the power given by the Holy See instead of God. It must be used under the witness of witnesses. This is the rule. I will send these here as your witnesses."

Du Dian was a little regretful, and wanted to take a copy back to study, but that's okay, he doesn't have any instruments in his hands now, and he can't research anything.

"Come on, I'll use it for you first." Pete said, picking up the syringe from the box.

Du Dian was a little worried, and said, "This... is there any sequelae?"

Pate put on a straight face, and said: "I'll just listen to what I said, and you can't talk nonsense outside in the future, you are questioning the God of Light."

Du Dian naturally understands this, so the wording is tactful enough, instead of asking directly, will there be any side effects.

"Don't worry, this is something bestowed by the God of Light. Not only is it permanent, but none of the scavengers who used it had any adverse reactions." After blaming Du Dian, Pete answered his words.

Du Dian was stunned for a moment, but he didn't say anything, but he was secretly surprised. Could it be that the Holy See of Light can create a perfect genetic medicine? In this way, wouldn't it be possible to mass-produce waste pickers

At this time, Pete plunged the syringe into his arm, and Du Dian felt no pain, only a little numbness in his arm. Soon, the red liquid in the syringe was pushed and injected into the body.

Du Dian only felt a heat, which suddenly spread from the whole body. When it spread to the limbs, a violent heat flow rushed to the brain in vain, as if all the blood in the whole body was blowing into the brain. He couldn't help roaring, the heat flow immediately After retreating, it flowed into the limbs again, making the limbs extremely painful, as if they were about to be torn apart, he gritted his teeth and held back howling in pain.

Soon, the enthusiasm faded like a tide. Du Dian looked up and immediately felt the difference. His vision was very sensitive, and he could see the pores on the face of Pete at a glance.

Du Dian thought of the power that Lorian had gained, and immediately jumped in place.

With a whirring sound, Du Dian felt as if he was flying, and jumped to the top of Pete's head, with the soles of his feet standing at least two meters on the ground. He fell back to the ground, raised his hand and grabbed the chair next to him, and suddenly felt as light as catkins, and could wave it at will.

"Okay, let's try it out later, there's one more." Pete said with a smile.

Du Dian looked at the second syringe he picked up, and couldn't help asking: "What will happen if you inject all of these, will it become infinitely powerful?"

Pate smiled slightly and said, "Of course not. The first injection will have a very significant effect, but the more you inject, the weaker the effect will be."

Although Du Dian expected this, he still had some regrets. If it could grow exponentially, then the Bright Holy See, which mastered these genetic medicines, would be a monster-like existence.

However, thinking of this, he suddenly felt chills in his heart. They were just scavengers, but they possessed such terrifying power. How terrifying should those hunters be

Soon, Pete injected the second injection into Du Dian's arm, and the heat flow surged from his body again, but this time it was not as strong as before. Du Dian only felt a slight tearing pain, and the heat flow sank.

Du Dian looked again, and immediately felt that his vision was much clearer, and his strength was probably improved a lot. He thought to himself, even if a tiger was in front of him, he might be able to kill it, right

"Go ahead and call others over." Pete said with a smile.

Du Dian left immediately and called Macon and others.

Not long after, everyone was injected. For a moment, the entire castle was extremely noisy in the morning, and everyone was jumping around, experiencing the incredible power in their bodies.

After Pete left, Du Dian returned to his room, packed up and saluted, and prepared to return to the residential area.

The three of Macon were a little surprised and persuaded one after another.

"We can live for free for three days, and you are leaving today?"

"We plan to go to the lively street market nearby today!"

"Why go back in such a hurry, it's rare to have such an opportunity."

Du Dian has made up his mind. After saying goodbye to them, he called the carriage and went to the civilian area.

The carriage directly sent him to No. 108 Linkang Street in the civilian area. Du Dian jumped out of the carriage and paid sixty copper coins. Ninety of the one hundred copper coins given by the Juras were still kept.

At this time, Du Dian suddenly saw another carriage parked at the door, and couldn't help being surprised. Could it be that there are guests at home

He went around the carriage and pushed open the white guardrail outside the door. As soon as he came to the door, he heard the sound of arguing inside. He couldn't help being taken aback, and immediately raised his hand to knock on the door.

Soon, the door was opened, and it was Jula who opened the door. She glanced at Du Dian strangely and said, "Who are you?"

After three years of scavengers training, Du Dian's appearance has also undergone tremendous changes. His body is much stronger than before, and his skin color is not so pale, but tanned to wheat color, so that Jula didn't recognize him for a while.

"Auntie, it's me." Du Dian said.

Jura couldn't help opening her eyes wide when she heard this voice that didn't change much, and said in disbelief, "You're Dean?!"

Du Dian chuckled: "The training is over, I'm back."

Jula's eyes turned red immediately, she hugged Du Dian into her arms, and said: "You are back, you are finally back, your uncle and I are worried every day, lest you have an accident there, it's okay..." Speaking of this, Immediately pushed Du Dian away, looked him up and down, and was relieved when he saw that his hands and feet were intact.

Seeing her exaggeration, Du Dian smiled, but felt a little warm in his heart, and said, "I wanted to bring you some special products from the business district, but I didn't have any money, so I didn't buy them."

"Silly boy, just come back, and bring some special products." Zhu La smiled and stroked Du Di'an's hair and said, "I haven't seen you for three years. You have grown so tall. You lived there..."

"Gianni, don't go too far!" At this moment, an angry voice came from the living room, and Du Dian immediately recognized that it was Gray's voice.

Jula's face changed, and she hurried back to the living room.