The Dark King

Chapter 39: Alchemy Apprentice


"So much?" The Juras were stunned.

One silver coin is equal to one hundred copper coins, and Gray's monthly salary is only about two silver coins. As for Jura, the salary is a little higher, but it is only about three silver coins. Unless the rich or the lord occasionally visits the rich or the lord, they will get some extra commission. Ten silver coins are basically equivalent to their two months' salary.

"What do you want so much money for?" Gray frowned.

"The mission needs it, and I will return it to you after the mission is over." Du Dian said seriously.

Jura and Gray looked at each other, and said helplessly: "Okay, I will pay you as a celebration fee, but you must promise me that you will not use it to do bad things."

Du Dian breathed a sigh of relief, and he also knew that the money was really quite a lot, and the Juras could give it to him entirely because of his status as a guard, otherwise ordinary children would not be able to ask their parents for two months Salary, and did not say why.

the next day.

With ten silver coins in his pocket, Du Dian went out early in the morning and came to the adventurer's market in the southern district of the residents.

Whether it is a slum area, a residential area, or a commercial area, it is divided into four areas, east, west, north, south, each area is extremely vast, and Linkang Street, where Du Dian lives, is located in the southeast area of the residential area. The so-called adventurer's bazaar is a free trade bazaar for civilians other than the chamber of commerce with a formal business license. The goods here are all the supplies that the common people found from the outer edge of the living area, near the huge wall.

In that outer edge, the nuclear radiation in the air is dense, and only some adventurers are willing to go there. However, the career of an adventurer often does not last long. They usually retire after working a few times, and use the money they earn to support their eroded bodies and slowly retire.

However, Du Dian didn't have to worry about the nuclear radiation there. He checked the information and found that the black standard soft armor he received was made of lead material. Lead is a metal with extremely high density, which can effectively resist radiation and can come in and out at will. The outer edge area close to the giant wall, after all, compared with the outside of the giant wall, the radiation in the outer edge area is not worth mentioning at all.

However, although there is uniform protection, after all, you will breathe the polluted air there, and the outer edge is too far away from the living area, hiring a horse-drawn carriage used to be a lot of money, and there are also radiation-corroded animals lurking there , very dangerous, Du Dian didn't bother to waste time to go there in person.

With the carriage money of five copper coins, Du Dian came to the adventurer's market. There are so many carriages here and there, it is very lively. You can hear the noise of selling from a distance, and the cloth blankets on the ground are filled with All kinds of things, some are clothes and doll toys made by others, some are stones of strange colors, and some are dried rare animal bacon.

Du Dian walked along the aisle.

Half an hour later, Du Dian finally found a few pieces of rough sulfur ore and saltpeter like white ice crystals in front of a booth. As for the charcoal powder, he can make it himself without wasting money to buy it.

The boss is a middle-aged man with a dark complexion and dry body, with disheveled hair, sunken eye sockets, and some red spots on his hands, as if he has contracted some disease. Still inadvertently exposed.

When Du Dian saw it, he knew that the radiation value in this person's body was extremely high, and he probably didn't live well for a few years, unless he was treated by the Holy See of Light.

After some bargaining, Du Dian finally bought all the saltpeter and sulfur ore on his booth at the price of one silver coin and twenty copper coins. Among them, saltpeter was more valuable and cost one silver coin.

"This sulfur mine has to be refined by itself. After the refined sulfur is ground into powder, it should only be enough for a pack of explosives. In addition, when you go out to scavenge, it is forbidden to carry other things with you except food and basic weapons. I don’t have much black powder, so let’s buy some for now.” Du Dian thought in his mind.

"Little guy, these things are quite heavy. Did you call for a carriage, or did your adults come to help you pick them up? Do you want me to carry them for you?" The black and thin middle-aged man smiled after receiving the money.

"No need." Du Dian picked up the linen bag casually, and the heavy weight of about twenty catties inside was as light as nothing in his hand. He turned around and left, and continued to look for grinding tools.

The black and thin middle-aged man slightly opened his mouth wide and blinked his eyes.

Not long after, Du Dian bought some basic tools for alchemy at other stalls. In the eyes of ordinary people, the functions of these tools have nothing to do with alchemy, but ordinary work tools, such as the stone wheel used by Du Dian to grind sulfur, which is usually used by doctors to grind hard medicines.

After buying almost everything, Du Dian went to the market to find out what supplies there are. If you need anything in the future, you can come here to buy directly. At noon, Du Dian turned and left, ready to go back to eat.

"Boss, you can sell this broken stone to me for a copper coin, please!" Suddenly, a young boy's voice sounded.

Du Dian turned his head and saw a burly boy half a head shorter than himself standing in front of a booth next to him, holding a small linen bag in his hand, and holding a rough black stone the size of a fist in his hand at the moment.

"No, no!" The stall owner, a short and thin young man, shook his head repeatedly, and said, "This is iron ore. Although the portion is quite small, it costs at least two copper coins."

"Boss, even if it's iron ore, it's just ore, not iron. You can't make much out of such a small piece, and you can make a lot of money with a copper coin." The burly boy changed his strategy and lobbied: "And, so A small piece is not needed in the smelting factory at all, and no one will buy it, you can still make money if you sell it to me, but if no one buys it, you can only lose it.”

The short and thin young man was moved by him, he hesitated, and finally said: "Okay."

The burly boy grinned, paid the money readily, then put the black stone into a linen bag, turned and left with the bag on his back.

Du Dian withdrew his gaze and was about to turn around and leave. After a pause, he turned around suddenly and looked at the wrist of the strong boy carrying the linen bag. There was a tiny black hook pattern there.

"Apprentice alchemist?" Du Dian was a little stunned. He didn't expect to meet an apprentice alchemist here. In Roseyard's notes, he learned about the alchemist's lifestyle and some habits. The most impressive point is that each Alchemists will have exclusive tattoo designs on their bodies, which is the symbol of alchemists and one of the basic ways to get started on this path!

The tattooing method here is very old. Use plants or medicinal powder to mix black water, inject it into the skin through a puncture needle, and draw any pattern. Even a small point or a crooked line without shape can be regarded as a sign.

Although other than alchemists, nobles and the Holy See have mastered tattoo methods, their tattoos are different from alchemists in that they never use "black" as a pigment.

Once a black tattoo is tattooed, no matter whether it is a nobleman or a member of the Holy See, it will be treated as an alchemist. It can be said that this is an absolute proof!

Similarly, if you don't have black tattoos on your body, even if you are a real alchemist, you will not be recognized by other colleagues.

Du Dian glanced at the direction in which the burly boy was leaving, his eyes flickered slightly, and finally he quietly chased after him with a linen bag in his hand.