The Dark King

Chapter 48: living corpse


"Ah!!" came a panicked cry in vain.

Du Dian was startled, and hurriedly looked back, only to see that Macon was surrounded by two bone-eating rats and fell to the ground. Zach and Sham didn't watch the show, they stepped forward to punch and kick the two bone-eating mice, they didn't dare to attack with daggers, for fear of accidentally hurting Macon below.

Du Dian's face changed, he quickly pulled out his dagger, and rushed over.

"Go away!!" Du Dian yelled, and kicked the metal boot on the head of one of the bone-eating rats. With a bang, the body of the bone-eating rat suddenly fell back. Seeing the opportunity, Zaqi rushed forward, pressed the bone-eating rat on his body, raised his fist and beat it hard on the head.

Sham firmly grabbed the tail of another Bone Eater, preventing it from crawling on Macon's face.

Du Dian has already mastered the experience of dealing with it. He lowered his waist and pulled the bone-eating mouse's hind legs, lifted it vigorously, lifted its body directly, swung it vigorously, and smashed it violently on the ground. Its pointed head Knocking on the ground, the strength of the struggle suddenly weakened.

Du Dian roared and slammed continuously, using a force of homeopathic force, repeatedly slammed and slammed, preventing the bone-eating mouse from finding a point to break free from his palm.

After hitting it more than a dozen times in a row, the Bone Eater gradually stopped moving, its body twitched reflexively, and blood seeped out from its hair, staining the ground red.

At this time, Macon, who got up from the ground, had already cooperated with Zaqi to stab another Bone Eater to death.

Du Dian looked at the motionless bone-eating rat in his hand, grabbed the dagger and made a few more strikes before he heaved a sigh of relief and sat down on the ground, feeling his arm was sore as if broken off, his whole body was exhausted, and he was constantly tired Panting heavily, the air filtered by the mask exhaled extremely slowly, making him feel hot and dizzy like lack of oxygen.

Macon also sat next to him, leaning against his back, panting heavily.

Zach and Sham are in better condition and have retained a lot of physical strength, but looking at the corpses of the bone-eating rats on the ground, they are still in shock and their faces are pale.

After resting for a while, Macon flicked and patted the hair caught in the gap of the glove, panting: "It's so fucking dangerous, it almost scratched my throat, these damn things."

Du Dian's breathing has gradually become smoother. He glanced back at him and said, "Thanks to you this time."

Macon said angrily, "What are you talking about?"

Du Dian smiled and said nothing more.

Zach said with lingering fear: "There are so many bone-eating rats here, didn't those hunters see it, this is still called "cleaning"? "

Sham said fortunately: "Fortunately, the soft armor on our body is strong and has not been torn apart, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Du Dian looked at the rat corpse in front of his feet, recalling his previous battle, he couldn't help clenching his fists, it was too bad, his performance was too bad, if it wasn't for Macon's call in time, he would have been killed by the bone-eating rat from behind The sneak attack has arrived.

"You have done an excellent job. After all, this is the first time you have encountered such a battle. Even an adult would be terrified when he saw an ordinary vicious dog rushing towards him." While blaming himself, another A voice comforted himself. But soon, Du Dian killed this weak voice. He bit his lips tightly, and the pain invaded his mind. He wanted to let his weakness remember that there is only one life!

In the face of death, excellence and failure are meaningless, the only thing that can save oneself is the power to live!

He suddenly understood why scavengers would only pick from residential areas and poor areas, but not from colleges in commercial areas. Because the death rate for this job is too high! Although, they encountered danger this time mainly because they came to the No. 8 area that had just been "cleaned". If they went to the No. 9 area that had been scavenged ten times, the chance of encountering these monsters would be very low.

However, the low probability of danger also means that the harvest of scavengers is low!

This is a dangerous and worthwhile occupation!

That's fair enough.

Having had previous combat experience, Du Dian still has some fear of death in his heart. What he encountered this time was a bone-eating rat. Will he encounter a more terrifying monster next time? Shouldn't he just follow the big army and go back after the mission is over

He looked at the broken glass door of the supermarket, and flinched in his heart, but soon, he thought of his right arm and the scar engraved on it, his eyes suddenly became firm, he got up with his palms on the ground, and turned to Mei. The three of Ken said: "Go in, there was such a big commotion just now, a few of them should have come out, but there may be some hiding in the dark, everyone be careful."

Mei, Zha, and Sha didn't expect Du Dian to dare to enter the ruins. They were a little surprised. When they saw his firm gaze from the side, the three of them hesitated for a moment, then stood up, clenched their daggers, and were ready to attack at any time. Resist the attack.

at this time-

"Ah!!" In vain, a scream came from the nearby streets, especially loud in the decaying ruins.

The four of Du Dian were taken aback, and immediately thought of the bone-eating rat monster they had just encountered, and then heard the scream, there is no doubt that the other party also encountered something, for a while, several people hesitated, not knowing whether Go over and help.

Du Dian noticed the hesitation in his heart, and suddenly froze, thinking quickly in his mind, and said: "Go and have a look, be careful, and withdraw immediately if there is any situation!"

The three of Macon were already hesitant, but when they heard his words, they nodded immediately, as if a stone fell from their hearts.

Several people ran in the direction of the screams. At this moment, they saw scavengers who had also rushed out of other buildings and ran to the place where the screams were made.

Soon, the screams were getting closer and closer, and it was a corner of the street. Du Dian immediately slowed down and made a slight gesture. The three behind, Mei, Zha, and Sha immediately understood, and all slowed down, and slowly approached behind Du Dian.

Going around the corner, Du Dian looked up, his pupils shrank suddenly, and his face was full of horror.

In the middle of this street full of green vegetation, in front of a dilapidated shop door, two figures wriggled on the ground, a man and a woman respectively. However, the figure above, with a tattered jacket, gray and white dry skin exposed, disheveled hair, fingers turned into sharp claws, was actually a walking corpse! !

Alive, walking dead! ! !

At this moment, the woman's walking corpse is lying on the young man who is struggling in pain, gnawing at the flesh and blood on his chest. With Du Dian's vision, he can see it very clearly. The blood vessel-like tissue, the blood gushing out from the young man's chest, dyed his mouth and neck red.

Behind the young man's feet lay a figure in black standard soft armor. It was a woman. Her body was motionless, as if she had died.

And more than ten meters away from the young man, stood another young man, who was stepping back step by step at the moment, covering his mouth tightly with both hands, as if he didn't dare to let his fear scream out.