The Dark King

Chapter 51: heartbeat


"This, so many!" Du Dian and Macon couldn't help being frightened.

At this time, Scott, who was running at the front, saw that they were still in a daze, and immediately roared: "Run!"

Du Dian woke up with a start, turned around and ran away. Mei, Zha, and Sha hurriedly followed, running wildly, wishing to have two more legs.

However, their physiques and figures finally showed the gap at this moment. Scott and Mia behind them quickly passed them, ran towards the left side of the corner, and quickly disappeared from the sight of Du Dian and the others. middle.

At this time, other scavengers from the consortium behind also caught up.

"Get out, get out!!" A burly young man roared to the four of Du Dian. After finishing speaking, he pushed his big hand away and landed on the last Sham. With a plop, Sham was pushed to the side and fell to the side. Because of his fall, he tripped the young people who were rushing over behind him, and they all fell on their backs for a while, and four or five people fell to the ground, and everyone was struggling to get up.

Hearing Sham's screams, Du Dian hurriedly stopped, looked back, and immediately saw Sham with his cheeks scratched fell to the ground, just as he got up, another young man held his head with his hands and pressed him down , while the young man took advantage of his strength to stand up and ran away at a fast speed.

Hundreds of meters behind them, more than a dozen walking corpses were chasing after them at high speed.

Du Dian's face was pale, his fists were clenched tightly, and his heart was beating wildly, deafeningly. He gritted his teeth suddenly, ran back, came to Sham, grabbed his arm, and shouted: "Get up!" !"

Sham hurriedly grabbed him. Du Dian led his body, pulled him up, and immediately turned and continued to run. At this time, other scavengers from the consortium had already run in front of them, and the direction in which the trailing Scott and Mia ran disappeared at the corner.

Sham looked back and saw a dozen bloodthirsty walking corpses behind him. His scalp was numb, his legs were trembling, and he almost tripped again.

At this time, Macon and Zach also turned around and rushed over, grabbed Sham's body in a hurry, and dragged him forward.

"Go to the right!" Soon, a few people came to the corner, and Du Dian gritted his teeth.

The three of Macon were stunned, but they had no time to ask, so they could only follow Du Dian closely and ran to the right. At this moment, Du Dian bit his palm in vain, and blood oozed out. He took a big breath, grabbed a piece of gravel on the ground, spit the blood in his mouth on it, and turned towards Scott and Mia waited for the direction where the large army was leaving, and threw it away with all her might!


The stone fell to the ground along a parabola and rolled a few times.

At this time, they were already more than 30 meters away from the corner. The walking corpses chasing after them came to the direction of the corner. As soon as they stepped out, they saw stones flying in front of them. The next moment, the walking corpse The corpse roared and chased in the direction where the stone was thrown.

The few walking corpses behind it also immediately followed and chased after it.

However, there was a walking corpse among them, who seemed to be aware of Du Dian and the others on the right, and swayed towards them and chased after them.

Du Dian's face changed, and he hurriedly glanced at both sides of the street, and suddenly saw a gate of a community more than ten meters ahead, and a small shop covered by vegetation at the gate, and immediately said: "Follow me!" Saying, Run to this neighborhood.

As soon as I ran over, I saw a few walking corpses lying on the ground here, and the security room at the door had already been corroded by moss. From the exposed glass windows, I could vaguely see a black figure in the shape of a human standing inside. Du Dian dared not Look again, quickly stepping over the corpses on the ground, rushing to the nearest building, the security door under this building is unlocked, slightly open, and a corpse is thrown on the steps of the door, judging from the clothes, it is also a corpse walking dead.

Du Dian suppressed the trembling in his heart, stepped on the back of the walking corpse, entered the gate at the back, turned his head and hurriedly said to Macon and the others: "Come in."

When the three saw the corpse at the door, their faces were a little pale, but they still resisted their fear and jumped over it. At this time, Du Dian saw that the walking corpse that was chasing before had already caught up, and behind it, there was still Followed by two walking corpses.

Du Dian's complexion changed, and he hurriedly grabbed the door and wanted to lock it, but found that the bolt had already been covered with moss and could not be locked, so he gave up and continued to lock it immediately. Looking back, the building was dimly lit, and there was an elevator facing him , At this moment, the elevator door is half open, also covered with moss and vegetation, there are several corpses lying inside, some are walking corpses, some are rotten human bones, the bones are pitch black, like rusty black iron.

Du Dian's face was ugly, and he immediately ran down the stairs and said, "Follow."

The three of Macon hurriedly followed behind him.

When Du Dian entered the building, he saw the height of the building, at least about fifteen floors. He went straight up the steps and saw seven or eight walking corpses and rotting human bones from the steps along the way. There are canine skeletons.

When they ran to the sixth floor, Du Dian was already out of breath, and the same was true for the three of Macon. In fact, the previous battle with the bone-eating rat had already exhausted their physical strength. At this moment, they were completely frightened by fear. He had to flee for his life and broke through the limit of his physical strength.

"Ho, ho!"

At this time, there was a hoarse roar from the bottom of the floor, and the sound was approaching rapidly. Du Dian looked down along the handrail of the stairs, and suddenly saw a few lime-gray palms grasping the handrail, climbing up the stairs, but, climbing The speed of climbing was obviously hindered. However, seeing them still approaching, Du Dian's face became more and more ugly, and he gritted his teeth and continued to climb up.

Soon, Du Dian came to the position on the twelfth floor, exhausted and out of breath. He heard the unconscious roar of the walking corpse at a distance of more than ten meters below, and estimated that there should be a gap of about three floors between them. , He was about to continue going up, when suddenly, Sham pointed to an open room next to him, and gasped, "Dean, let's hide here, they probably won't open the door."

Du Dian was stunned, and immediately reacted, saying: "Go in quickly." He got in first.

The three of Macon immediately followed, and Du Dian locked the door with his backhand. Because the floor was high, the moss and vegetation did not climb up, and the latch was easily locked. Du Dian twisted the latch, locked it, and then quickly turned back to sweep Looking at this family, I saw that the living room was extremely messy. There was a rotten corpse lying on the ground, and there was a baby carriage next to it, and a baby corpse lay inside.

Du Dian immediately said: "Move the sofa inside, block the door, and move lightly."

"Sofa?" Macon and the others didn't understand, but seeing the direction of Du Dian's fingers, they still understood what he was talking about, and ran over immediately. The three lifted the sofa, quickly moved it to the door, and put it down lightly. Arrived at the door.

At this time, the dry roar outside the door became more and more clear. Du Dian hurriedly made a silent gesture, stood on the sofa, and looked out the door through the cat's eyes.

The cat's eye lens was extremely cloudy, and Du Dian immediately saw a few blurred figures appearing from outside the door. They were the walking corpses from before. The three walking corpses seemed to climb the stairs out of inertia and continued to climb up the stairs.

Du Dian breathed a sigh of relief, but his heart was still beating. He was only one door away from this bloodthirsty monster. He felt that the world seemed to be still, only the strong heartbeat echoed in his ears.


In vain, the door was slammed, and a hoarse voice roared out from the door, full of anger and ferocity.