The Dark King

Chapter 52: narrow escape


Du Dian was startled, and hurried to the door of the house. The old and rusty door lock was knocked off the door frame by the first punch of the walking corpse. Fortunately, there was a sofa behind it to cushion it. , was not directly pushed away.

The three of Macon were so frightened that their faces turned pale, and they hurriedly pushed towards the sofa, but when they pushed it, the sofa cracked and shattered from the middle. ground debris.

At the same time, with a bang, the door of the room was smashed in vain, and a stone-gray pale palm stretched in, grabbing it randomly. Fortunately, it was an adult walking corpse, which was much taller than Du Dian, so there was no first Time caught Du Dian behind the door.

Du Dian's face was pale. He had forgotten that these buildings had been corroded for three hundred years and were already dilapidated. He gritted his teeth and said to Macon and the others: "Jump from the window and go to the next floor."

The three of Macon were a little panicked, but after all, they were children who had undergone three years of training, so they reacted quickly. Macon said: "I will help you resist, you go first!"

"Go!!" Du Dian roared.

The three of them gritted their teeth slightly, and stopped talking. They came to the window next to them and looked down. The height of the twelve-story building made the three feel dizzy, but there was no way out at the moment. Sham was the most thoughtful, and glanced at the balcony. The object mounted on the wall outside said, "We should be able to grab the balcony on the lower floor if we step on it and use our strength."

It was an air-conditioning box. Macon was the most courageous of the three. After taking a look at it, although he was a little worried about its firmness, he gritted his teeth and jumped on it first.

With a bang, the air conditioner couldn't bear his weight, and it collapsed immediately. Macon was so frightened that his heart stopped beating, but he was prepared, and hurriedly stepped on the falling air conditioner in a panic, taking advantage of his strength, which was extremely thrilling He grabbed onto the balcony on the lower floor, and the falling air conditioner fell vertically. After collapsing several air conditioners in a row, it fell straight into the grass beside the community, making a loud bang.

Macon gritted his teeth and climbed up to the balcony, looking back at Sham and Zach above, they had no leverage and could only jump straight down, Macon said loudly: "I'll catch you, Sham, you go first Jump!"

Among the three, Sham was the thinnest and the lightest in weight. He hesitated for a moment, looked at Macon with his arms outstretched, and jumped down with a heartbeat.

With a whoosh, Macon quickly grasped his body with his eyes and hands, but the inertia of the fall almost brought him down the balcony. He felt severe pain in his arm, but he still held onto Sham tightly. , gritted his teeth and pulled him up to the balcony.

Sham was in shock and almost thought he died just like that. He looked at the pained Macon with gratitude and guilt in his heart. At this time, Zaqi hurriedly said: "Are you ready, I'm going to jump."

Macon shook his arm and said to Sham: "Let's catch him together."

Sham nodded vigorously, the two opened their arms, and said to Zaki above: "Let's jump."

Zach gritted his teeth slightly and jumped down.

Macon and Sham spread out their four hands and immediately caught Zach. Macon's arm was so painful that he lost consciousness, and his hand almost slipped away, making him turn pale with fright.

When the three of them jumped on the balcony, Du Dian couldn't resist the push of the three walking corpses at the door. The door, which was once strong but now as fragile as confetti, was already torn apart under the bombardment of the three walking corpses. He abandoned the door, knowing that Macon and the others had gone to the balcony of the room, he immediately turned and ran towards the kitchen on the other side, pushing the TV and table on the table to the center of the living room along the way, trying to slow down the pursuit of the walking corpses .

And this move really worked. Although these walking corpses were much faster than him, they didn't seem to be very smart and didn't know how to avoid them.

At this time, Du Dian seized the opportunity, ran into the kitchen, and threw the kitchen knives and plates on the table at the walking corpses, causing little damage, but successfully attracted them all.

Du Dian hurriedly drilled into the bathroom next to the kitchen, closed the defenseless door with his backhand, and glanced at the ventilation window of the bathroom. It was made of aluminum alloy, but the edges had already rotted. Under the baptism of three hundred years of rain, even the whole Layers of blister-like mud came off the walls of the building. Without further ado, he stepped on the toilet and kicked it hard.

With a bang, the window was kicked open.

The narrow window was just enough for his body to pass through, but it would be difficult and reluctant for an adult.

However, when he stretched his head to look out the window, the twelve-story buildings and the cars covered with moss and vegetation on the street were like small steamed buns, which made him dizzy. There is no need to look back, Du Dian also knows that the three walking corpses have climbed up and rushed over.

Only jump!

He gritted his teeth and jumped.

There is no air conditioner on the outside wall. After all, no one will install the air conditioner outside the bathroom. There are two white water pipes on the smooth tile wall, most of which are pipes for toilet drainage.

Du Dian had already noticed that when he jumped, he grabbed at the water pipe, and with a bang, the water pipe was like a piece of paper, and it was immediately crushed by him, and the water pipe below was also pulled by him, and immediately fell down.

Du Dian's face changed drastically, and he hurriedly backhanded!

With a nail sound, the dagger in his hand suddenly pierced into the wall, hanging his sliding body.

The heart that Du Dian raised in his heart fell slightly. When he saw that the door and the sofa were vulnerable, he thought of the traces of hunters fighting swords left on the walls when he was scavenging. In the end, he bet right The wall is no longer strong, and the sword can draw a huge gap.

Roar! Roar!

At this time, two ferocious heads suddenly protruded from the window of the toilet, and two walking corpses were lying on the window, clawing at him with teeth and claws.

On top of them, another walking corpse rushed forward. The body of this walking corpse squeezed crazily, and the wall beside the window was squeezed like mud, and the gap was widened. Looking at its crazy appearance , Du Dian, who had just saved his life, couldn't help being startled, his pupils shrank suddenly, thinking of a terrifying possibility, he hurriedly looked down, only one meter away from the toilet window on the next floor, if there were two daggers at this time, He can easily use each other's strength to climb to the next floor, but right now he has a short sword in his hand, and once he draws it out, he will immediately fall down.

Du Dian gritted his teeth and looked at the window sill more than one meter below his feet. The window sill was only half a palm wide, and it was extremely difficult to jump up, and it required great courage.

However, looking at the body of the third walking corpse that kept pushing out, Du Dian didn't dare to wait any longer, his body swayed slightly, and he gritted his teeth and jumped.

With a whoosh, the body fell quickly, and the soles of the feet stepped on the window sill of the toilet. However, because the soles of the feet were against the wall, the soles of the feet could not be firmly stepped on. The toes rubbed a little, and the body continued to jump down.

In this short distance of a body, Du Dian felt his head exploded, a little blank, and the next moment, his palm stretched out suddenly, and at the moment of falling, he grabbed the window sill.

At that moment, it seemed to come alive again.

Du Dian looked at the walking corpse that had squeezed out more than half of his body, hurriedly raised his other hand, and slammed it hard against the window. With a bang, he smashed the window immediately, and the glass shards stuck on his fist, dripping with blood. He momentarily Without feeling any pain, the palm grasped the edge of the shards of glass, quickly climbed up, and slid in along the window.


The moment he got in, there was a gust of wind behind him.

Du Dian hurriedly turned his head and looked down, only to see that the walking corpse finally squeezed out of the toilet window, fell straight down, and fell into the grass on the edge of the downstairs.

At this time, due to the extrusion of the walking corpse, the space of the other two walking corpses suddenly increased, and Du Dian immediately saw that one of the walking corpses was lying on the other walking corpse, screaming and grabbing him.

Du Dian was stunned. Could it be that these undead corpses can only attack and have no sense of self-protection

He couldn't help but think of the fight between Scott and the walking corpse woman, and for a while, an idea popped up in his heart.