The Dark King

Chapter 65: Hunting game


"It actually came back. Is it difficult? Was it caused by the previous explosion, or did it return after chasing his scent?" Du Dian's heart was beating wildly, and his whole body was sweating violently. Dealing with a hunter made him use all his strength. He was trying to figure it out, and he was almost killed. When he encountered this monster in a seriously injured state, he would almost certainly die!

Moreover, the fact that this monster was able to directly find the hunter who was ambushing on the roof earlier showed that the sense of smell is extremely terrifying!

At this moment, the smell of blood on his chest cannot be concealed, no matter how much walking corpse plasma is applied, it will be difficult to suppress it! Unless the plasma is directly applied to the wound and the virus in the plasma infects the blood, the smell of blood can be suppressed through the lesion, but in this way, he will be infected into a walking corpse!

There is no way out!

There is no escape!

Fight head-on or die, avoid or die!

Du Dian is a little desperate, is the sky going to kill me? At this moment, when he looked up, he happened to see the collapsed place above him, and he couldn't help being stunned for a moment, his eyes shot out a strong desire to survive, and when he got up from the ground, the dagger wound on his chest was suddenly pulled, and there were bursts of tearing pain.

Gritting his teeth tightly, he dragged his body to the charred corpse of the hunter, picked up the dagger that had stabbed him earlier on the ground, and at the same time picked up the hunter's bow and arrow that fell aside.

When grabbing this dark ancient bow, Du Dian suddenly felt as if he was pinching a boulder. It was extremely heavy, and he was surprised. He bent down and tried to pull the bowstring, but suddenly found that the bowstring was tight. With his strength, he couldn't pull it at all!

Du Dian's face was ugly, and the ambush shooting plan he had just thought of was suddenly shattered, and he faced despair again.

At this time, he suddenly saw a thick arrow in the quiver from the corner of his eye, and the end of the arrow was connected with a rope.

He was stunned for a moment, his eyes lit up immediately, and he hastily pulled out the arrow and the coil of rope behind it. At this moment, the sound of roaring outside was gradually approaching, and the sound of loud footsteps trembling on the ground quickly approached in a straight line, obviously this place had been discovered.

Du Dian's face changed slightly, and he hurriedly turned and ran upstairs. While running, the wound on his chest split open immediately, and a large amount of blood seeped from the wound that had just stopped bleeding, staining the white gauze red.

Du Dian lay on the stairs, only feeling dizzy in his head, knowing that it was caused by excessive blood loss, he felt that he would faint at any time, but thinking of the monster chasing behind him, he still bit the tip of his tongue, forced himself to run towards the roof of the building.

When Du Dian ran to the sixth floor, there was only a loud sound of glass breaking downstairs. The transmission of the sound in this silent ruin was very clear, and the source of the sound came from the second floor.

Du Dian's heart tightened, and he hurriedly climbed harder.

When he came to the seventh floor, Du Dian felt that he was out of breath. He didn't continue to go up. He put the dagger in his waist, carried the rope to the window on the edge of the building, and put a few cloth Dusty desks piled up, ropes were looped around them, and he came to a window and slammed an arrow into the concrete floor.

The already fluffy and rotten floor was easily pierced by sharp arrows.

At this time, there was a sound of collapse in the corridor. It was the sound of the stairs collapsing. Du Dian's face was ugly, knowing that the monster had chased him, but during this time, it seemed to stay on the second floor for a while, probably The hunter's body caught its attention.

With a bang, Du Dian felt that the floor under his feet was trembling slightly, as if the ground on the sixth floor was smashed. Obviously, with the monster's five-meter-high volume, it would be impossible to squeeze up from the stairs, so it directly chose to smash through the floor!

Du Dian felt that the ceiling above his head was falling off one after another. The tremor caused by this monster was fatal to the already crumbling building. He hurriedly grasped the rope and stared at a place ahead.

With a bang, in vain, on the ground less than two meters in front of his feet, a giant pitch-black claw suddenly broke through the ground, waving the tip of the claw, and almost stabbed Du Dian.

Du Dian jumped in fright. At the same time as the giant claws stabbed out, the floor five meters ahead was smashed, and a huge ferocious head stretched out, with sharp fangs, and dark red eyes bigger than fists stared at him. , roaring and rushing towards him.

Du Dian hurriedly jumped out of the back window.

The body fell rapidly.

Du Dian clung to the rope, which was his only life-saving straw.

Looking up, I saw that monster climbed to the seventh floor, its huge body squeezed into the narrow space on the seventh floor, looked down at him, and jumped towards him roaring in vain.

Du Dian was so frightened that he hurriedly grabbed the platform under the glass window in front of him. However, at this moment he had fallen to the third floor, which was equivalent to the height of falling four floors. Immediately, he felt as if his body and arms were being torn apart, and the severe pain and the heavy force of the fall made his fingers unable to grasp it, and immediately slid down.

Du Dian was so painful that he almost shed tears, but the panic in his heart made him rush to grab it again.

With the previous third-floor buffer, this time he hit the window on the second floor, and immediately stabilized his body.

Du Dian didn't dare to lift his head, he smashed the glass with his head in a hurry, and climbed in quickly.

Almost at the moment he climbed in, a gust of strong wind came from behind, and at the same time, there was a sound of cracking. Du Dian hurriedly looked back, but was horrified to see that the wall he had grabbed earlier had a piece of it falling off. There was a huge gap, and when I looked down, I saw the giant black beast smashed to the ground of the ground floor, with a few half-meter-high stones and fine glass shards on its body.

Du Dian breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, the wall was not strong enough to bear its weight.

At this time, there was another ferocious growl from downstairs, and Du Dian was startled, only to see that giant black beast climbed up again and fell down from the seventh floor, but failed to let it fall to death!

Du Dian's face was pale, half of it was frightened, half of it was caused by excessive blood loss, he just wanted to turn his head and ran away, suddenly thought that the stairs collapsed in the previous tremor, at this moment he saw that the monster had climbed up, and seemed to be accumulating strength to get up Jumping over in one breath, time was like a death clock, he suddenly grabbed the rope outside and kept climbing up along the rope.

While he was climbing, the monster jumped up violently, its sharp claws deeply grabbed into the wall next to the building, and roared angrily at Du Dian above.

Du Dian looked down, and immediately saw the big bloody mouth under his body, and the long and pointed tongue. He felt a chill in his heart, and he crawled faster and faster. Chest dyed red.

Soon, Du Dian climbed to the fourth floor, but the black giant jumped up again.

Du Dian was so scared that he hurriedly got into the window on the fourth floor, rolled in, ignored the severe pain on his body, and hurriedly ran to the other side of the fourth floor, clutching his chest.

While he was drilling, the giant beast jumped out of the wall on the fourth floor, its claws were deeply embedded in the wall, and it did not fall, and the rope that Du Dian had climbed earlier was swept away by its giant claws. Immediately embedded in the claws.

Looking at the direction Du Dian ran to, it roared and climbed up, and got into the fourth floor.

However, a hole six to seven meters wide collapsed in the middle of the room, and only the edge of the room could barely walk. Its size could only crawl with a low body here, and there was no way to catch up.

However, the strong bloodthirsty desire obviously wouldn't make it give up its prey just like that, roaring and jumping out of the hole, claws deeply dug into the corridor outside the office opposite the hole, the corridor couldn't bear its weight, and suddenly collapsed Go down and collapse with its body.

Hearing the huge movement behind, Du Dian didn't dare to stay, ran to the other side, and continued to climb up.

The only hope right now is pinned on the cover of this building. With the size of this monster, it is extremely difficult to catch him in the building, especially a decaying building that cannot bear the load.