The Dark King

Chapter 77: letter


In the basement of the castle.

After the doctors left, Du Dian and the others also rested separately. They hadn't closed their eyes properly for ten days outside the wall. At this moment, in this place similar to a cage, everyone relaxed and snored loudly soon.

Du Dian didn't fall asleep immediately, but gently stroked the magic mark on his chest. The touch was so clear that he couldn't tell whether it was transmitted from his fingertips to his mind or from the magic mark. As if being touched between his fingers, the cool feeling made his hair stand on end slightly, and his nerves were tense instinctively.

When he exerted a little force, he could feel his heart beating faster, and he felt a bit tight in his chest.

"This magic mark... If it is destroyed, my life should be greatly threatened, or even die." Du Dian thought silently, but he didn't expect his life to be linked to a magic mark. To be precise, it was Connect with the bloody bug in the magic mark.

He was lying on the bed, turning left and right, but did not fall asleep. Suddenly, he caught a glimpse of the "Bright Canon" on the small table. His heart moved, and he took it over and opened it gently. He saw the flying quill writing falling into his eyes. , making him squint his eyes, "Light, is truth?"

"Because there is light in the world, plants can grow."

"Because there is light, we can 'see'. "

"Light can give people life, and the great creator of light—the God of Light will protect all life loyal to him..."

The beginning of the scriptures is a statement of purpose, which is also the core of the scriptures. Each subsequent chapter is a story that benefits from "light". To be precise, it is a phenomenon that everyone knows. Just because everyone knows it, it cannot be refuted! Because the effect of light is too great, what is said in this textbook is basically correct, and Du Dian even feels that what is said in the textbook is not complete enough!

The role of light...

Without light, there would be no life on earth!

This alone is better than thousands of examples.

However, you know what you know, but Du Dian will not believe in the "God of Light". It is good that the role of light cannot be ignored, but... does this have anything to do with your Holy See

Du Dian flipped through it hastily, and roughly understood how to recruit believers.

The first is to put forward some well-known natural phenomena, compile them into your own "teachings", and then list them one by one. After reading it, most people will feel suddenly enlightened, and combined with what they see in life, they are immediately convinced.

Once you are convinced, you can add your own ideas in it, confuse these ideas in it, and instill them into the minds of others together. If your own personality is not sound enough and the worldview is not strong enough, it will be difficult to distinguish the confused ideas in it, so you can believe it completely. It becomes blind.

Once blind, you are a devout believer, believing what you say.

"What is mentioned above is just the appearance brought by some light, without scientific explanation. Just like my father often said, the ancients were intelligent, but lacked tools. They can only know what they are, but they don't know why. The same is true for people today. "Du Dian secretly said: "After perfecting the tool, entering the microscopic level, you can explain the origin of light from the root, and even allow people to see the shape of light."

"Father often said that all ignorant obedience is due to the backwardness of technology, which cannot be explained."

Du Dian believed in his father's words, and became more and more determined to become an alchemist.

The three-day washing day passed quickly.

The two doctors come for routine examinations every day to observe the physical changes of Du Dian and others. In fact, they are just going through the motions. They have seen too many such examinations. Basically, those who are infected will soon have symptoms. Only That kind of extremely tenacious person will carefully hide the scars and endure them until the last moment of the third day before they erupt, but such examples are rare.

The basement was opened, and Du Dian and others put on the brand-new black soft armor sent by them. The size was also measured according to their damaged soft armor, and it fit perfectly.

"Everyone, please." A light guard came over to show everyone the way.

Du Dian and others didn't see the blue-black long-haired knight, followed the light guard and left the castle. As soon as they arrived at the gate, they heard a voice: "Mr. Du Dian, who is Mr. Du Dian?"

Du Dian looked in surprise. The person speaking was a middle-aged gentleman wearing a black tall hat and holding a cane in his hand. He raised his eyes and looked at Du Dian and others.

Scott, who was walking on the side, smiled and pointed at Du Dian, "This is it."

The middle-aged gentleman was a little surprised. He didn't expect that it was just a big boy waiting here to deliver the letter, but he didn't dare to neglect. He quickly stepped forward, took out a letter from the side of his chest, and said, "Mr. It's a letter to you."

Du Dian scanned the stamp and address above, it was the stamp of the Mellon Consortium, the address of the Scavengers headquarters, and immediately understood that it was the two doctors who reported the matter about the magic mark.

Slightly nodding to say thanks, Du Dian put away the letter paper and gently opened it. The content was very simple: "Find me in the top office of the headquarters... the top floor?"

Du Dian naturally understands what the top floor means. It is the top secret of the scavengers. To put it simply, if the high-level executives like Pete and other scavengers are trained or hold meetings, they are all held on the top floor of the headquarters.

"It's about nominating you as a hunter. The headquarters is really quick." Scott said with a smile: "Congratulations, you have become a hunter after only being a scavenger. Met you."

Mia next to her was stunned and said, "What, what's going on? Hunter? Dean?"

Scott smiled and said: "You don't know yet, Dean was born with a magic scar, and he is already a veritable hunter."

Mia stared at Du Dian dumbfounded, a little dazed.

Du Dian smiled slightly and said to Scott: "Thank you for your guidance for picking up waste outside the wall this time."

"Small." Scott smiled, but he was very happy in his heart. Knowing that Du Dian had recorded his favor, he immediately said: "Mia and I will leave first, and the price of the materials will be evaluated in a few days, let's get together at the headquarters .”

Du Dian was a little surprised, the price of the material has not yet been evaluated? But when you think about those things, they are all modern items from the ruins outside the wall, and many things are things that people inside the wall have never seen. It really takes time to evaluate the price.

After watching Scott and Mia leave, the three of Macon also bid farewell to Du Dian, and left here together in the exclusive carriage of the consortium outside.

The other three consortium scavengers and the newcomer boy, after politely saying goodbye to Du Dian, also chose a consortium carriage and left here.

Du Dian took the letter and took the carriage directly to the headquarters.