The Dark King

Chapter 78: meet


Mellon Consortium, Scavengers Headquarters.

The carriage came galloping and stopped in front of the door. Du Dian got down from the carriage, looked up at the huge sleeping building, walked up the steps step by step, and came to the entrance hall, only to see that the inside was extremely empty, and there were figures of several consortium scavengers in front of the hall Tour information in front of the bulletin board.

This bulletin board is dedicated to announcing the information needed by the scavengers, mainly the changes in various areas under the Mellon Consortium outside the wall, or changes in other adjacent areas. Du Dian glanced casually when he entered the door, and he could see the messages on the billboards from a distance, one of which was actually a message from District 8, roughly meaning that there are walking corpses in District 8, temporarily blocked, please scavengers Do not enter.

Du Dian knows that, except that they are occasionally assigned by the consortium to pick up waste in a specific area like them, the waste pickers are free to move when traveling on missions, and can go to any waste picker area under the Mellon Consortium without restriction. Therefore, most scavengers would come over to learn about the latest changes in each area before each mission, in order to prevent encountering dangers like they faced this time.

After all, although these areas have been cleaned, how can walking corpses and monsters ignore the ground lines divided by people, and often break into some areas that have already been scavenged, just like the "fearer" that Du Dian met.

After Du Dian took a look, he followed the corridor inside the hall and went upstairs.

"Huh, Dean?" Suddenly a voice came.

Du Dian turned his head to look, but Pete was holding a cup of hot coffee. He just came out of the office, smiled slightly, and said, "Mr. Pete."

"The supplies you picked up haven't been estimated yet, why are you here?" Pete asked strangely.

Du Dian is also strange, has he not heard about his own affairs? Suddenly, it seemed that the hunter's affairs needed to be kept secret. Ordinary scavengers could only rely on their seniority like Scott and hear some gossip. It's just that Du Dian didn't expect that Pate's identity didn't get any news, so he immediately avoided the topic tactfully and said: "The higher-ups asked me to come here, it seems that there is something wrong with me."

Pate was stunned for a moment, and suddenly thought of something, frowned, and said to himself: "It shouldn't be, even if I doubt it, I won't doubt it on you newcomers..." Looking at Du Dian's puzzled eyes, he hesitated , and approached Du Dian in a low voice: "I guess I'm looking for you, it's about the dead body in the eighth district, I've heard about it, and in this accident in the eighth district, a hunter died, a few days There was news from the Hunters headquarters a while back that they want to thoroughly investigate you scavengers who entered the eighth district, but the higher-ups have no reason to suspect you newcomers, so don’t worry too much, just be careful with what you say.”

Du Dian couldn't help being stunned, and the cold hairs all over his body stood up slightly, as if he was instinctively alert to danger, but soon found that he had overreacted, and his face quickly returned to nature, and smiled: "So that's the case, I'm still wondering, thank you Pete Sir's reminder!"

Pete smiled and said, "I love you, work hard!" After speaking, he left with hot coffee.

Du Dian looked at the back of him leaving, and slowly turned around, the smile on his face was gone, his eyes were slightly narrowed, and the cold light loomed. He thought that the hunter headquarters would investigate the eighth district at most, and find out from the scene Looking for traces, I didn't expect to expand the scope of the thorough investigation to their scavengers. Although he was not afraid, such a big action is enough to show that the hunter headquarters is very serious about this matter!

He quickly recalled the traces he had dealt with in his mind, and suddenly thought of something, this magic trace is the ability of every hunter, so, do other hunters have any special abilities, such as a keen sense of smell like him

Thinking of this, he clenched his fingers slightly, and made up his mind in his heart that even if the higher-ups found out something, they would kill him and deny it!

He looked at the steps in front of him, his expression regained his composure, and he walked step by step.

The Scavengers headquarters has four floors, and each floor has guards. These are private guards selected from the nobles belonging to the Mellon Consortium. Only the nobles have the right to recruit private armed forces, but the number of places is limited. This is what the consortium can gain a foothold in. One of the basic requirements.

When he came to the fourth floor, Du Dian stood in front of the corridor and didn't know which room to knock on. He suddenly thought of the two attendants next to the stairs, and immediately asked them about the room of "Mr. There was a light knock on the dark red lacquered wooden door of the next room.

The door opened, and the person who opened the door looked like a middle-aged housekeeper. He looked Du Dian up and down, with a smile on his face, and said, "You are Du Dian who has just joined the consortium, please come in."

Du Dian nodded slightly and entered the room.

Resplendent and resplendent light hit him immediately, and a faint fragrance wafted from every corner of the room. The foot he stepped on was so soft that it turned out to be a deep red blanket. He quickly and accurately glanced at the room, and probably everything fell into his eyes. All the tables, chairs, sofas, desks and oil paintings were extremely expensive, and a compelling elegance and richness crowded over.

He sighed deeply in his heart, and looked at the upper part of the room, on the figure under a huge oil painting of a woman. This is a middle-aged man with a strong physique, thick eyebrows and starry eyes, and a bit of a murderous and cold temperament. At the same time, he was a bit vicissitudes and lazy. The most conspicuous thing was the side of his chin, near his neck, where there was a finger-long scar.

The location of this scar was shocking, and one couldn't help but think that if it deviated by half a centimeter, the carotid artery might have been severed.

"Little guy, come and sit." The middle-aged man looked at Du Dian with a little surprise in his eyes, and smiled authentically.

Seeing his gentle attitude, Du Dian knew that he was not asking himself about the hunter. He was secretly relieved, and walked to the sofa opposite him and sat down.

"I've seen your resume. The radiation value measured before is only 0.8, which is less than one!" The middle-aged man "Phaidon" gently opened a notebook on the desktop, and smiled at Du Dian: "This time you just When you come back from outside the wall, the radiation level in your body has just broken 1, but you just came back, and the radiation content in your body is high. After a while, your body will automatically adjust and adapt, and the radiation content should decrease by about 0.1. For example, the radiation content is still less than one, little guy, do you know that this is the radiation content that only hunters have?"

Du Dian nodded slightly, not surprised.

"So, it's not surprising that you were able to give birth to the magic mark, but I would like to know, where did your magic mark... come from?" Xiao Dun smiled slightly, but his eyes slowly narrowed, as if examining Watching every subtle change on Du Dian's face.