The Dark King

Chapter 85: Alchemy starts


Seeing the joy in his eyes and the few white hairs scattered in his hair, Du Dian suddenly felt that although they adopted themselves, they did not fulfill their obligations as a son. Although the matter of getting him engaged to the Ivy family three years ago caused some shadows in his heart, the hatred in his heart has long been healed over time, and his father often said that people are not sages, who can do nothing

"I've only been away for more than ten days, and I've lost so much weight." Jula looked at Du Dian distressedly.

Gray smiled and said, "Come and sit down and talk."

Du Dian nodded slightly, put down his bags, came to the dining table, and chatted with them about the business district. As for the mission, it is confidential, so it is better not to tell them more.

"You said that you were appreciated by the consortium and promoted your position?" Gray was a little surprised when he heard Du Dian's words just now. This is the first time he performed a mission and promoted his position? Is it too fast

Du Dian took out the key in his arms and said: "The consortium allocated a house to me, and we can move to the new house in the future."

Zhu La was stunned and said, "Allocate a house directly? It's so rich!"

"Tsk tsk, it's indeed the Mellon Foundation!" Gray obviously heard the news or things about the Mellon Foundation, sighed, and then shook his head slightly: "However, your mother and I have lived here for too long, and the neighbors around are very I am familiar with it, but I am not used to moving to a new place, and my work is not far from home."

"Well, then I can only live in the business district alone." Du Dian regretted.

"Well, you are almost at the age of marriage, and you should learn to be self-reliant... um? Wait, what did you just say? Live in a commercial area? You mean that the house allocated to you by the consortium is in a commercial area?"


"You, you... what, when can we move there?"


"Haha..." Gray burst out laughing suddenly. His lifelong pursuit was to live in a business district and see the life of a superior person. He never thought that such a wish would come true so suddenly.

Jula covered her mouth and chuckled, looking at Du Dian's eyes full of care and relief, and also did not expect Du Dian to give them such a big surprise.

Seeing them so happy, Du Dian couldn't help showing a smile on his face, suddenly thought of something, took out a gold coin from his arms, and said: "This is what I earned during this mission. I borrowed a lot from you before. Those who are redundant should be filial to you."

Gray and Jula were a little surprised when they saw the gold coins. They didn't expect to earn one gold coin in just over ten days after performing a mission. This was much higher than their salary, and it was simply incomparable.

"You earned this?" Jula was still a little unbelievable, and couldn't help but said: "What is your task, is it difficult? You were also trained as a guard before, Couldn't it be, your mission is very dangerous, right?" Years of life have already made her understand that there is a direct ratio between effort and gain, and there is absolutely no free lunch in the world, and even if there is, it is still in the trash can.

Du Dian smiled and said: "Nothing, we don't fight wars, there is no danger, but the task is more complicated, so it needs training, and ordinary people can't do it." He said, grinning.

Jura looked at him dubiously, "Really?"

Du Dian nodded with great certainty.

Seeing this, Jula was relieved, and said with a smile, "So, you are really capable. When I first saw you, I thought you were different from other children..." Speaking of this, I suddenly felt that my husband's arm touched her. He gave her a look, gave her a wink, and suddenly realized that he should not continue to mention the orphanage, so as not to arouse Du Dian's memories.

Du Dian noticed Gray's small movements, but he didn't care. Instead, he felt a little guilty in his heart, because he knew that although he could treat them well, he would never forget his biological parents and his sister who loved him since childhood. They were firmly in his heart. The prison occupies too many positions, and no one can replace it.

"After you get to the new house, I'll help you find a position in the consortium." Du Dian said to the two of them: "In this way, you don't have to work, and you can get basic salary every month, and you don't have to save so much anymore. Eat and use what you need, and I will make a lot of money in the future." This is also one of his hunter's privileges, as long as he has some connections, he can pick anyone who is free in the various industrial chains of the consortium to move. arrive.

Gray laughed and said, "I'm still healthy, and I don't need you to take care of the old age. Although you earn a lot, you can't spend the money recklessly. You can save it to marry a wife and have children in the future, you know?"

"Speaking of this." Jula suddenly smiled and said, "Dean, I met an aunt a few days ago. She is a nice person. Her daughter is about to get married. She wants to meet you. What do you think?"

Du Dian couldn't help but blushed slightly, and said in embarrassment: "This, this..."

"You are approaching your age, it's time to think about it." Gray also said.

Du Dian is a little ashamed, where is the age, he is still one quarter away from the age of twelve, okay, thirteen is the legal marriage age, and in his worldview, even if he is thirteen, he is just a kid , It has nothing to do with getting married and having children!

However, people in this era are aging quickly, and diseases, disasters and other problems will kill a large number of lives every year, and even when the radiation in the body accumulates to a similar level, they will lose their reproductive function, so they get married very early, but he can't adapt to this.

"I'll think about it when I'm old." Du Dian said tactfully.

Jula saw the persistence in Du Dian's eyes, and said helplessly: "Well, if you don't want to, I won't force you, but, don't you really want to go and see, her daughter is very beautiful, I have seen it, she is definitely a little beauty .”

"I agree with that." Gray laughed.

Jura rolled her eyes at him.

Du Dian shook his head again and again, and it would be even more hurtful to refuse after meeting. However, at the bottom of his heart, he suddenly thought of that moonlit night, sitting side by side in the pavilion in the garden, looking up at the figure of the gray moon chatting all night, his heartbeat could not help but speed up slightly, secretly thinking, I don't know what she is doing now? Would it be too abrupt to go directly to her

Thinking of these, I can't help but feel a little wandering.

That night, I chatted with the Juras and his wife very late. Early the next morning, Du Dian's biological clock still pulled him up on time. After a simple wash and breakfast, he said hello to the Juras and his wife and went out, taking a carriage Go to the ghetto.

Last night, Jura mentioned the orphanage, which made him feel a little anxious. Although he only lived with Barton and the others for a few months, now that three years have passed, the memory of the face in his mind is blurred, but he still remembers in his heart that when he first came to When they were at a loss in the orphanage, they were by their side.

He is very clear about the treatment orphans will face once they are over the age and are not adopted.

Now, he has the qualifications to adopt them, and it just so happens that he has accumulated funds and is about to start building his own laboratory. He is short of a few manpower, and there are not many people he can trust. Except for the three of Macon, they are These were the first disabled orphans who helped him.

Volume 2 "The Devil" Du Dian