The Dark King

Chapter 95: experimental report


Behind the door is a basement passage, dark and deep, with many faint human body odors coming from inside, which surprised Du Dian. I didn't expect this underground market to be so lively. There are hundreds of people who can be identified from these smells alone, although This special potion can mask the smell, but it cannot completely eradicate it.

"Follow me." The mouse was very familiar with this place and led the way.

Du Dian followed behind him.

Going down the dark steps, the copper lamps on the wall shone, and the shadows of the two of them were stretched extremely long.

Under the spiral steps is a four- to five-meter-long corridor, guarded by black-robed guards, and at the end of the corridor is a gate. When Du Dian came to the door, the black-robed guards on both sides opened the door, and a mysterious and novel dark underground market was presented in front of them.

This is a huge underground square with dim light, and the lights on the walls around it light up like dancing elves. There are all kinds of stalls everywhere, as well as large-scale simple shops, all kinds of novel things, A wide variety of free trade.

Du Dian was a little surprised. He didn't expect this underground market to be so large. You must know that all the people who can enter this underground market are alchemists, or potionists and other employees of the dark church. There were already more than a hundred people. As for the customers who bought things, they were all over the square. According to visual inspection, there were at least 300 people gathered here.

It was the first time Du Dian saw so many "evil people" from the dark Holy See at the same time, and he felt a bit strange in his heart. At this time, the mouse pointed in one direction and said, "There is an alchemy table for sale there, follow me."

Du Dian followed him and looked along there. Although the surrounding light was dim, he could see clearly from a distance. This is a simple shop built on the square, which is slightly larger than the book stall next to it. The shop There are rows of alchemy tables on the left side, and all kinds of bottles and jars, as well as strange things, on the right side. He even saw a pitch-black sharp claw, which he didn't know it was cut from.

"Boss!" The mouse called to the shop owner, "Let's take a look at the alchemy table."

The shop owner was tall and wearing a dark red mask. He glanced at him and Du Dian. Judging from the height and voice, he knew that they were two children, most of whom were alchemist apprentices or potion master apprentices. Look, pick and pay."

The mouse is obviously used to it, pointing to a birch and stone alchemy platform, said: "Hound, what do you think of this?"

Du Dian looked at it and said, "Are these prices different?"

"Of course." The mouse is very experienced, and said: "This is the cheapest, only two silver coins are enough for our junior apprentices. Of course, if you are rich, you can also buy higher-end ones, such as this one. Four silver coins, with a savings slot, more convenient, and a lot of optimization in terms of water diversion and fire, and this, seven silver coins... "

He pointed over row by row, and landed his finger on the top alchemy platform, saying: "That is powerful, it takes two gold coins, it has an automatic fire plug, and it can automatically clean the pot ashes, and there are two refiners. Chi, doing some complex labs, this is essential."

Du Dian glanced at it, and it seemed to be made of brass. The material and appearance are more majestic and stable than the previous ones. However, two gold coins are fine. He only has one gold coin on him now, so he can't spend all of it.

"That's it." Du Dian pointed to the two silver coins.

The shop owner glanced at him, as if he had expected it a long time ago, and said: "Pay, report the address, if it is in a residential area, it will be delivered to you tomorrow night at the latest."

"And help us deliver it?" Du Dian was a little surprised.

The mouse said with a smile: "Of course, we can't handle such a big guy, and it's too easy to expose. They have a secret transportation channel, and they can be transported here without anyone noticing. You transport it, of course, you have to cooperate."

Du Dian was shocked in his heart, the power of the dark Holy See has penetrated so deeply

At this time, the mouse suddenly grabbed Du Dian, pulled him aside, and said, "Get out of here."

Du Dian froze for a moment, followed his line of sight, and suddenly saw two figures approaching from behind, a man and a woman, wearing crow masks, came to this shop, and on their shoulders, they all wore dark gold The hexagonal badge is exactly the meteor badge!

"Official alchemist!" Du Dian immediately knew the reason why the mouse stepped aside in a hurry. Both of them were official alchemists, especially the tall figure with three small suns engraved on the meteor badge, which turned out to be a three-star alchemist!

From Roseyard's notes, Du Dian learned about the division of some alchemists. From apprentices to five-star alchemists, every time a star is raised, a lot of alchemy points are required, and it is often necessary to submit several experimental results to accumulate.

And this three-star alchemist is basically equivalent to the Great Knight of Light in the Holy See of Light. This is the existence of knights second only to the commander of knights. He has a very high status. Even a noble like the Mel family must treat him politely. .

"Boss, is there any good alchemy table?" At this moment, the 3-star alchemist said to the shop owner, his voice was low and hoarse, obviously lowering his voice deliberately.

The shop owner saw the meteor badges on their shoulders, his eyes froze, and he hurried forward and said: "Yes, a new batch has just been released, and it was cast by Master Luo Er himself. His level of "War Craftsman" will satisfy you. This is it. "Pointing to the alchemy table at the top.

The 3-star alchemist took a look, turned his head to the slightly graceful figure in the robe and said, "What do you think?"

This woman's meteor badge is two suns, and she can be regarded as a No. 1 person. She took a look, shook her head and said: "It's too bad, the number of decomposition pools is small, and there is no insulation pool."

"That's right." The tall figure pondered for a while, and said, "Then let's look for it again."

"Forget it." The woman sighed, and said: "This market should be the only one that sells it exclusively. My experimental report has been submitted and I will receive a call from the above soon. Let's use this one first. Let's go."

The tall figure hesitated for a moment, then said helplessly, "Okay."

The two paid immediately and bought it from the shop owner.

Du Dian and the mouse watched them leave, and then looked away.

The mouse sighed and said: "We can't afford it, and they think it's too bad. Sure enough, we still have too little contact with it, and alchemy is too profound. Unfortunately, they didn't talk much, otherwise, we might be able to get enlightened from their conversation." .”

Du Dian wondered: "She just said that the experimental report was submitted, did she mean submitting it to the Dark Holy See? Why didn't you wait for the experiment to be completed and submit the experimental results directly?"

The mouse shrugged and said, "If you want to get alchemy points earlier, some alchemists are worried that their experiments will be researched in advance by others, so they submit their own ideas first, and if the experimental report is judged to be valuable, they will be converted into relevant points." The corresponding alchemy points."

"Of course, there is another possibility, that is, some people suddenly have other experimental inspirations, but they are busy with the experiments in hand and have no energy to do it, or they are too lazy to collect those materials to do it, so they will use their own The calculated experimental report or experimental creative conjecture is submitted, and if the above verification is feasible, alchemy points will be given."