The Dark King

Chapter 96: talent


"This is a good way!" Du Dian's eyes lightened slightly. When it comes to experimental conjectures, he considers himself the second, and I believe that no one dares to say the first! After all, he is someone who has seen the modern world. Airplanes, cannons, cars, and other modern technological products can become experimental conjectures!

Moreover, these conjectures can be established 100%!

However, limited to the current industrial level, it cannot be produced, and whether it can be recognized is a problem.

"It's not as simple as you think." The mouse noticed the change of expression on Du Dian's face, shook his head and smiled, and said: "The experimental conjecture submitted requires a complete derivation process, not just a simple concept, but also a relatively complete alchemy After all, if all the alchemy formulas are wrong, this conjecture is naturally just an empty idea, just like our illusory fantasy. Although with the improvement of alchemy, the magical things imagined in the heart may one day become reality, but Without the support of actual theory at the moment, it is just an unrealistic conjecture after all."

Du Dian nodded. He naturally knew this. His father often said that scientific truth-seeking requires a rigorous attitude and a whimsical heart. "Experimental conjecture" is based on the premise of "experiment", not pure fantasy. All kinds of magical things in the science fiction of the era are also based on certain scientific theories, not fantasy.

However, novels are just stories after all, mainly based on fantasy, and cannot be regarded as "experimental conjectures", because the creators have not really conducted relevant experiments.

It can be seen that it is not easy to submit a rigorous and qualified experimental conjecture.

Despite this, Du Dian is still very excited. It is difficult for others, but for him, it is very simple. Just copy the contents of the super chip. After all, it is full of genuine technological formulas.

However, the premise of all this is still the problem of electricity.

Du Dian became more and more anxious.

At this time, the mouse saw that it was not early, and took Du Dian to look in front of other stalls. After finding nothing helpful for his experiment, he left the dark underground market with Du Dian.

It was getting dark outside, and the gray radiation cloud covered the sky, blocking the moonlight, and it was almost curfew time.

Du Dian and the mouse parted ways and went home.

In a blink of an eye, another three days passed.

After the alchemy platform was transported to the alchemy den, Du Dian began to study the production of yellow phosphorus matches. The three-day experiment in a row allowed him to gain a lot, and he has mastered the preliminary manufacturing method. In fact, matches are not difficult, just like black powder, the recipe is very simple, but the birth of early black powder was completely obtained from the accidental frying furnace of an alchemist. Before that, no one expected the combination of those few materials Together they would explode.

The birth of many great inventions often comes from coincidence.

Three days passed, and it was the day when Du Dian went to the hunter's headquarters to report.

The Juras have not quit their jobs in the residential area, and they still live here temporarily. They did not go to the commercial area with Du Dian. They are not in a hurry. After all, they have been rooted here for many years, from their parents to their generation. Many acquaintances need to spend time to manage.

Da da da!

Du Dian took the consortium's carriage to a remote suburb in the business district.

Surrounded by mountains, several secluded ancient castles stood silently, and the carriage stopped in front of one of the ancient castles.

Du Dian got out of the car and looked at the several ancient castles and the gloomy environment in front of him. He didn't expect that the hunter's headquarters is such a place. The atmosphere is so gloomy, which matches well with the hunters who often live outside the wall.

"Please." The coachman jumped out of the carriage and respectfully said to Du Dian.

Du Dian walked behind him.

The two came to an old castle on the hillside. The door of the old castle was gently opened, and a young man in a black suit came out. He looked at Du Dian with a smile and said, "You are the newcomer 'Du Dian' who came to report, right?"


"Come with me." The young man in the black suit turned and entered the castle. After Du Dian entered, the door of the castle closed slowly.

Follow the gravel path to the front hall of the castle, the light inside is dim, and there is a woman's oil painting hanging on the wall, which is the same person as the woman's oil painting hanging behind Du Dian on the top floor of the scavengers' headquarters. Du Dian I was a little surprised to see it, and I was a little curious, but I didn't ask much.

"Your identity has been registered for you before. From the moment you come here today, you have to perform your duties as a hunter of the Mellon Consortium, with the highest goal of protecting the interests of the consortium. Do you understand?" asked the young man in a black suit to Du Dean said.

"I know." Du Dian glanced at his shoulders, did not see the hunter's medal, and asked, "You are?"

The young man in the black suit noticed Du Dian's gaze, smiled slightly, and said: "I am the assistant instructor of the trainee hunter. By the way, although you have magic marks, you are still a trainee hunter. Compared with hunters, you are not as powerful as them, so from today onwards, you will be trained by the consortium."

"The training of the consortium?" Du Dian wondered, "Isn't it the hunter school?"

The young man in the black suit smiled and said: "I've heard about you. Originally, the consortium planned to arrange for you to be trained in the Hunter School, but you have the magic mark and your physical fitness is higher than others, and the Hunter School is Unified training, it is impossible to give you double standards alone, and the consortium does not have so much energy to make them show affection, so now you cannot enter the hunter school, you can only accept the training of the consortium."

"However, don't worry, the consortium's training content is basically copied from the hunter school, which is roughly the same. Moreover, you should have already thought about your future career, and you only need to do special training for your job."

"Of course, I still need to understand some of the specialties of other positions, so that I can have a better understanding when going out hunting and cooperating in the future."

Seeing this, Du Dian has nothing to say, since the above has been set, he can only follow through.

"What career did you choose?"


"Long-range output? The consortium is really short of hunters. However, there are not many people with marksman talent. I hope you have good talent in this area, otherwise it will be difficult to reach the peak based on interest alone." The young man in a black suit said.

Hearing what he said, Du Dian couldn't help beating his heart when he thought of his previous shooting results.

"Let's test your talents in all aspects first." The young man in black suit smiled slightly, and said, "Come with me to the training ground." He pushed open the door of the front hall and inner hall, and there was an extremely open space behind it. All kinds of training props, such as archery targets, wooden men, rocking horses, and a cage full of sharp swords, made Du Dian sweat a little.

"Since you chose a hunter, try your archery talent first." Standing in front of the archery target, the young man in a black suit waved to Du Dian, gesturing him to come over.