The Dark King

Chapter 97: Two items


Du Dian went over as promised and came to the front of the target.

"Here, let's shoot some arrows." The young man encouraged by taking out a black bow and quiver from the rack beside him.

Du Dian reached out to take it, only to feel that the weight was slightly lighter than that of the hunter's bow and arrow, but for most scavengers, it was still extremely heavy. , pull the strings, and aim at the distant target.

The target was 30 meters away from the visual inspection. With a whoosh, the sharp arrow galloped away and nailed deeply on the target, but missed the red heart by one and a half circles.

"It's pretty good, have you practiced before?" The young man glanced at it, slightly surprised.

Du Dian nodded and said, "I've practiced for a few days."

"Just a few days..." The young man nodded slightly, handed out a black strap, and said, "Blindfold your eyes and shoot an arrow."

Du Dian nodded, blindfolded and drew the bow again, searching for the approximate location of the previous target in his mind. Although he could smell the faint smell from the target with his sense of smell, he did not rely on the help of his sense of smell and wanted to see Do you have any talent for marksmanship


The arrow shot out quickly.

With a bang, it was nailed to the target.

Hearing the sound of hitting the target, Du Dian pulled down the black belt and looked. The position was similar to the one shot before, and the deviation was not too big.

"It seems that you are quite talented in archery." A smile appeared on the young man's face, and he said, "Although you have a high physique, it is extremely rare to have such a result after only a few days of practice. If you work hard, you may have a chance Become the second hunter in the consortium to be a middle-level hunter."

Du Dian was surprised: "Is there only one hunter in the consortium who has reached the intermediate hunter?"

"Well, there are a total of eight intermediate hunters in the consortium, two knights, three fighters, two thieves, and one hunter." The young man smiled and said: "There are fewer hunters, mainly because the hunter's individual combat ability is too strong. Poor, if there is no one to help contain it, it will be difficult to hunt the prey, relying too much on the team, and the skills of hunters are relatively difficult, which is also the reason why intermediate hunters are scarce."

"The hunter's individual combat ability is poor?" Du Dian couldn't help but glance at him. He chose the hunter profession because of his individual combat ability. In his opinion, this is the strongest individual occupation!

However, he agrees that hunter skills are more difficult.

After all, warriors and knights often fight monsters on the front line, and their fighting ability improves very quickly, while hunters are only responsible for repeated archery in the back, and they can gain very little insight. They can only rely on "practice makes perfect".

"Try the talents of other professions." The young man took Du Dian to the second line drawing area next to him. There were a few wooden figures, and various weapons of different lengths, such as swords, iron whips, hammers, etc. were placed on the shelves next to them. But there is no spear, which is the exclusive symbol of the knight.

"Attack the wooden man and smash it to pieces. You can use whatever weapon you want." The young man laughed.

Du Dian nodded, first picked up the long sword, came to a wooden man, and hacked on it in all the ways he could think of.

The continuous slashing made him feel awkward and uncomfortable, and the blade would slip if he exerted too much force.

Du Dian immediately knew that the long sword was not suitable for him, so he immediately changed to a short sword.

Compared with the long sword, the short sword is much smoother, longer than the dagger head, and can be used as hard as a dagger, so he can't put it down, and he doesn't feel tired when he chops continuously.

Next came other weapons, iron whip, hammer, sword... Du Dian tried one by one, and finally felt that he was more comfortable with short sword and sword. The young man also gave such an evaluation based on his achievements.

"Your talent as a fighter is not bad, but it's better to be a hunter. Let's look at your talent as a knight." The young man said.

The knights here are different from the knights inside the wall. Although the fighting style is similar, the knights inside the wall value moral character more, and will be awarded knight medals after rigorous assessment, and they are purely outside the wall. For the heavy.

Du Dian sat on the rocking horse, holding a long gun, and kept waving it, feeling extremely awkward.

When the young man saw it, he shook his head and asked Du Dian to carry out the last test.

The core of thieves is hiding and evasion. The test method is a big cage full of knives and guns. This cage will keep shaking, and the knives and guns inside will also keep shaking. There are no rules, and it depends entirely on the speed of one's nerve reaction.

"Put on this." The young man handed Du Dian a bulky black armor suit.

Du Dian immediately put on, and immediately felt clumsy.

After entering the iron cage, the young man pressed the switch, and the iron cage shook suddenly, and the swords inside stabbed chaotically like countless soldiers holding him to encircle him.

Du Dian hurriedly dodged left and right, his eyes swept left and right quickly, and occasionally he caught a glimpse of silver light from the corner of his eyes, and quickly lowered his head to dodge. Regularity makes it easier to dodge.

Even so, two or three shots still stabbed him, but he was protected by black armor and was not injured.

Soon, the test is over.

The young man opened the cage, exclaimed, and said, "Tsk tsk, I didn't expect you to have such a sensitive hand. Although you have a high physique, it's too strong to have such a reaction. Otherwise, you can change your job to be a thief. Your talent in this area will definitely allow you to reach the level of an intermediate hunter as soon as possible, and after so many years in the consortium, your talent for thieves is definitely in the top three, no, top two!"

Du Dian didn't expect to get such an evaluation, and he was happy in his heart, but after thinking about it, he still said: "I still like to be a hunter and kill enemies thousands of meters away."

"This... okay." The young man sighed regretfully, and he didn't force it. After all, this is just a simple test, which can only roughly reveal some talents, and it is not completely accurate. Many people are not good at first, but later they are better than those Those who are easy at the beginning are more proficient, and he has seen a few such examples. And in the boring skill practice, interest is very important, which is why the consortium did not arrange occupations forcibly, but let the hunters choose their own.

"Although your hunter and thief talents are very high, don't be complacent. You must train hard in the future. The consortium doesn't give you much time. Try to become a real hunter within a year." The young man said earnestly: "Although Your study time is only one-third of that of other apprentice hunters, but you have already mastered the magic mark, your physique has been strengthened in all aspects, and it is easier to learn. If you fail the skill assessment after one year, the consortium will force you to Send it outside the wall so that you can hone it in actual combat."

"However, you should also understand the danger outside the wall, so work hard, if you are lazy today, you will die tomorrow."

Du Dian looked serious, nodded and said: "I know."

"Okay, come with me to the hunter training ground." The young man said.