The Dark King

Chapter 99: Overtraining


It was getting dark.

Du Dian still draws the bow and shoots the arrows. Every time he draws the bow, it is extremely difficult, even painful, but he still shoots one arrow at a time. The two servants stood by and looked at each other. They exchanged fifty-seven barrels of arrows for Du Dian, twenty in each barrel, which had already exceeded a thousand arrows.

"My lord, your mission of a thousand arrows has been completed." One of the servants hesitated for a moment, but still bit the bullet and interrupted Du Dian's training.

Du Dian took a breath and said in a deep voice: "I know, continue to change arrows."

After speaking, continue to draw the bow and shoot hard.

When you are too tired to draw the bow, you will take a rest, and after recovering, you will continue to shoot.

It wasn't until around eight or nine in the evening that Du Dian was so tired that his arms trembled that he couldn't draw his bow anymore, so he had to stop and asked a young servant next to him, "How many arrows?"

"One thousand two hundred and ninety arrows." The servant said quickly.

Du Dian secretly said: "It's ten arrows away from the whole number." The obsessive-compulsive disorder in the bottom of his heart caused trouble, and he planned to go back to rest, but now he became more serious.

Soon, during the intermittent rest and archery, Du Dian spent a quarter of an hour, and finally made up the ten arrows to make up the whole number. Only then was he satisfied and ready to leave.

At this time, the young instructor came from a distance, saw Du Dian next to the shelf, and was surprised: "It's not finished yet?"

"It's done." Du Dian wiped his sweat.

The young instructor glanced at the two servants next to him, and when he saw them nodding slightly, he knew that Du Dian hadn't fooled himself, and said with a smile: "Go back and rest when you're done, the thousand arrows are determined according to your physique. When I came here, I was tired after 300 arrows a day, and now I can only do the task of 800 arrows a day. After all, your physical fitness is much higher than them. 1,000 arrows is your starting point. I will continue to gradually increase your training volume, don't be negligent and lazy, you know?"

Du Dian nodded.

"Go back and have a good rest." The young instructor waved.

Du Dian handed the bow and arrow to the servant, turned and left the lawn, his arms were still trembling slightly from exhaustion.

The place to sleep at night is in a nearby apprentice hunter castle, which is full of trainee hunters cultivated by the consortium privately. Du Dian came to the front hall to eat. It has to be said that the special training life of hunters is completely different from that of scavengers. Scavengers are completely hard-trained. They live poorly and eat poorly. From the time of special training, they have been adapting to the living conditions outside the wall.

But hunters are different. As long as they complete their tasks every day, other aspects of material enjoyment are very superior.

There are special chefs waiting for you at any time, and you can order meals as you like, as long as you complete the task before nine o'clock in the evening, you can eat as much as you want.

Du Dian came in time, arrived at 8:35, and ordered a fried blood steak and a sharp-billed foie gras, both of which are poultry raised in the wall, the impact of nuclear radiation is shallow, and the degree of variation Not obvious, and after generations of reproduction, the definition has long been changed from "mutation" to "evolution". It belongs to pollution-free poultry and is a favorite food of nobles.

After eating, Du Dian went back to the room arranged by the youth instructor to sleep.

The room is independent and very spacious, which is a rare enjoyment for Du Dian who is used to living a hard life.

The night passed quickly, and he got up on time the next day. When he came to the hall below the castle, he immediately saw many figures around his own age, including a trainee hunter who was training with him yesterday.

"Good morning." The young man bumped into Du Dian, greeted him calmly, and said with a smile, "My name is Tesen. I heard that you came back very late last night. The first day was very hard. I actually gave you a thousand arrows." The amount of training, as expected of a person who has obtained the magic mark, can complete such a terrifying request."

Du Dian said politely: "It will be the same when you get the magic mark in the future."

The young man smiled slightly, with the corners of his mouth upturned, without saying anything else, he said goodbye to Du Dian, and went to the side to get his own breakfast.

Du Dian also went to line up and asked for his own breakfast. After eating, he moved his arms. After a night of recovery, he still felt a little sore. He knew that today's practice would be more difficult.

After eating breakfast a few times, Du Dian came to the lawn. At this moment, the other five people hadn't come over, and the servants hadn't arrived yet. Du Dian ignored it and took the arrows and started practicing.

After shooting a hundred arrows, I saw the other five people coming here one after another. The training of the young instructors is very free, as long as the task is completed that day, it doesn't matter how long they go to the training, and the time is arranged by themselves.

After the five people arrived, they greeted each other and started training separately.

The single training courses and day-to-day life are extremely boring for children of Du Dian's age, but Du Dian has been very patient since he was a child, and he has seen the destruction of the world and the cruelty outside the wall, which also makes him feel good about it. The thirst for power is even stronger.

This desire surpasses all other interests in play.

In the blink of an eye, another day passed.

The young instructor visited the crowd a few times during the period, taught the basic archery posture and the role of shoulders, arms and other parts, and then left again.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, Du Dian was so tired that his arm cramped again and had to stop. Today's task load barely reached 1,200 arrows, which is 100 arrows less than yesterday. The aftermath of the soreness persists to this day.

Du Dian dragged his body back to the castle, returned to his room after dinner and fell asleep.

On the next third and fourth day, Du Dian still didn't go back until 8 o'clock every night.

On the third day, however, the number of arrows shot soared to 1,500 arrows, and the soreness in his arms gradually got used to after resting at night. On the fourth day, the number of arrows shot reached 1600 arrows.

During the high-intensity training, Du Dian's body is also adjusting and adapting quickly.

The five people who trained with Du Dian all felt the progress of Du Dian's archery. The hit rate was almost double that of before. Almost every ten arrows, only one or two arrows missed the target, and the rest were all hits! Of course, this is only the probability that the first few hundred arrows will appear. The further you go, the lower the target rate is, which can be ignored.

If so, these five people were amazed by such progress in just a few days.

However, considering that Du Dian is a hunter who has mastered the magic mark after all, and his physique is several times higher than theirs, such amazing progress can be explained.

Even so, the five of them were still a little unconvinced. Even if they were facing hunters who mastered the magic marks, they didn't want to be quickly caught up by a newcomer after training for a long time. So in the next few days, several people shot arrows at themselves. At that time, the attitude demanded to be more serious, instead of shooting casually like before, just hoping that the arrow could fly over the target.

In a blink of an eye, seven days passed.

Du Dian has increased the number of daily archery to 1,800!

"Now you are used to it. From today onwards, the number of arrows you shoot every day will increase to 1,500 arrows!" The young instructor said coldly and sternly: "Besides, you must hit 300 arrows!"

Du Dian nodded and didn't say anything. In fact, his current target arrows have reached about 500, which is twice as fast as the task set by the young instructor! However, he doesn't care about the amount of tasks given by the young instructors. His goal is to surpass himself and squeeze himself to the limit!

As for whether he can complete the task of the young instructor, it is completely out of his consideration.