The Dark Sword

Chapter 104: Train sniper


The Eleventh took a look at the station, and at a glance, he recognized that the short man carrying a basket and selling biscuits by the platform was an agent who agreed on the "train sniper" plan together last night, and another agent wearing a long windbreaker was waiting for the train on the platform. . The reason why the Eleventh Young Master didn't tell Li Zongren about the "train sniper" plan was because he was afraid that the President's wife would show flaws like last time and cause something bad. He took advantage of the President's getting in the car just now, and when the agents' attention was on the President, he offered Captain Song the cigarette wrapped in intelligence.

With a sharp whistle sound, the train moved slowly. The Eleventh Young Master stood by the car and waved slightly to the people in the car. Carriages passed in front of them, and when the rear of the car passed, two off-road vehicles suddenly started at the same time on both sides of the rails and chased the train quickly. This is intoxicated and they started to act. The eleventh young man's heart hung in his throat, I hope Captain Song has seen the information in the cigarette! Otherwise, all his efforts will be wasted.

In the train carriage, Captain Song slowly unfolded the cigarette paper wrapped with shredded tobacco, and the words above came into view: Beware of sniping outside the window! Captain Song's complexion changed drastically, and he whispered to Li Zongren who was sitting near the window watching the scenery: "President, Master Lin sent intelligence, there may be snipers outside the window, you should go to the bathroom to hide first!" Li Zongren got up busy after hearing this. Into the cramped bathroom.

Captain Song asked a bodyguard to wear Li Zongren's clothes and sit by the window. The train ran on the rails and entered a huge tunnel, and the entire carriage suddenly went dark. At this moment, the two off-road vehicles caught up with Li Zongren's car at almost the same time and moved forward at the same speed as the train. The window of the off-road vehicle had already been rolled down, and the muzzle of the two sniper rifles aimed at the train window.

Captain Song and several bodyguards all drew their guns and shot out through the car window. Two sniper rifles fired at the same time, slowing down and passing the train. Two sniper shells passed through the window of the car and entered the head of the bodyguard sitting by the window from two different angles. For a while, blood spattered.

At that time, the train was still walking in the tunnel and the noise was very loud, so passengers in other carriages did not hear gunshots at all. When the train left the tunnel, everyone was stunned by the bloody scene. Fortunately, the president's carriage was separated from other passengers, and other passengers were not involved, so it did not cause confusion.

Captain Song quickly arranged for someone to clean up the body of the bodyguard and other aftermath work.

Li Zongren and his wife came out of the bathroom pale, both trembling with fright. Mrs. Li almost couldn't stand up, a bodyguard helped her to the seat, and she took a breath and lay down on the chair. Li Zongren glanced at the corpse in the suitcase, and said in a deep voice, "Captain Song, Guilin can't go! Get off the train at the next stop!"

Captain Song hurriedly said: "Yes."

At the next station, a group of bodyguards protected Li Zongren and his wife from the car. Captain Song called on the platform and told the three drivers of Zhao Zhao to rush here, and something went wrong. I called the presidential palace again and asked the gendarmerie brigade to send a car.

About a quarter of an hour later, a car hurried over. Captain Song nodded with satisfaction, his expression suddenly changed, and he shouted, "Protect the President!"

The car crossed the platform and rammed Li Zongren straight. Fortunately, the bodyguards were well-trained. After pushing Li Zongren to the newsstand, the car slammed into the newsstand, and the newspapers and magazines flew around for a while. A bodyguard rushed to the door of the car, and the killer inside was lying on the steering wheel, lying in a pool of blood, already out of breath.

After finally waiting for the jeep sent by the presidential palace, dozens of armed military police stood in the car and escorted Li Zongren back to the presidential palace. Li Zongren was shocked and unsafe, and he was overwhelmed. After returning from the presidential palace, he called the Eleventh Young Master to the study, nodded to him, motioned him to sit down, and smiled: "You saved my life, Li Zongren. Let's talk, if you have any needs, just ask! "

The Eleventh Young Master said with trepidation: "It is my duty to protect the President, I dare not ask for anything!"

Li Zongren chuckled: "You are a ****, but this president has always repaid his favor! Look at this, from now on, you will stay by my side. How about let me give you an adjutant? ?"

The Eleventh Young Master hurriedly said: "The President loves me, and I understand it. But everyone has their own ambitions. I am already a Communist. Forgive me for not being the second master.

"Since you say that, this president won't force it!" Li Zongren sighed, "Go, stop by the steward Ma and get a gold bar-don't postpone this."

Eleven thanks, came out of the study, went to the steward Ma to get the gold bullion. Back in the bedroom, he hid the gold bar under the bed, knowing that he didn't use it anymore, so he didn't care about it anymore. Lying on the bed, he thought, after three failed assassinations, will the intoxication give up? With his character, he doesn't stop until he achieves his goal. When will he stay here? He worries about Boss Liu again. I wonder if she has returned to Shanghai safely