The Dark Sword

Chapter 108: new task


That Madam Wu glanced at the Eleventh Young Master. Boss Liu saw the suspiciousness in her eyes and said, "This is Comrade Sun, on the same front. Don't worry."

Wu Ma said: "The Shanghai Urban Construction Department has been very busy these days. The Security Bureau has a new operation captain Situ Hong. This person is very insidious. He has almost monitored the entire Urban Construction Department. Our comrades can hardly get it right for a while! It means that a workers’ strike movement will be planned on Nanjing Road recently to diverge the force of the action team! The organization ordered you to disguise as a family member at the stalls of the student riots, and take advantage of the gap to go to the Civil Engineering Department of the Ministry of Urban Construction ', find a middle-aged master named Chow Tai Fook, he will pass the city defense map secret to you. He can't leave the city construction department for a step now, otherwise he may be arrested! Code: Lao Zhou, you will never go home these days , Mother asked me to come and see you."

Boss Liu said: "I understand..." He raised the volume and said, "This is too expensive, I still want this plate of Wenzhu!" A rich and downright young man walked over. Boss Liu held a pan Wenzhu, paid a few coppers, and hurried away with Eleven Shao.

The next day, the Eleventh Young Master transferred the information from the Shanghai Urban Defense Department using his position. He memorized the interior layout of the Urban Defense Department and the location of each department. He would get it when he went home for dinner at noon. Tell Boss Liu one by one. Boss Liu chose the shortest route to the "Civil Engineering Department", and practiced the secret code several times against the Eleventh Young Master.

At the end of the afternoon, the stationmaster Chen called an emergency meeting. It turned out that he had received important information that 30% of the workers on Nanjing Road would go on strike tomorrow, and many foreign factories and shops were threatened with closure. Stationmaster Chen’s face was pale: “According to the report of the eyeliner placed in the union, this is a large-scale strike planned by the Communist Party, which is intended to smash the hearts of the people in the Kuomintang ruling area! This time, we must catch a few strikers and kill the Communists. The prestige of the party, dare to make trouble on my territory, I must let them know how great!

The Eleventh Young Master groaned: "This is not difficult to do. Tomorrow, we only need to check the absent workers, and then follow the vine to find out who initiated the strike."

Stationmaster Chen nodded and said, "Deputy Stationmaster, you will handle this personally!"

The Eleventh Young Master said with embarrassment: "I'm afraid there is not enough manpower—"

Station Master Chen said: "The people from the Secretariat and the Intelligence Department will be dispatched by you for the time being!"

The Eleventh Young Master shook his head and said, "Those workers are not students. They have thick arms and round waists. If you really want to start, the secretariat documents are not your opponents—you know, they are all weak."

Station Master Chen groaned: "Well, let's do it, the people in the Operations Department will also temporarily wait for the deputy station master to dispatch!"

Captain Situ frowned when he heard the words, and said: "Stationmaster, the Operations Department is closely monitoring the suspicious elements of the Urban Construction Bureau, so I can't get away for a while!"

Station Master Chen said: "There is a priority in everything. Stop one day in advance over there to solve the problem of the workers' strike tomorrow! Let's talk about the end of the meeting!"

Out of the conference room, Captain Situ caught up with the Eleventh Young Master, and said with a flattering smile: "Deputy stationmaster, Situ Hong is now yours. What arrangements do you have?"

The Eleventh Young Master looked at his smiling face, and his heart was faintly disgusting, but he knew that this person was sleek, so don't offend him face to face. At the moment he smiled and said: "Captain Situ is the veteran of the army. Do I have to personally take care of the arrest of the troublemakers? You can let go and do it. I said that I will handle the matter, but it's actually not yours. Rushing to the front line? Captain Situ only needs to deal with the workers and arrest a few people for me!"

Captain Situ said: "Thank you, the deputy stationmaster, I will definitely live up to my trust!"

Back at the office, the Eleventh Young Master thought to himself that this Situ Hong is different from Yan Jing and Yan Long. The Yan Jing brothers are still good-natured, but this Situ Hong is always numbing scalp. Polite remarks. However, it is this kind of person who is the most terrifying and most elusive, and he must be on guard at all times.

In the early morning of the next day, the Eleventh Young Master and Boss Liu broke up. Seeing that she had brought a gun out, he hurriedly said: "There must be people from the action team at the Ministry of City Defense. You can easily reveal your identity with a gun!"

Boss Liu tapped his forehead: "Look at me being confused!"

The Eleventh Young Master looked at her worriedly: "Are you okay?"

Boss Liu reluctantly smiled and said, "I am an old underground party, so please put your heart in your stomach." The two hurriedly broke up at the door.

The Eleventh Young Master was uneasy along the way. When he arrived at the Security Bureau, he pulled the phone of Captain Situ’s office. The secretary over there said, “It’s the deputy stationmaster. Captain Situ has already taken the manpower to Nanjing Road. He asked me to tell you. , Tell you to wait for his good news!"

Putting down the phone, the eleventh young man was full of Boss Liu's shadow. I wonder if her trip went smoothly? Can the city defense map succeed