The Dark Sword

Chapter 114: Confrontation


The Eleventh Young Master wanted to take advantage of the victory, and sneered: "You sent someone to steal secret information just to claim credit? I'm afraid that you have another purpose. I know you lurked in Yan'an—"

Stationmaster Chen suddenly coughed and said, "If this is the case, everyone is a misunderstanding! Don't make it so gunpowder. They are all colleagues. They eat at the same station, and you can't see you look up!-Deputy stationmaster, you are not ugly. Wai Yang, see if you can give me a face, forget it this time, if he has the next time, the webmaster refuses to agree, immediately send him to the Second Office of the Ministry of National Defense!-Captain Situ, you too Play too much, take credit eagerly, be careful of your life! Don’t you apologize to the deputy stationmaster?! The deputy stationmaster is the most kind-hearted! And, that little granddaughter, you can give someone some money, The poor child must be terrified."

Situ Hong said hurriedly: "Please also ask the deputy stationmaster to be generous and let me go!"

The Eleventh Young Master knew that further suppression would make people suspicious, so he said coldly: "If it weren't for the face of the stationmaster, I really want to shoot you!" Flicking his sleeves, he went to the office.

Stationmaster Chen pointed to Huang Yang and ordered: "Keep him off for a month, let out the vice stationmaster's nasty breath!" Then he sternly said to Situ Hong: "You come to my office!"

When he arrived at the stationmaster's office, stationmaster Chen motioned to Situ Hong to sit down, and suddenly looked at him with a tacit smile: "Captain Situ, this stationmaster saved your life just now!"

Situ Hong said hurriedly: "Thank you stationmaster, if it weren't for stationmaster, I'm afraid I would really take a shot."

Stationmaster Chen snorted, and suddenly pulled his face down: "Why on earth did you send someone to steal the secret information of the deputy stationmaster? Don't be a three-year-old child of the stationmaster! Asking for credit? I don't think you are such a superficial person. "

Situ Hong wiped the cold sweat on his forehead with his sleeve, and said: "Stationmaster, I suspect that the deputy stationmaster is a lurking member of the Communist Party, so I sent someone to monitor him. The reason why he kidnapped his servant's granddaughter is to The servant has evidence in his hands!"

Station Master Chen gave a heavy beating with the teapot in his hand: "Captain Situ, if you are heard by the deputy stationmaster, I can't keep you! Why do you suspect that he is a Communist? These years, he has also been a party-state. A lot of things have been done, and any one of them is a great achievement. Now, if you say this, it sounds harsh to me!"

Situ Hong said, "When I was lurking in Yan'an, I seemed to have seen him!"

Stationmaster Chen said solemnly: "Nonsense, the deputy stationmaster's foundation is very clean. I have checked his files a long time ago. He has never been to Yan'an!"

Seeing that the station master said so, Situ Hong said, "I may have read it wrong."

Station Master Chen said meaningfully: "The KMT and the Communist Party are about to go to war. Who knows where our group will drink Northwest Wind tomorrow? I have no other requirements, as long as you can do nothing before I step down. Okay. Don’t fight in the nest in the future. Those of us in the Secret Bureau, whose background is really clean? You just open one eye and close one eye for some things. That’s why I’m protecting you today. Deputy Webmaster It's a human being. How did the former captain in your current position die? You may not know. When he died, the deputy station leader was beside him! Some people can move without you wanting to. You have to. Weigh it and see if you have any abilities."

Situ Hong heard a cold sweat, and said knowingly: "I follow the instructions of the stationmaster."

After this secret battle, although the Eleventh Young Master suppressed Situ Hong, he knew that this person had a grudge against him and would never let him go, so he asked the Qinggang brothers to follow him carefully. In this troubled world, if there is a slight difference, you will die. The War of Resistance is about to win, and he can't afford to lose it at this juncture. It's always right to be careful. In the past, he relied on this kind of caution to escape one disaster after another.

That night, the phone in the living room rang three times and hung up. The Eleventh Young Master and Mr. Liu hurriedly changed their casual clothes, preparing to send out the city defense plan.

The two still did not walk through the main entrance, and passed over the wall from the backyard. The old flower and bird market is still deserted, and occasionally a few half-dead cries of parrots make people distraught. After several nights of wind and rain, the wisteria flowers wrapped around the wrought iron railings have almost fallen off. That Wu Ma wiped some small antiques under the flower stands.

Boss Liu squatted down and played with Panjing. The Eleventh Young Master put his hands in his pockets, clenched his pistol, and looked vigilantly at the scattered people in the flower and bird market. Boss Liu asked for a plate of oleanders, and handed them a few banknotes and a city defense map. Wu Ma smoothly stuffed the city defense map into a snuff bottle.