The Dark Sword

Chapter 115: Send city defense map


Boss Liu was holding the oleander and was about to leave with the Eleventh Young Master. Four people suddenly walked over to the flower and bird market. Boss Liu recognized that one of them was the person who searched for her in the "Civil Engineering Department" of the Ministry of Urban Construction, and his expression was dim. change.

The Eleventh Young Master apparently recognized one of the agents, Ma Biao. He stabilized his mind and stepped forward and said, "It's so late, what mission are you going on?"

Ma Biao glanced at the eleven young men, then at Wu Ma, and suddenly laughed: "Deputy stationmaster, we are here to capture a communist bandit by the order of Captain Situ. What a coincidence!" Wu Ma rushed over. The other two agents held guns in their hands, seeming to be facing Wu Ma, but they were actually defending the two of them.

Suddenly, Ma Wu conjured a pair of guns from a large blue and white porcelain vase and an enamel jar, and fired with both hands. The two agents who rushed up immediately fell to the ground, and the hand of the Eleventh Young Master pulled the trigger in his pocket. The agent fell to the ground in response, and another agent knew that he was in danger and hurriedly raised the hand holding the gun.

The eleventh major general handed over the agent's gun and asked coldly, "Where is Captain Situ?"

The agent hadn't answered yet, and a jumble of footsteps came from outside the flower and bird market. Wu Ma hurriedly put the snuff bottle with the city defense picture on her body, and waved to the eleven young people: "Follow me!" Stepping on the remaining flowers, she walked to the other exit of the flower and bird market.

Unexpectedly, at another exit, two cars had already been parked. Seven or eight agents held their guns in their hands. The Eleventh Young Master who saw it was shocked. He was about to put the gun down when he heard Captain Situ cry out coldly. : "Yes, the communist bandit to be arrested tonight is our deputy webmaster!"

It turned out that Situ Hong did not give up and fished the Huang Yang out of prison. This Huang Yang wasn't a good product. Under the pressure, Huang Yang chose what he wanted and said the suspicious points of the Eleventh Young Master. Inadvertently talking about the "wife" of the Eleventh Young Master is very similar to Peony, the popular singer of "Ye Shanghai" that year. This sentence made the old and cunning Situ Hong's heart bright. He secretly sent someone to follow Boss Liu and quietly took photos of Boss Liu's profile. Seeing the dark red beauty mole on Boss Liu’s right eye, he immediately thought of the woman who spoiled at the Urban Construction Department that day—the eyebrows of that woman were vaguely similar to them. Even though his face was full of pockmarks and moles, Situ Hong still remembered. That woman also has a bright mole on her right eye! He had long noticed that this woman was unusual. The average countrywoman, seeing plain clothes, was so frightened, how could she curse like her, not afraid at all

Situ Hong immediately sent someone to arrest Chow Tai Fook in secret, and after severe torture, Chow Tai Fook betrayed the organization, but he did not know whether "Cui Lan" was the "wife" of the Eleventh Young Master. Situ Hong had a bottom in his heart, and sent someone to guard near the mansion of the Eleventh Young Master and contact him by phone at any time. When he learned from an agent that the Eleventh Younger "couple" went out at night, he knew his opportunity had come.

"Deputy stationmaster, late at night, you are connected with the communists, I would like to know what information are you sending?" Captain Situ glanced triumphantly at Wu Ma, who was holding two guns. "The underground party is famous. "Old Lady with Double Guns", I've seen it! The dispatch of such a character seems to be no ordinary intelligence!"

Eleventh Young's complexion was distorted because of anger and tension, and said angrily: "Situ Hong, don't spit people, be alarmist! I don't know where to offend you, you actually want to kill me again and again!"? Then he sternly shouted to the seven agents: "Put the gun down, you are pointing at the deputy station master! You can see clearly!" His mind was spinning fast, thinking hard about retreating the enemy.

Boss Liu suddenly smiled charmingly, and said to Situ Hong awe-inspiringly: "Good old friend, do you think that if the design has framed the Eleventh Young Master, you can completely get me? Don't be delusional! The old lady is his person, and his death is his. Ghost! Even if you calculate him, get my body, you can't get my person! The Eleventh Young Master is better than you in everything, I am his maid, and I won't live with you!"

The agents looked at Situ Hong suspiciously when they heard the words, and the muzzle was a little wandering. Situ Hong was anxious and sneered: "Smelly lady, dare to frame Lao Tzu! Go to hell!" He was afraid that Boss Liu would say something that would shake people's hearts. He bent his finger and pulled the trigger.

"Bang—" At the moment when the bullet was shot, a person next to him was quick-eyed and slammed his arm down. The bullet hit the ground, but it was the yellow sun.