The Dark Sword

Chapter 120: Confirm the goal


The lady objected: "Sir, how can you say that to Mr. Ichiro Tanaka?"

The Eleventh Young Master laughed silently when he heard the name "Tanaka Ichiro" outside. He really couldn't find any place to break through the iron shoes, and it was all effortless! It really is him! Three sentinels followed, and that Tanaka Ichiro knocked on the door of a compound at dusk. An old man who opened the door greeted him in Japanese and welcomed him in respectfully.

The Eleventh Young Master suddenly saw a silhouette at the door. Someone hid in the thick plantains beside the door. He was shocked and winked at Lao Jin and Xiao Shou who followed from a distance. The three came from different angles. Behind the clump of bananas, he drew his spear at the same time.

A face appeared in the banana bushes, Lao Jin hurriedly closed his gun, and whispered: "Misunderstanding, it is from the fourth group!"

The investigator also knew Lao Jin and said, "Team Leader Yan asked me to follow an American!"

The eleventh young man sneered in his heart: "It seems that two foreign spies have taken over!" Immediately: "Shou, you rush to deploy troops! Surround this house!-This little brother, you should go back and inform Team Leader Yan. , It was said that the snake came out of the hole, and let him send out the crowd. The eighth group and the fourth group worked hard to end the snake's nest!" Xiao Shou and the investigator went hurriedly.

The Eleventh Young Master and Lao Jin surveyed the entire periphery of the compound again. It was an old-fashioned courtyard house, but the outer wall was half a meter higher than ordinary houses, and the walls were tightly sealed. Half an hour later, the eighth group and the fourth group arrived. The eleventh school arranged the line so that some members took advantage of the night to guard the backyard and the relatively short courtyard wall. With a dozen or so members, he and Team Leader Yan entered over the wall.

The old man who opened the door just now was carrying food from the kitchen into the back room. He saw a group of people holding guns breaking in and shouting loudly, "Who are you?!" The Eleventh Young Master knew that he was telling the news. Team Leader Yan quickly broke into the back room hall. In the hall, Ichiro Tanaka and an American also had their guns in their hands, and when they saw the crowds of the other party, they put down their guns with interest. Tanaka Ichiro's face was deep, and he sternly said: "Are you bandits or robbers?! Do you know who we are?! You dare to bind people indiscriminately, and you are not brave enough.

At this time, I still want to scare people! The Eleventh Young Master sneered and shook the half of the business card: "Of course I know who you are. One is an agent of the Far East Intelligence Agency of Japan, and the other is a spy of the US Strategic Intelligence Agency!-it's all tied up to me!"

Team Leader Yan was quick and quick, and saw a pocket book burning in the stove, regardless of the flame, stepped forward to take it out, and stepped on it with his foot. The Eleventh Young Master recognized that it was a painting book painted by Ichiro Tanaka in front of Tiananmen Square, and when he opened it, he was shocked. It turns out that the above are all drawings about the structure of Tiananmen Square. Turning to the latest page, it shows Huabiao, Jinshuiqiao and Tiananmen Square. The two black and thick parabolas point to two targets, one is the top center of Tiananmen Square. One is the rostrum in the center of Tiananmen Square, with a line written in Japanese below: Cannonballs are launched from here! A name was signed below: Yamaguchi Ryuichi.

The Eleventh Major General closed his notebook and said coldly: "Yamaguchi Ryuichi, be honest, where is the fort hidden?" He had already speculated that there was a fort hidden near Tiananmen Square.

Yamaguchi Dragon oozes cold sweat on his forehead, but he said in his mouth: "What fort? Let go of me and break into a private house. You are breaking the law. I'm going to the International Court of Justice to sue your government! Is there any law in this world?"

Eleven Shao shouted: "Sue our government? It seems that you already know our identity! -Lao Jin, you sent three people to escort them back!-Team leader Yan, there must be dangerous weapons such as anti-aircraft guns hidden nearby! We must search the fort before the founding ceremony! This matter is very important, remember, don’t let the wind go."

Members of the two groups searched the yard several times, but found nothing. The Eleventh Younger tried the Yamaguchi Dragon for two days and two nights, but the Japanese was determined that he didn't know what fort or fort. Finally, that American spy George? Polly couldn't stand it, and finally confessed three mortars hidden near Jinshuiqiao.

Three days later, two spies were sentenced to death for deliberately firing guns at Tiananmen Square and sabotaging the founding ceremony. The Eleventh Young Master was awarded the rank of major general by the Party Central Committee because of his special merits. On the day of the founding ceremony, he participated in the military parade and was received by the top ten marshals.

When the chairman of the ****** stood on the Tiananmen gate announcing that "The People’s Republic of China, the Central People’s Government is established today", the cheers of 300,000 citizens of the capital burst into his ears. Left tears of excitement, finally passed, his latent career, his spy career. The years of wind and frost have honed him into an upright and forbearing person, and the weak scholar no longer has gone.

Soon, he returned to Shanghai and assumed the post of deputy director of the Shanghai Municipal Public Security Bureau, becoming a frightened figure of the bandit enemy.