The Dark Sword

Chapter 15: Enter the green gang


The four of them punched and drank stubbornly that night, and didn't breathe until the white belly appeared in the east. The Eleventh Young Master fell asleep for a long time, and he couldn't help but suffocate when he heard Lei Gang anxiously say something, which mentioned "junior". He did not wake up until the evening when he slept, the whole wharf returned to silence, and the water of the Huangpu River seemed to be stagnant. He dragged his injured leg out of the cabin door, and suddenly saw a few cars parked on the dock, one of which was an American car he had driven. Did Deputy Station Master Qian come to the door

After hiding in a container, he looked at the dock from a distance. Duan Ruimin, the captain of the Military Regiment Bureau's action team, was discussing something secretly with Lei Gang. A big rock hangs in the heart of the eleventh young man, is Lei just about to betray me? He was thinking about the whole story of Lei Gang's saving himself. This person really didn't look like a hypocritical and cunning person. I'm afraid I'm thinking about it again.

Duan Ruimin drew a topographical map on the sandy ground of the pier, pointed a few times on it, and Lei Gang nodded, his face heavy. Duan Ruimin shook hands with him and got in the car. Lei Gang squatted on the ground and looked at the sand table. It took a long time before he got up, kicked the sand table over, and walked here.

The Eleventh Young Master walked out from behind the container: "Brother Lei, what happened?"

Lei Gang's gaze forbeared: "Shu Lei can't tell the truth, brother! This is the secret of the Qing Gang and the army!"

Eleven nodded: "Understood!"

In the next few days, Lei Gang took Wang Mazi and Zhou Lao out often in the middle of the night, and did not return until the sun rose, not knowing what to do. The three were tight-lipped, and the Eleventh Master couldn't ask any more. One week later, the wounds of the Eleventh Young Master almost recovered. On this day, he was helping Zhou Laohu's woman in the bow of the ship to lift the container on a pulley. Suddenly, a gunshot sounded like fried beans in the distance of the dock. The gunshot was getting closer and several cars roared in. The first car was Lei Gang's car, but the three cars behind were all puppet government cars. A dozen or so puppet soldiers shot Lei Gang's car indiscriminately. Lei Gang, Wang Mazi, and Zhou Laohu fought back from the window, while galloping deep into the dock.

Zhou Laohu’s woman was stunned. When the hand controlling the pulley was loosened, the container fell sharply, and she was about to smash it down. The eleventh young man moved forward and pushed the woman away, and the container fell sinkingly. The entire freighter seemed to be stunned. It shook a few times.

Zhou Laohu's woman stayed, and the Eleventh Major General pulled her up and whispered, "Don't make a noise!"

On the dock, Lei Gang's car had three deflated four wheels, and the car was moving forward with difficulty. A car hurried forward and blocked Lei Gang's car. The pseudo soldiers also got out of the car one after another, and surrounded them with their guns.

"You running dogs! Grandpa won't be prisoners!" Lei Gang roared, and suddenly stepped on the accelerator, the car slammed and flew straight to the Huangpu River. When the car "boomed" into the river, Lei Gang laughed wildly. The sound is still endless.

The pseudo-soldiers saw the car entering the river, then guarded the riverside and fired a few shots aimlessly before getting into the car. Zhou Laohu's woman suddenly weakened her legs and collapsed to the ground, crying. The eleventh young man persuaded him once, but he couldn't persuade him, so he walked to the side of the boat and looked at the river, and couldn't help but respect the martyred Lei Gang. After his home was destroyed, the blood of an angry man was already surging in his bones, but due to the situation of the world, he had to hide his iron and blood to show his weakness. Therefore, when facing his cousin, he would say such seemingly unfeeling words.

That night, the Eleventh Young Master held the lamp until the middle of the night, thinking about his future path. Neither the Cyan Gang nor the Military Reunion are the factions that can keep his heart, where should I go

Just as the Eleventh Young Master was upset, there was a sudden knock on the door of the cabin, and a heavy voice called: "Eleventh Younger!"

The woman lying on the bed stared at the cabin door with horror. The voice just now was clearly made by Lei Gang! The Eleventh Young Master suddenly woke up, is Lei Gang still alive? Busily stepped forward to open the hatch. Lei Gang was like a chicken in the moonlight, his eyes were bloodshot, and his body was like sifting chaff. He glanced at the eleventh master, suddenly tilted his head, and was about to fall down. The Eleventh Young Master dragged him into the cabin, and said to the woman: "Get alcohol and clothes!" The woman was taken aback, and hurriedly got out of bed and turned the cabinets and cabinets.

In the dim light, Lei Gang's face turned pale, and his cold body was a little stiff. Eleven Shao peeled off Lei Gang's damp clothes, smeared alcohol on him, and rubbed it hard. Lei Gang's pale face gradually became bloody. Then he replaced him with a dry gown, put him on the bed, and covered a few quilts.

Lei Gang just slept for a day and night before waking up. Zhou Laohu’s woman carefully boiled the millet yellow fish soup. The Eleventh Young Master wanted to feed him, but Lei Gang waved his hand and said, “But it’s been a bit of a cold, why is it so hypocritical!” Took a cup of yellow croaker soup and drank upright.

After drinking six big bowls, Lei Gang burped heavily and sighed: "I, Lei Gang, lost two brothers. I'm sorry for the trust of the leader of Du Gang. From then on, I have to fight alone!"

Eleventh Young Master said clearly: "Brother Thunder, don't forget that I am your brother too!"

Lei Gang patted him on the shoulder, his eyes deep: "You are my brother, but I can't let you go on an adventure with me! The deaths of Zhou Laohu and Wang Mazi have made me guilty enough!"