The Dark Sword

Chapter 18: Take refuge in Dingxianglou


Midnight, Dingxianglou.

The prostitute Xiaohong did not receive a customer tonight. Rumor has it on the Bund that an intellectual in a long gown hacked to death Fu Xiaoan, the pseudo-mayor of Shanghai's largest traitor. The Japanese, pseudo-mayor, and secret agents were dispatched to search overnight and killed some suspicious elements. The whole Shanghai was a bloody storm. Those old clients who dared not go out, all hid in a safe place. It's just that they deserted their fireworks place. At dinner, the old bustard looked upset. A new prostitute said something wrong, so she was punished to wash the dishes.

There was a slight "squeaking" sound from the wooden ladder under the attic, and the little red eyes lit up, and the spirit came, and he greeted him with a pair of red shoes. The eleventh acquaintance who came here was the old acquaintance, and this man had always used this place as an intelligence relay station to sell pornographic newspapers. He brought many wealthy owners to Xiao Hong, but he had never been a prostitute. Xiaohong sniffed in private on more than one occasion. From her point of view, which man is nasty, and that cat does not steal fishy

"Yo, Eleventh Young Master, why are you alone today?" Xiaohong pulled out the handkerchief from her sleeve and covered her lower lip with a charming smile.

"I'm here to avoid the wind. Now the concession is not safe. A desperate intellectual killed Mayor Fu. The Japanese puppets were mad and killed when they saw the gown. That's amazing!" I couldn't help but wipe the cold sweat from my forehead with my sleeve, "It's really bad luck, do you want me to go out naked?"

"Don't tell me, my incense kiln is really a feng shui treasure!" Xiao Hong twisted her waist slightly, and put one hand on the thin shoulder of the Eleventh Young Master, "Is the Eleventh Younger family dependent? In Shanghai?" By the way, he cast a wink again.

"No, I'm poor, like someone with a family?" Eleventh Younger gently moved her hand away.

"Then what do you—" Little red poked his forehead with a finger, and then "chuckled" suddenly, "Is there something wrong?"

The Eleventh Young Master swallowed heavily: "I have a friend in Shanghai, I want to be worthy of her."

Xiao Hong bit the red nails of her little finger and stared at him for a while. She smiled so much that she almost laughed and fell on the big walnut bed: "Eleventh Young Master, you are still observing festivals in this troubled time. You are not a man. Wang Baochuan! Who cares if you open your eyes or close your eyes? Who cares about who? I don’t know which day it will be gone. It’s better to have fun in time! This is the truth, I know this little girl! Look, the night is long, why don’t you and me? —"

Eleven Shao blushed and said in embarrassment: "No, no, no. Xiaohong, if I am inconvenient here, if I disturb you, I will leave." With that, she put the purse under her armpit.

Seeing that the Eleventh Young Master was unmoved, Xiao Hong felt cold. She stretched out her hand and tucked the red dress to cover the exposed skin. She said with a little disdain: "You intellectuals, you are just hypocritical. Since the Eleventh Young Master is not here for prostitutes, Xiaohong can't take your money—"

The Eleventh Young Master understood, turned around and walked to the bed, and delivered a few pieces of ocean to her hand: "Xiao Hong, I will take care of you for my board and lodging in the future."

Xiaohong was resting on the red bedding with mandarin ducks playing in the water, blowing the ocean piece by piece, putting it to her ear to listen, and giggling: "It's easy to say, eleven young master! I'll get you some dried fruits first!" . She is naturally happy. She doesn't work, and she still has money to get. Where to find such a beautiful thing

The Eleventh Young Master didn't dare to close his eyes all this night. Although he had figured out the exit of the attic and the topography outside long ago, he still groped again uneasyly in his heart. In this way, if a special agent comes to the door, he can escape immediately. He didn't know how he got to this point. When he was a student in Dongyang, he only wanted to serve the country after returning to China, marrying his cousin, and then spend his life quietly. However, the war destroyed his hopes. Since the day he knew that a hundred of his family had been killed at the hands of Japanese devils, the elegant and noble intellectual had been reborn. Normally, he can bear it no matter what, but when facing a Japanese devils, he will unexpectedly reveal his hidden fangs and bite him.

He tossed all night and didn't fall asleep groggy until the next morning. He had a nightmare: Japanese soldiers caught him and asked him to kill and pay for his life. He yelled, why didn't the Japanese kill so many Chinese people? The little Japanese devils chuckled and pointed their black guns at him.

The noise of the downstairs dragged the Eleventh Young Master out of his dream. He hid a small pistol in his sleeve, got out of bed quickly, walked up the wooden ladder barefoot, turned into the back door of the nave, and peeped at him.

In the middle hall, a plainclothes agent led a few devils in front of the counter to check the list of clients. The old bustard and a few prostitutes were standing on the side, Xiao Hong was among them, too afraid to speak. The plainclothes agent suddenly shook a picture in front of several prostitutes: "This person has met?"

The old bustard seemed to have seen that person. She glanced at Xiao Hong: "Isn't this the Eleventh Young Master?"

Xiaohong hurriedly said, "This is my frequent visitor. I haven't been here recently."