The Dark Sword

Chapter 20: The dock is exposed


The Eleventh Young Master knew in his heart that the old bustard was suspicious of him, and said, "But I accidentally kicked the stool down! By the way, there are ten oceans here, old bustard, do a good deed and help me buy some snacks. I'll be back in the evening!" Send Dayang to the hands of the old bustard. First, spending money can eliminate disasters, and second, to prove that he will come back at night. If the old bustard really wants to report, he doesn't care about this half-day.

The old bustard picked up Dayang, weighed it in his hand, and smiled: "The Eleventh Young Master is very polite! Let's go!"

Eleven Shao squinted his eyes and nodded, and slowly walked to the back door with his purse. As soon as he left the back door, he called a rickshaw and headed to the Bund Pier. Now the only people who can take him in are from the Qing Gang. Brother Lei Gang doesn't know if he is still there now

It was already dusk when we arrived at the Bund Pier. The freighter was still tied to the Huangpu River. Zhou Laohu's woman didn't know where she was going. Only the little girl was dragging her nose and sitting on a container in the bow.

The Eleventh Young Master stepped onto the bow and asked, "Where is your mother?"

The little girl dragged her nose and pointed her finger at the cabin. The Eleventh Young Master walked to the cabin door, knocked on the door, and shouted, "Sister-in-law, it's me!"

There was a kicking sound and a muffled roar from inside. The little girl behind him cried with a "wow". The eleventh master suddenly felt something was wrong and flew to the shore.

The hatch opened, and a gloomy voice called: "Don't move!" But three plainclothes spies came out with guns.

The Eleventh Young Master knew that there was no hope of running away when he ran ashore. "Bang—" With a gunshot, he only felt his right arm numb, and he plunged into the cold water, and his eyes became dark and he lost consciousness.

A plainclothes agent quickly wrapped a bow rope around his waist, and Xiajiang dragged the eleventh master up. As soon as he turned back to the bow, he cursed repeatedly: "******, did not guard the surname Lei for a long time, but an irrelevant student came guard!" He saw that the eleventh young man was wearing a tunic suit, and The glasses were also lost in the river, thinking that he had caught a student.

The plainclothes spy chief looked at the Eleventh Young Master intently, and then laughed suddenly: "I can't find a place to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It takes no effort to come! ****, isn't this the Eleventh Younger, the most wanted criminal in the Imperial Command? !" These three spies are members of No. 76 spy organization affiliated to the pseudo-government. They tied Zhou Laohu's woman. They wanted to guard Lei Gang, the leader of the Qing Gang, but they were overjoyed that they had caught the number one offender.

The trio carried Eleven Young ashore on their shoulders. The little girl hurriedly got into the cabin door and pulled the stuff on her mother's mouth, and then hurriedly untied the rope that was tied up. Zhou Laohu’s woman yelled at the backs of the three secret agents: "You traitors, you must not die! As long as my old lady is alive, I will curse you for one day in front of the Bodhisattva!"

She was cursing, a plainclothes agent turned dark, and fired a shot. Zhou Laohu's woman screamed and fell into a pool of blood. The whole Bund is only left with the cry of the little girl.

No. 76 is called Wang Puppet "KMT Central Executive Committee Secret Service Headquarters". It was founded by former KMT secret agents Li Shiqun and Ding Mocun. The members are mainly the old military and the Chinese military. They are attached to the Japanese military and are located at No. 76, Jisifeier Road. Because of its name, it is known as the "Hall of the Kings of Hades", even the military headquarters in Chongqing is also a little scared. "No. 76" is stationed in the gendarmerie led by the Japanese Shibuya, whose duty is to monitor the Wang Puppet? "Secret Service Headquarters". When the "76" power was at its peak, its tentacles extended to multiple occupied areas controlled by the Japanese puppets and established 8 district-level spy agencies—Nanjing District, Jiangsu District, Subei District, Shanghai District, Hangzhou District, South China District, Wuhan District and Anhui District.

When the Eleventh Young Master woke up, he found that he was already naked and tied to a tiger bench. Hanging above his head are various torture instruments, and the steel is cold. Several spies were sitting at a square table, whispering something. Seeing him wake up, one of them coughed and said coldly: "Eleventh Young Master, you worked in the army, you must know the number 76. Rules! Or if you recruit them all, who sent you, who are your accomplices, what is your next plan; or you will be tortured directly! Be quick! It depends on how you choose!"

The Eleventh Young Master squinted his eyes to look at him, his Adam's apple moved a few times, and said: "I don't know more than you! I am a member of the military command, and I can only obey orders!"

"Oh?" said the spy chief. "So, you were sent by the military commander?"

"Yes." Although the Eleventh Young Master knew in his heart that the three people might not stay on the Bund freighter to catch him, but to catch Lei Gang, but he was not sure. For Lei Gang's safety, he pushed the plan to assassinate Fu Xiaoan to the military commander. Anyway, he had fallen out with the military commander because of Peony.

"There were five people who assassinated Mayor Fu with you. We have found out that one of them was the leader of the Green Gang. Where is he now?" The spy leader looked at him with burning eyes.