The Dark Sword

Chapter 22: Peak turn


The Eleventh Young Master said loudly: "We surrender!" He raised his hands and walked out of the shadows. Lei Gang raised his hands helplessly to follow.

Several agents quickly stepped forward with guns in hand, handcuffed their hands, searched around again, and escorted them to the prison where Eleventh Younger had just escaped. Those agents carried the bodies of the two agents on the ground, and the whole prison smelled of blood.

The captain Wang also rushed to hear the news. He slapped his eleventh young man and slapped him, cursing, "What kind of character is your ******? You belong to the military commander and the youth gang?! If it weren’t for Deputy Director Li’s call to ask you to replace an important person with the military commander, I’d shoot you!"

The eleventh youngest quarrel with blood, squinted his eyes and said, "Who do you want to replace me with in your headquarters?"

Captain Wang snorted coldly: "The more you know, the closer you are to death!"

Lei Gang suddenly laughed wildly: "Captain Wang, how are you doing these days? I heard that after I escaped from prison, you were punished by the above, Lei is really sorry!"

Captain Wang sneered: "Lei Gang, don't be proud. Since the Japanese took down Shanghai, the influence of the Youth Gang in Shanghai has gone from bad to worse. Your boss, Du Yuesheng, was not the one who relied on sex for food before? Now ***** *All quit Shanghai and organized the government in exile in Chongqing. You gangsters have long been motherless children! Last time you got away with a fluke, one of them is that Du Yuesheng's face is not a killer. This time you are hard to fly!"

Lei Gang spat fiercely and smiled: "Aren't you brazen traitors also begging behind the Japanese ass? Let's each other!"

Captain Wang ignored Lei Gang and told an agent: "Practice a change of guard system, three people in groups, three shifts, strengthen defense!" He took a big stride.

That night, the Eleventh Young Master and Lei Gang had complained to each other in prison regardless of the presence of the agents. Na Lei Gang turned out to be an ordinary worker at the Bund. Because he knew a little bit of fist, he once singled out three thugs from the Green Gang. Du Yuesheng took a fancy to him and was included in the Green Gang. Speaking of the situation in which the eleventh young man smashed the traitor Fu Xiao'an with a knife on that day, Lei Gang shouted "Happy", but regretted not seeing it with his own eyes.

Both of them were on the line of life and death, but Lei Gang put aside life and death early, and went to bed as soon as he said he slept. After a while, he snored like thunder. The Eleventh Young Master was full of thoughts and couldn't sleep for a long time. Someone in the army commander wanted to redeem him in exchange for his position. This should be good news for him. However, what will Brother Lei do when he leaves? Brother Lei was jailed again because of him, and he couldn't abandon him.

The next day was overwhelmingly bright, and Captain Wang led a team of special agents to raise the Eleventh Junior Academy. The Eleventh Young Master said goodbye to Lei Gang: "Brother Lei, there will be a period later!"

Lei Gang's eyes were full of tears: "Brother, take care! Big brother is useless, he failed to save you, don't blame me!"

The Eleventh Young Master shook his head and sighed: "Big brother, what are you talking about, little brother can't bear it! I'm just afraid, after I leave, you—"

Lei Gang waved his hand: "Don't worry about me, I can't die!"

Captain Wang escorted Eleven out of the prison and got into a military truck from a back door. The truck bumped and detoured Nanjing Road to an abandoned cotton yarn factory. This year, foreign industries and commerce have invaded China all the time, and Shanghai has become a global factory. Chinese national enterprises and factories went bankrupt and closed one after another.

The doors and windows of the cotton mill were looted, leaving only an empty shelf. Captain Wang looked at his watch and said to the agent on the truck: "Leave three people to watch the car, and the rest will follow me to take the prisoner into the factory!"

The agents all had guns in their hands, and they first estimated the topography of the cotton mill before they all got off the train. Captain Wang looked for a condescending place, and sat on a stone monument laying the foundation of a cotton mill.

With a long honking sound, an American car drove up quickly, followed by an ordinary car. The Eleventh Young Master recognized the car in front, and said in his heart: "The military commanders are here." The door opened, and two military commanders with guns came down first, followed by a man wearing a top hat, wearing a windbreaker, a beard, and his eyes. Refined, it is Duan Ruimin, the captain of the military reinstatement bureau action team.

Duan Ruimin glanced at the eleventh young man from a distance, nodded at him, and backhanded a handcuffed middle-aged man out of the car, leading two military commanding agents to Captain Wang's team, and the rest of the agents were lying on the back of the car. Aiming the gun, ready for a battle at any time. "Captain Wang, I brought your people. Since our boss has reached an agreement, it is better not to engage in military action between us! After releasing the eleventh son, I also released the virgin!"? Duan Ruimin pushed forward and stood between the two sides.

"Okay!" Captain Wang pushed the eleventh young man forward, and brought two agents over.

The two sides exchanged people in the middle. Captain Wang lowered his voice to Captain Duan and said, "This exchange was carried out in secret between your Mr. Dai and our deputy director Li. I hope that the Japanese will not know about it, otherwise, don't blame No. 76 for turning over and not acknowledging people!"

Captain Duan smiled slightly: "It seems that your Deputy Director Li is not a stubborn pro-Japanese pie! Goodbye!" Leading the Eleventh Young Master slowly backed away.