The Dark Sword

Chapter 25: The green gang shot


He went out of the door and went straight to the third floor. Telecom No. 3 where the secret radio station is located is on the innermost side of the floor. He inserted the key into the keyhole, fiddled with it, and the door opened. He locked the door, took out the prepared spotlight from his pocket, held it in his mouth, sat in front of the radio, and sent a telegram to the upper floor of No. 76 with the code detected in advance:

Urgent call: Please escort the leader of the Qing Gang Lei Gang to Pier No. 7 on the Bund at 21:00 on May 2. I will exchange with him the secret information of the Communist Party's activities in Yan'an and the secret list of the Military Statistics Bureau lurking on No. 76! Code: What goods does the army master have to ship

Qian Chase, May 1st

After sending the telegram, he took out a prepared red manuscript paper from his body, crumpled it up, burned the corners with a lighter, and threw it out of the trash basket. He walked to the door and checked back to see if there were any flaws. Then he opened the door and walked out quietly.

Secretary Huang woke up, it was early in the morning, and he wore a padded jacket that he wore for eleven years. The Eleventh Young Master himself was wearing a thin shirt and fell asleep on the table. His heart warmed, this Eleventh Young Master still had a bit of human touch. He put the cotton jacket back on the Eleventh Young Master and went out yawning. He suddenly remembered that there was still a message that had not been sent, so he touched the key and went to the communication room.

He turned on the light and walked to the radio station. He accidentally saw a black and red ball of paper on the side of the trash basket, his heart tightened, and he knelt down and opened the ball of paper bit by bit. It said:

Tell Deputy Director Li on my behalf □ □ I have removed the confidential room Yang Longyou, Wang’s confidant, and I look forward to the promotion of Deputy Director Li □□□□. A newcomer from the station has discovered my lurking, I hope the headquarters will send it out!

Qian Da□, May 1st

("□" is the ambiguity)

Secretary Huang looked at it and was shocked. This is clearly a message from my boss's intrusive communication with No. 76. Could it be that Deputy Director Qian is the No. 76 undercover agent? No wonder Director Yang was run on! He hid the ball of paper in the drawer mezzanine, and he dared not say anything at the moment.

On the side of the Eleventh Young Master, he waited until Secretary Huang had left, then quietly got up, put on that cotton-padded jacket and walked out of the Military Regiment Bureau. He called a rickshaw at the intersection of Chaoyang Road and went to the Bund Wharf. He stroked the whole train of thought all the way again, and then took a slight nap.

The Bund wharf was dead, and the cargo ship was still tied to the wharf. The Eleventh Young Master leaped onto the bow and knocked on the cabin door. There was a flustered noise inside, and a woman's sturdy voice called: "Who?"

The Eleventh Young Master still didn't know that Zhou Laohu's woman was dead, so she had come to contact the Qinggang, but the woman in the cabin was clearly not Zhou Laohu's woman. At the moment, he said cautiously: "I am a friend of Brother Lei Gang. Let's take a look at Zhou Xiaohui, the child of his dead brother."

The hatch opened wide, and a tall and strong woman appeared in front of her. She glanced at the Eleventh Young Master and said, "As a friend of Big Lei's, please come in!"

Zhou Laohu’s youngest daughter, Xiaohui, recognized the Eleventh Young Master. She jumped up from the bed, hugged his leg, and cried: "Uncle Eleven, my mother is dead and was beaten to death by those traitors! Woo-my dad I'm dead, and my mother is also dead. I hate those rare, and I hate those Japanese people."

While soothing Xiaohui, the Eleventh Young Master asked the woman, "Are you?"

"I'm Zhou Huo's sister! Seeing this child is pitiful, I came to adopt it!" The woman sighed and looked at Xiaohui with affection.

The Eleventh Young Master noticed the look in her eyes, and the vigilance in her heart relaxed, and said, "Sister-in-law must know some people from the Qing Gang, right?"

"Let's tell the big brother, I am a member of the Qing Gang! At this pier, except for the big guy Lei, I will be in charge!" The woman raised her thick eyebrows.

The eleventh young man had heard Lei Gang say that there was a fierce woman under his hand, with extremely accurate marksmanship. Every shot would be hit within a hundred paces. People gave the nickname "Hundred Pace Snake". Could the woman in front of him be the Hundred Papaver? He said with joy: "So you are the famous Hundred Pace Snake on the Bund. Fortunately!"

Hundred-step snake clasped his fists and said, "This boy calls you Uncle Eleven, you must be the eleventh young man who slashed the big traitor!"

The Eleventh Young Master said hurriedly: "Ashamed, it is right here!"

The Eleventh Young Master no longer hesitated, and told him about his plan to save Lei Gang, and asked the Qing Gang to arrange for a man to rob Lei Gang at the Seventh Pier on the Bund at 21:00 on May 2nd. After listening to the Hundred Pace Snake, he slapped his thigh and exclaimed, "Good brother, good trick! I thank you for the brothers from the Qinggang!" Now it was another fist.

Before the Eleventh Young Master left, he handed a drafted manuscript to Hundred Step Snake, and said: "You arrange for a brother to copy four copies of this letter overnight and send it anonymously to my Military Statistics Bureau! This is the list of recipients. And address!" Baibu Snake answered.

When Eleventh Young left the cargo ship, Xiaohui followed to the shore. The Eleventh Young Master took out a few pieces of ocean from her body and delivered them to her, asking her to buy some delicious food, and then hurried away.

Behind her, Xiaohui still shrank her face. The Eleventh Young Master thought of his own life experience, why is he not like Xiaohui? The country was ruined and his family was destroyed, and his parents were gone. If the Japanese are not driven out of Chinese territory, in the future, there will be many eleven minors and many small favors.