The Dark Sword

Chapter 36: Jumping the train in distress


"Dangdang—" Two bullets hit the iron gate. The Eleventh Young Master was a little scared, and a second or two later, those two bullets would hit him and make his head bloom.

"Eleventh Young Master, Long Yang! I was sent to escort you by the big green helper Lei!" The old man gave him a fist.

The eleventh young man was surprised and delighted. Surprisingly, his trip to Nanjing is top secret. Unexpectedly, there are so many people knowing that the spy organization is really pervasive; the good news is that since he was parted with Lei Gang in the 76th prison last time, he has not received any more information. Any news from him. He did not know whether the rescue plan he carefully planned was successfully implemented. Since Lei Gang was able to send someone, he must have escaped long ago. In this way, the big rock in his heart can also be put down.

The Eleventh Young Master said hurriedly: "Thank you for your help!"

The old man said: "Not only are Communists and military commanders lurking on this train, but there are also No. 76 people! Those who shot just now are the No. 76 traitors! They will not give up. In order to reduce accidental injuries, we It's better to jump off the car as soon as possible!"

The Eleventh Young Master groaned: "Alright!" followed the old man into the toilet of the carriage. The old man took out two wires, twisted them upside down a few times, unscrewed the window lock, and opened the car window. The strong wind whistled with sand and dust, and both of them took a bite of the sand in their mouths. The old man slipped out of the window skillfully, hung in the air, and shouted, "Hurry up!"

The Eleventh Young Master just noticed the old man's unlocking technique, which was clearly a professional agent's technique. Could it be that he is not from the Green Gang? The doubts flashed, and then I thought, the blue gang was mixed, what kind of people didn't there? Eleven, you are too cautious. He turned the window and jumped off with the old man.

The moment the old man fell to the ground, the hem of his clothes was lifted, revealing the gun pinned to his waist, and at a glance, the eleventh child recognized that it was a Japanese model, and his heart suddenly tightened: It seems that he had not had much doubt just now. heart. The two rolled down in a wilderness. The Eleventh Young Master said calmly, "Where are we going now?"

"Nanjing can't stay, I can only go back to Shanghai!" The old man patted the dust off his body, "Now is an extraordinary period, your assassination mission should slow down!"

The Eleventh Young Master suddenly held a gun in his hand and said coldly: "Who are you on earth?"

The old man said in amazement: "I, I'm a subordinate of Big Lei!"

The Eleventh Young Master shook his head and sneered: "The people of the Green Gang don't know about this secret mission, unless you are the number 76 person!"

The old man looked innocent and said with an angry expression: "Eleventh Young Master, put down your gun! The old man ran all the way, he was the one who saved your life! You are so ungrateful?!" Slowly touched the waist.

"Raise your hand!" The Eleventh Younger shouted sharply, and stepped forward to unload the gun from his waist, thrown it far, fumbled in his clothes again, and found out a Japanese-style gold swallowing dagger. He squinted at the scabbard of the dagger, which was engraved with a few sakura blossoms. "What a gorgeous cherry blossom! If I'm not mistaken, you are a Japanese spy!" The Eleven Major General's dagger was also thrown out, and it was nailed to the trunk with a sound.

The old man returned to his original form, smirked, and his voice changed: "The Eleventh Young Master is indeed the Eleventh Younger! Yes, I am Ryuichi Miyamoto from the Far East Intelligence Agency!"

"Oh?" The eleventh master suddenly felt that his voice was a bit familiar, and suddenly remembered the Japanese agent who interrogated him in prison No. 76 that day. Is this person easy to face? He pulled his face and tore off the disguised human skin mask, and he saw that face as expected.

"How do you know the plan of assassination?" The Eleventh Young Master took a few steps back and threatened Miyamoto Ryuichi's head with his gun. "Quickly, my bullets don't have eyes."

"Wang Tianmu, who rebelled in the army, betrayed you. He knew that you would not give up and would stab you! Your whereabouts No. 76 is being followed for 24 hours. From the moment you bought the train ticket to Nanjing, No. 76 knew you. It's going to stab!" Miyamoto Ryu glanced at the Japanese pistol shallowly buried in the dust on the left.

Eleven nodded: "It really is him!"

At the moment he nodded, Miyamoto Ryuuji suddenly bent over and bent his knees like a civet cat, rolled quickly on the ground, and grabbed the pistol.

"Bang—" The eleventh young man had seen his twinkling eyes long ago. He pulled the trigger and a bullet roared into Miyamoto's wrist as he grabbed the pistol, and the blood stained the gun red. Miyamoto Ryuichi turned his head in the dust, his eyes crossed the Eleventh Young Master, and smiled triumphantly not far away. It seems that reinforcements have arrived.

The Eleventh Young Master warned herself not to turn around, but footsteps sounded behind her. He held the gun tightly and turned around. The two agents who were still on the train had touched behind him at some point, and the black hole pointed at him. It turned out that the two agents jumped out of the car before him and chased them here. Ryu Miyamoto has been delaying time. This damn Japanese, the eleventh young man cursed secretly in his heart.