The Dark Sword

Chapter 40: Goodbye Yingzi


The Eleventh Young Master could hardly believe his eyes, and shouted, "Yingzi?"

Hundred paces snake laughed loudly on it: "Yingzi, your old friend still recognizes you at a glance!"

Yingzi blushed and twisted: "Sister Zhou, you are so bad!"

Eleventh Major General Yingzi picked it up from the car and asked: "Yingzi, how are your father and Coyote?"

These words made Yingzi's eyes red, and said, "Coyote went to the mountain to collect medicine last year and fell to death. My dad is okay, just be the same!"

The eleventh young man said in his heart: Which pot I really don't open and lift which pot. Seeing Yingzi was about to cry, he hurriedly averted the subject: "When did you become a Communist?"

Yingzi heard this blushing on his face again, and said: "That was last year! Eleven brother, we hurried away that day, too late to say hello to you, don't you blame us? I was a month ago. I am so happy to know that you are also here in Yan'an!"

The Eleventh Young Master smiled and said: "I am not happy."

Yingzi suddenly said: "Eleven brother, when I left, asked the landlord's wife to bring you something as a souvenir, did you receive it?"

The Eleventh Young Master opened his sleeves, shook the small heart-shaped stone on his wrist, smiled and said, "Yes, Yingzi." He wore this heart-shaped stone half as a tribute to old friends and wine, and to alert himself. Now it has become a memorial to Yingzi.

Yingzi hooked her head, smiled at the corner of her mouth, really happy, and said, "Eleven brother, you are so kind."

The Eleventh Young Master was a little uncomfortable, and said with a wicked smile: "General, general."

Hundred-paced snake waited impatiently and shouted: "Okay, man! Get your favorite in the car! Time waits for no one!"

Eleven Major General Yingzi put on the top of the carriage and sat on the side of the carriage. The four people laughed and cursed along the way, but they were also happy. Within a few days, the four arrived in Shanghai. Eleven Shao and Yingzi acted as a fake couple, and Lei Gang and Bai Pao had to secretly protect them. The Eleventh Young Master arrived at the secret site according to the address of the new site of the military unified Shanghai station provided by Member Liu.

The several agents guarding the gate are all new, and they don’t know the Eleventh Young Master. Seeing him wandering at the door, they scolded: "Go away, go away! This is the home of Mr. Walter in the French Concession!"

The Eleventh Young Master walked away until the door opened and he walked out, Deputy Station Master Hu, and he stepped forward and said, "I have seen the Deputy Station Master!"

Deputy stationmaster Hu was taken aback and looked him up and down, surprised and delighted: "Oh, this is not the Eleventh Young Master! You are already—"

The Eleventh Young Master smiled and said, "I got a chance and I'm still alive!"

Deputy Station Master Hu hurriedly said: "Hurry up, please come inside! Station Master Chen talked about you a few days ago, you are now a lieutenant colonel! It's amazing! It's amazing! Haha, this can be regarded as God's eye-opening!" A few agents who scolded the Eleventh Young Master rushed forward to make amends. Eleventh laughed.

Station Master Chen heard a report from an agent, and he hurried out. As soon as he saw the Eleventh Young Master, he held his hands and shook him uncontrollably: "Director Sun, Director Sun! I didn’t expect you to be alive! Mr. Dai Ruo I don’t know how gratified I should be with this news!" He glanced at Yingzi next to Eleventh Young Master, "This is?"

The eleventh youngster smiled and said, "This is my wife Juying, who was at the Bund terminal this year, relying on her to take care of her inside and out! Otherwise, how can I get better so quickly?"

Station Master Chen said: "Why, you have been at the Bund Pier for more than a year?"

The eleventh little said: "After I was shot by No. 76 that day, I still had a breath. Fortunately, I was rescued by a brother from the Cyan Gang. The injury was too serious and there were too many eyeliners on No. 76, so I didn't dare to come out casually at that time! They settled me in. On the Bund Pier, my wife has been taking care of me. I have been holding back to this day, and my injury is getting better. This is—"

Stationmaster Chen sighed: "It's not easy, it's not easy!"

That night, Station Master Chen gave a big banquet and invited the Eleventh Young couple to have a meal. During the banquet, the Eleven Major General himself was willing to continue to serve for the army, and went to Nanjing to continue to wait for the opportunity to stab Wang's plan. The deputy stationmaster Hu feared that Mr. Dai’s celebrity, the Eleventh Young Master, would rob him of his prestige in Shanghai, and said: "Stationmaster, it is rare that the Eleventh Young Master is so loyal! How about I send a message to Mr. Dai tomorrow morning?"

Station Master Chen wanted to keep the Eleventh Young Master by his side, but seeing that he had made his own arrangements, he said to Deputy Station Master Hu: "Okay, let you do this!"

Soon, the upper ranks of the army replied a message, agreeing that the Eleventh Young Master should go to Nanjing to rebuild Nanjing Station with a mysterious stationmaster, and wait for the opportunity to assassinate Wang Jingwei.