The Dark Sword

Chapter 50: Longevity Temple is exposed


The Temple of Longevity is bathed in stars. A little novice monk who was guarding the door was sitting on a broomstick and napping in the wind. The cold wind blew a few blood-red maple leaves on him, but he didn't notice it. In the entire temple, only the abbot's room was still lit, and there was a faint sound of chanting.

The backyard of Wanshou Temple is connected to a stream, gurgling, with maple leaves covering it, as fresh as rouge. There was a sound of stepping on the leaves and wading in the forest. Although the sound was small, it seemed to be very lingering in this cool night. A man in Chinese tunic suit walked in the Repulse Bay, his face was pale, and the night dew on his glasses was the Eleventh Young Master.

He caught the ray of light in the temple, and said to his heart, could it be the abbot who lighted the eternal lamp and directed me to the past? He stomped the maple leaves on his boots, gently pushed open the door of the backyard, and tiptoedly touched it.

Passing through a few monastery’s penthouses, the abbot’s room was in sight. He was about to step forward quickly when the lights in the abbot's room suddenly went out, and then there was a hoarse roar: "Here is someone!" This muffled roar woke up the sleeping monks from their dreams and rushed to the abbot's room. .

The Eleventh Young Master's heart beat to his throat, hiding behind a Buddhist altar, knowing the incident, that roar may be the abbot alerting the contact person.

In the abbot's room, several spies armed with guns surrounded an abbot with white beard and hair. When several monks saw this, they did not dare to step forward. The first agent was Director Yan. Just now, an agent came to explore the way and accidentally kicked an empty bowl at the door. The abbot heard the movement outside and shouted, "Who?" Seeing that there was no response. The lights went out immediately.

Director Yan, who was lying in ambush in the distance, hurriedly rushed forward, and the abbot yelled out when someone broke in. Chief Yan used a lighter to quickly ignite the permanent lantern, and said coldly to the monks: "Go back to sleep, and don't make any noise! If you dare to go out of the room again, be careful that the gun does not have eyes, I shot your abbot! Go away! !" Seeing this situation, the monks were so frightened that they were anxious to leave, and they all flinched back.

The Eleventh Young Master hid for half an hour behind the Buddha's niche. Knowing that for a long time, those agents would doubt that it was possible to search the temple, so they fumbled back the same way. When he got out of Xilin, he changed his shoes, threw the boots away, and hurried away.

It was early in the morning when he returned to the printing factory, his bloodshot eyes saw the electric light at home, and his heart warmed, two lines of tears overflowed his eyes. How hanging, it was almost exposed! He opened the door gently, Yingzi was napping, she got up nervously when she heard the sound, rubbed her eyes and said: "Eleven brother, people have been waiting for you for the night! I made you your favorite salt water. Duckhead, I'll heat it up for you!"

The heartstrings of the eleventh young man trembled, stepped forward to embrace Yingzi, with his hands almost digging into her flesh, and tremblingly said: "Yingzi, I am still alive, I am still alive!" Now he is like being possessed by the devil. .

Yingzi resisted the pain, hugged him, and said, "Eleventh brother, you are a good person, and a good person will never die. Don't be afraid, Yingzi will always be by your side. I will always guard you, it's okay, you Won't die."

The two hugged each other for a long time. Yingzi talked about it for a long time, but the Eleventh Young Master finally fell silent. That night Yingzi and the eleventh young man slept in a bed. Eleven a few times awakened from nightmares, it was Yingzi coaxing him to sleep again.

The next day, the Eleventh Young Master wore a long gown and went to work as usual with a purse. As soon as he arrived at the office, an agent came to report: "Dr. Sun, Chief Yan is looking for you for something, so you can go to the second interrogation room as soon as possible!"

"Oh?" The Eleventh Young Master knew that Director Yan was pregnant with a ghost, but pretended not to know it at all, "have caught the Communist Party again?"

"Yes." The agent replied briefly.

The Eleventh Young Master thought to himself on the way to the interrogation room, could it be that the abbot confessed himself? No, he only knows that his code name is "Sword", and he will go to Wanshou Temple at 21 o'clock in the evening to connect with him. He will not know his hidden identity until he meets. The organization has always been very strict about this. However, if Yan Jing was able to set up an ambush in Wanshou Temple, it showed that he had decoded the radio code. My identity has been exposed! How to do? Continue to install? How to install it? No matter what, as long as you pass this tribulation, you can take the initiative, so be careful!

In the second interrogation room, Yan Jing was sitting in a chair leisurely, with his feet on the table, and he was suffocating himself. The old abbot hanging from the iron pillar opposite had blood on his beard, his head drooping, and he was obviously severely tortured.

The Eleventh Young Master walked in and said, "Director Yan, are you looking for me?"