The Dark Sword

Chapter 63: The plan failed


Since the robbery incident, the Eleventh Young Master has become more cautious in dealing with people. On this day, he went to the station master’s office to report the robbery incident and said: “Nine agents of my station died, and nine of the faction who robbed the prison also died! The strange thing is that only two of the three'****'s remained. A corpse! The head's'corpse' disappeared! I suspect that he is still alive. He may be hiding in a nearby hospital to treat gunshot wounds!" When he counted the corpses, he found that there was no head of the corpse. The agent reported that he saw the captain fell after a shot in the back.

Zhou Hao put his hands behind him, his face was heavy, and he said, "Let Captain Xu send someone down to check it out. Be sure to arrest this captain!"

The Eleventh Young Master walked to the door and turned around and said: "Stationmaster, there must be a ghost among the people present to help him get out, otherwise he will not escape the eyes of the agents at our station with gunshot wounds!"

Zhou Hao nodded and said, "It makes sense! You can check the agents who participated in the war one by one to see if you can get some clues!"

The Eleventh Young Master took his orders. He knew very well in his heart that the group leader must have been secretly transferred by Yan Long. Why not just shoot the captain and destroy the evidence? Maybe the team leader is not one of the actors, but the right-hand man Yan Long brought from outside? It's no wonder that I acted like that in the interrogation room that day! He thought all the way, and suddenly saw Yan Long approaching. Yu Cheng followed by his side. The Eleventh Young Master glanced at him and saw a star of blood stained on Yu Cheng's cuffs, and said to his heart: "Could it be that the injured head is with Yu Cheng?"

Yan Long smiled slightly at Eleventh Young Master: "Director Sun, busy! How is the investigation of the prison robbery incident?"

The eleventh major general's record book flickered, and said, "Chief Yan was right last time. There is indeed an inner ghost who is making trouble!"

Yan Long looked at him: "Oh? Who would it be?" He pointed to Eleventh Young Master and then to himself, "You? Me?"

The Eleventh Young Master said: "Chief Yan is joking, if you and I are all ghosts, wouldn't the entire Military Regiment Bureau be run by the Communist Party?"

Yan Long smiled again: "What if one of you and me is it?"

The Eleventh Young Master's complexion darkened: "Director Yan, this is not a joke! Be careful that there are ears on the wall, it's great to get to the stationmaster's ears! I'll take a step first, and there are some documents to approve!" Then he went to the office.

When the Eleventh Young Master returned to the office, a plan to kill someone with a knife gradually formed in his mind. He dialed Captain Xu's phone, conveyed Zhou Hao's instructions, and said: "I'd better meet you and talk about it. There are some personal matters." He knows that the phone calls of the whole station are monitored, and some words are on the phone. Inconvenience to speak.

The two met in Captain Xu's office, and the Eleventh Young Master smiled mysteriously: "Captain Xu, there is a meritorious service. I hope you can help!"

Captain Xu said: "What's the matter?"

The Eleventh Young Master said: "Two of the three so-called Communists died, and one'group leader' was hidden! As long as we catch that group leader, it can be considered a great achievement!"

Captain Xu was a little startled: "Old Sun, if I remember correctly, you told me that the captain was just an actor!"

The Eleventh Young Master smiled: "Whether he is an actor or not, he is a very valuable ****'leader' from the webmaster anyway! We just need to catch it and hand it over to the webmaster! Others Let's let him explain with the surname Yan!"

Captain Xu nodded and said: "Okay, just a bit of resentment in my chest! It's just, the whereabouts of that captain?"

The Eleventh Young Master said: "You can send someone to stare at the Deputy Chief Yu Cheng who Chief Yan pulled with one hand!"

Captain Xu knew, and said, "It's better for me to follow it myself!" He said, "Old grandson, you and I have been working together for more than a year, right?"

Eleven nodded and said, "One year and eight months. Why, want to tell me about the past?"

Captain Xu smiled and said, "You and I are old friends. Your business will be my business in the future, and I will trouble you to take care of my business. The Military Regiment Bureau is not elsewhere. Who knows if you will be affected by others? Have you figured it out in secret? You see how mysterious Yan Jing died, I'm scared after thinking about it!"

The Eleventh Young Master said: "Old Xu, I understand what you mean, don't worry, we will be on the same boat in the future!" The two discussed the domestic and international situation again. Since the Japanese launched the Pearl Harbor Incident and annoyed the Americans, Japan has been steadily defeated on the main battlefield. The Second World War is coming to an end. The Japanese are also secretly withdrawing troops in China, and those members of the puppet regiment are also secretly rebelling. On the 76th, there was a secret fight with Japan's Tegako.

"Old Xu, to tell the truth, do you think that once the Japanese quit, will the KMT and the Communist Party negotiate friendly and peaceful coexistence?" Eleven asked.

Captain Xu said: "No, a mountain cannot tolerate two tigers! Didn't Chairman Chiang always advocate that'to fight foreigners must be settled first'? Now that there is no'foreign' anymore, he will definitely concentrate his forces on'an internal'!"