The Dark Sword

Chapter 64: Suspect the inner ghost


The Eleventh Young Master actually guessed that it was such a result, and felt a little bit cold in his heart. If this continues, how long will he be lurking and how long will he be? Now he said: "You are right, I hope that the Communists will be cleared out soon, so you and I don't have to be so frightened!"

In the afternoon of the next day, the Eleventh Young Master was approving the documents in the confidential room. Captain Xu called: "Director Sun, please send the secretary over the confidential document on the suppression of the student movement. I need to check a few of them. List of students suspected of red!"

The Eleventh Young Master knew that he had been following up, so he said: "The secretary just went to the printing room, so I should send it to you personally!" He took a bunch of materials and went over.

Captain Xu introduced the Eleventh Young Master into the office, locked the door, and said in a low voice: "Old Sun, you are right! The bastard Yu Cheng is indeed harboring the'Communist Party'! This kid is very deliberate, and I follow him around. Visited a few hospitals! Later, he picked up an attending doctor from the Southern Hospital and went to No. 18 Haier Lane! I secretly watched, and the head of the Rao Shizi was lying on the floor with a thick layer of bandage on his back! "

The Eleventh Young Master groaned: "Let’s do it, Captain Xu, catch the thief and the stolen goods. You take a few agents and lie in ambush near No. 18 Hai'er Lane. When Yu Cheng is handed over with the team leader, you will catch him! There is no room for argument!"

Captain Xu nodded and said: "This Yu Cheng will definitely go there to deliver food at night! I will set up ambush in the dark! Damn, this time, I want him to look good!"

The Eleventh Young Master exhorted: "Be careful!"

Captain Xu said: "Don't worry, a spy can't do anything to me!"

That night, after the eleventh young man got off work, he hurried towards home with his purse. On the way, he went to the bathroom of a foreign hotel to change his gown, and called a rickshaw at the door of the hotel and hurried to Haier Alley.

Hai'er Alley is a slum, and it is a good place for skirmishers to avoid conscription. From time to time, you can see a few drunk men in old military uniforms passing by the roadside, singing unknown songs. The Eleventh Young Master asked an old lady who was circling chickens at the door, only to know that Haier Lane 18 was originally an ordnance department. After the Japanese army called, it was abandoned and became the residence of some gangsters.

He knew that Captain Xu had already set up an ambush in the surrounding area. He wiped his glasses, followed a few peasants in tattered clothes, reached a relatively high point, and found a ruined temple to stay. From here, most of the situation of No. 18 Haier Lane is in my eyes. He lit a cigarette, inhaled slowly, staring down intently.

The wings of the night slowly covered the earth, and Haier Lane gradually fell silent, only some stray dogs barked occasionally. Or a few drunk men yelled at each other in the alley, and then lay on the ground and fell asleep.

Suddenly, a figure swayed at the entrance of the alley, carrying a bag of things, and came to the Ordnance Department with wretched eyebrows. It was Yu Cheng. He stopped and looked around carefully before pushing open the old wooden door of the Military Engineering Department. The wooden door "creaked", causing the sleepy tramp inside to curse. Yu Cheng closed the wooden door and walked to an abandoned military truck parked in the middle of the Ordnance Department. There was a thatched floor under the truck, and the captain with gauze on his upper body slept underneath.

"Secretary Yao, get up and eat!" Yu Cheng gave the head of the group a light push.

The head groaned and slowly turned sideways. A soldier sleeping on the side of the truck got up on the tip of his ears when he heard something to eat. He immediately smiled and said, "Is there anything delicious, please separate me!"

Yu Cheng cursed: "Get out!" I don't know when there was a black pistol in his hand. The soldier shrank his head hurriedly, lay down on the floor, and cursed and grinned softly in his mouth.

The head raised his head with difficulty, Yu Cheng unwrapped the package and stuffed slices of beef into his mouth. The Eleventh Young Master watched this scene from a distance, and his nose suddenly became sour. He remembered that when he traveled thousands of miles from Peking to Shanghai, he was ill once, and the old wine fed him this way. Now, how long has the old wine been dead? In the past few years, people around him died one by one, but he survived, and survived with difficulty. But he quickly converged, holding the small pistol with the muffler in both hands, aiming at Yu Cheng's head far away.

There was a whistle in the darkness, and the sleeping soldiers climbed up to their feet, drawing their guns at Yu Cheng almost at the same time. Captain Xu patted the dust on his body and shouted coldly: "Yu Cheng, you betray the party state and plot with the Communist Party. You should be a capital offense! Tied up!"

Yu Cheng's hand trembling with the gun, suddenly dropped the gun and fell to his knees: "Captain Xu, I, I'm wronged!"