The Dark Sword

Chapter 66: The actor pretends to be a Communist Party exposed


The head hurriedly said: "No, that's all from Yu Chengjiao! The bitch has suffered retribution, and now he has reported to the Palace of the Kings of the Lord. I can hardly argue even if I have a hundred mouths!" Sing with a full voice.

Zhou Hao suddenly looked cold, and looked at Director Yan: "What the hell is going on? Director Yan!"

Yan Long knew what was going on in his heart. He glanced at the Eleventh Young Master. This time he could no longer hide the resentment in his eyes. He insisted in his mouth: "Webmaster, these Communists are very cunning! You must not listen to their side words, what kind of actor , What pretends to be a ****, it's all made up! You, go find Yu Cheng and confront him!" He pointed to the agent guarding at the door.

"Yu Cheng has been conspired, Chief Yan!" Captain Xu said, "I caught him and the Communist Party on the spot in Haier Lane, no, the actor joined forces, they all arrested! Who knew he was shot and killed on the road! "

The Eleventh Young Master said: "Who wants to kill Yu Cheng Miekou? Chief Yan, you should know better than us! You arrested these so-called Communists too! I know, you are just like your brother. Do meritorious service, but there is something to do, so I can’t rush it."

Cold sweat oozes from Yan Long's forehead. He wanted to get the eleventh young man out, but he lifted a rock and hit him in the foot. It seemed that he underestimated this seemingly gentle and dull guy! Now that there is nowhere to go, he can only put himself to death and live later. He booed a long moment and said: "Station master, since everyone has picked things out clearly, I have no choice but to say my original intention! I'm here After Chongqing heard that my twin brother Yan Jing was shot and killed, I wanted to avenge him, so I did not hesitate to spend a lot of money to buy the people above and transferred me to Nanjing! I heard from Yan Jing’s confidant, Yan Jing I offended a certain inner ghost in the Juntong Station, so I was shot! I always wanted to get this inner ghost out, so I asked Yu Cheng to find three actors, dressed as ****, and caught the inner ghost. The ghost took the bait! As expected, a bunch of people came out from nowhere that night and robbed prison with guns! Unfortunately I didn't catch a living person!" He said sadly, sounding beyond doubt, "I am this. When I'm an older brother, I can't even catch the murderer who killed my younger brother. It's really uncomfortable in my heart!"

Zhou Hao sighed, "Yan Long, Yan Long, your brothers are too scheming, that's why you have come to the end today! I think that because of your brothers' contributions to the party state, I will not pursue this farce anymore, but Next time, don't blame Zhou Hao for turning my face and not acknowledging people!" Yan Long glared at Yan Long before walking out.

Captain Xu winked at the Eleventh Young Master, and the Eleventh Young Master caught up with Zhou Gao and asked, "Station Master, what should I do with that actor?"

Zhou Hao said coldly: "He knows too much."

The Eleventh Young Master understood, and wiped his neck with Captain Xu. Captain Xu nodded, and drew a dagger from his waist, in front of Yan Long's face, making a gesture to wipe the dagger into the actor's neck.

The actor suddenly yelled: "Director Yan, you can't save yourself! Stationmaster, I confess, I am not an actor, I am Director Yan’s secretary in Chongqing! Stationmaster, please be forgiving, I swear nothing. Don't say it!"

Zhou Hao paused at the door, his face pale: "Shoot!" There was a gunshot inside, and the secretary flew into the sky.

Since the incident of "the actor pretending to be the Communist Party", Zhou Hao has lost his initial trust in Yan Long. Yan Long was silent for many days, and did not fight with the Eleventh Young Master.

The Eleventh Young Master knew that Yan Long was a poisonous snake, and now, the two had completely become mortal enemies. It is impossible for Yan Long to let him go, and could launch a fatal attack on him at any time, so he never slackened.

Time flew quickly, and it was February 1945. In order to strengthen the control of the Shanghai-Nanjing Line, Zhou Fohai competed with Chen Gongbo for sphere of influence, and appointed Zhou Hao as Commissioner of Wuxi. On the eve of Japan’s surrender, Zhou Fohai hurriedly summoned Zhou Hao to return to Nanjing to discuss the acceptance of Nanjing and Shanghai. The spearhead was mainly aimed at Chen Gongbo, not allowing his forces to intervene, and then overhead the acting chairman of the pseudo-regime. **, Dai Li invited credit.

On August 8, 1945, the Soviet government declared war on Japan and sent troops to Northeast my country. On the 15th, Emperor Hirohito of Japan issued a radio edict, officially announcing his unconditional surrender. However, it was not until September 9 that the Japanese-Chinese dispatched army commander-in-chief Okamura Neji did not sign the unconditional surrender in Nanjing to the Chinese government representative and the army commander-in-chief He Yingqin. This is something to be said.

On that day, Zhou Hao called Yan Long, Eleventh Young Master, and Captain Xu to his office, and several people listened to the news of the Japanese Emperor's surrender on the radio. Although Zhou Hao had been in the enemy-occupied area for a long time and was in contact with the pseudo-government, there were still citizens in his heart, so he was very excited this day, and asked a few capable men to bring their family members to his house for dinner.