The Dark Sword

Chapter 73: Yingzi was killed


He took the pistol out of his purse, approached the door, and slammed the door with his foot. Under the light, Yingzi lay on the ground and looked out the window with her eyes wide open. She was shot in the head, and her blood was solidified. The Eleventh Young Master suddenly felt something sweet and greasy in his throat, and vomited a mouthful of blood with a "wow". In the past few years, he and Yingzi have cultivated "revolutionary love" from the initial sympathy. He can't imagine how lonely he should be in this place where Yingzi is dead! At the Juntong Station, he was pretending all day long, and only when he was next to Yingzi at night was he himself. But now, he will walk an unknown road alone.

The Eleventh Young Master held a gun in both hands, knelt down in front of Yingzi's body, and vomited three mouthfuls of blood. When he left in the morning, Yingzi was fine. He still remembered the smile on her face and remembered that she gently told himself to be safe. But in just one day, she went.

He hooked his head and roared for a while, then suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked out the window. This is where the murderer escaped! He put on a pair of leather gloves, resisted the pain of overwhelming mountains, cleaned up Yingzi's body, and observed everything in the room attentively, and finally fixed his gaze on the radio.

He turned on the radio, and his voice was as fine as a mosquito hum, much smaller than usual. His first reaction was: Yan Long sent someone again! He opened the drawer, and the triptych "Twilight of the Forbidden City" in it also disappeared! When I wanted to come, the person sent by Yan Long was discovered by Yingzi, so Yingzi shot him to death.

Damn Yan Long, only to blame me for being too slow! The Eleventh Young Master showed a fierce light and knelt in front of Yingzi's body all night, motionless. He was very tired, but his head was very clear. He thought of the old wine, the peony, and the people who died in front of him over the years. Today, his wife is also dead. Yingzi, this woman who loves him wholeheartedly. She laughed more than him, but loved him like a child. He had also thought that they could grow old and have a few children. But now... at dawn, he numbly bundled up the smoke, cigarettes, and good wine (all of which were honored by the secret agents in the past few years as the head of the confidential room and some people who have been helped by him) in his home, and stuffed them in In a large wooden box with wooden wheels that Yingzi brought from his hometown in Yan'an, he locked the door and went to the black market for a bunch of oceans. He took Dayang to the bank to exchange for a gold bar.

He went straight to the hotel where Hut sent his staff. He had calculated it right, and Hu's staff should go to the military control station to check the matter at this time. He quietly stuffed a few pieces of ocean into the hands of the front desk clerk, and ordered: "Hu, who sent the staff to ask who has been here, say that he is a person who calls himself Yan Long!" He shook the picture of Yan Long, "You help me drive. A door!"

The waiter happily went to open the door. The Eleven Major General's door was locked, and he quickly took out the gold bar from his purse, pressed it on a pre-written letter, and placed two bottles of strong liquor on the table. Only then left in a hurry.

Returning to the Military Statistics Bureau, he entered the station master's office with a bleak expression. Seeing Specialist Hu was also there, he said: "Station master, my woman was shot and killed!" As soon as he spoke, two lines of clear tears fell.

Both Zhou Hao and Special Hu's dispatcher were taken aback. Zhou Hao asked hurriedly, "When?"

The Eleventh Young Master looked in a daze: "Just last night!" He looked at Special Agent Hu, "Agent Hu, you didn't reveal to Director Yan, we are going to investigate him together? Isn't he threatening me? A woman can also be handed..." He continued, his hand holding the door softened suddenly, and he almost collapsed to the ground, "Pity my wife doesn't understand anything. She is a rural person and can't even write. Write. In the past two years, she followed me to the north and south, and she didn't have a good life, so she died. A few days ago, we were still discussing about having a baby.

Special Hu hurriedly stepped forward to support him with a deep expression: "Don't worry, I will explain to your wife's death!"

Zhou Hao was confused, and now he only said: "Dr. Sun, let's change our sorrows! Come here, go to Director Sun's house and collect the body for Mrs. Sun!" The two agents took the order.

Zhou Hao said again: "Dr. Sun, you should take a short break these few days. Put your hands off beforehand, and I will give you a holiday!"

The Eleventh Young Master resisted the pain and choked up: "The party and state affairs are big, and the station master is big. Please allow me to be a follower to Hu Specialist these few days!"

Zhou Hao nodded and said, "It's hard for you!" Patting his shoulder, he smiled gratefully.

That night, the eleventh young man did not go back after get off work. He really doesn't want to go back to that "home"-can it still be home without Yingzi? Facing the long night, I can only mourn silently. He fell asleep in an office chair, waking up from nightmares several times.

Suddenly, there was an anxious knock on the door, and the voice of Hu Te’s dispatcher called: "Director Sun!"

Eleventh Younger opened his bloodshot eyes and smiled darkly. He seemed to hear his own laugh, which was clearly made by beasts. Yingzi's death has tortured him unbearably. He went to open the door, and Hute sent an officer in, closed the door with his backhand, and his face was happy: "Dr. Sun, I can help you avenge your wife!"

When the Eleventh Young Master heard the words, he swallowed heavily: "If you can avenge the dead wife, the Eleventh Young Master's life will be yours from now on!"