The Dark Sword

Chapter 77: Zhou Hao is under house arrest


After a while, several Japanese planes appeared in the sky above the headquarters, circling and flying, and the two sides on the ground were in a stalemate. In the afternoon, the Japanese military Okamura Neji sent staff Ogasawara Nakasa to the headquarters, and asked Zhou Gao to the Japanese military headquarters to discuss solutions. Zhou Hao was placed under house arrest as soon as he arrived at the Japanese military headquarters.

Just after Zhou Hao was put under house arrest, with the secret support of the Kuomintang government, the Japanese released all the trapped traitors and announced the disbandment of the Nanjing headquarters. Although the eleventh youth led the personnel in the headquarters to reject this order, they still refused the order. Forced to move out of the Central Reserve Bank building, all moved to the police training center in Sanyuan Lane, waiting for Zhou Hao's news.

Then came the news that it was an order of Chairman Chiang that Nanjing was once again in charge of the maintenance of public order by the Japanese and puppet troops. Some newspapers of the Wang and Puppet faction in Nanjing also published such headline news and cheered: "Emperor Zhou Gao was disarmed by the Japanese army yesterday", "Nanjing Command Headquarters Birds and Beasts Dispersed"... Zhou Hao presided over the takeover of Nanjing Japanese Puppet The regime's actions were thus aborted.

Soon, Ren Yuandao, the traitor real power faction, Nanjing Garrison Commander, was ordered by Dai Li to negotiate with the Japanese military headquarters and transferred Zhou Gao to his own Garrison Command. After Dai Li arrived in Nanjing, he sent Zhou Hao to Shanghai Customs for detention. He was charged with corruption when he took over the Japanese puppet regime in Nanjing.

During the house arrest, Zhou Haoxian was still confused. He thought that as the highest person in charge of the military command of the Wang Puppet Capital in the occupied area, he was responsible for Dai Li's life. No corruption or corruption. Why did Dai Li imprison him? Everyone knows the command of Nanjing. At the beginning of the establishment of the Ministry, Zhou Fohai used 500,000 yuan in savings certificates as funding, and the headquarters ceased to exist in only two days. What is the crime of corruption? He wrote a long letter to Cheng Kexiang, chief of the Beijing-Shanghai District of the Military Commander, appealing for himself, and hoped that Cheng could say a few words for him in front of Dai Li. Soon he received a four-page reply letter from Cheng Kexiang to him. The letter said: "What you did in the enemy-occupied area is entirely your personal proposition. The Beijing-Shanghai area cannot be responsible for you, it can only It’s your own fruit.” He expressed to Zhou Hao that he was helpless, and politely refused Zhou Hao's request. So far, Zhou Hao has nowhere to go. Although the living conditions under house arrest are superior, he feels puzzled, angry, and often loses his temper. Gradually, he also knows some inside information: the reason why the Japanese dare to arrest him is Zhou Fohai. Betrayed him. Zhou Fohai told the Japanese that he did not know Zhou Hao. The Japanese checked with Chongqing and actually replied: The Nationalist Government had no knowledge of this mischievous force. Zhou Hao was even more discouraged when he saw that the Kuomintang officials were demobilized and returned to their hometowns in the newspaper, making a fortune.

In fact, Dai Li suspected that Zhou Hao's actions to take over the Japanese puppet regime in Nanjing were instigated by the Communist Party and the Communist Party, and thought that many of his actions in the capital were Zhou Hao's own claims. Dai Li could not tolerate such disobedience from his subordinates. He believed that if Okamura Neji surrendered to Zhou Gao, it would disrupt the unified deployment of the ******s. Then He Yingqin was surrendered at 9 o'clock on September 9, 1945. What about the ceremony? Zhou Gao's actions are detrimental to the orthodox image of the Chongqing government! Another important reason is that Zhou Hao is in the key position of Zhou Fohai’s liaison with Chongqing. Zhou Hao knows the ins and outs of the connection between Zhou Fohai and Chongqing, and Zhou Hao was considered very restless by Juntong and Dai Li at that time. What if the inside information is leaked to the public opinion circle

Soon after Zhou Hao's fall, the 11th Young Master received a top-secret message from a senior military leader, asking him to return to Shanghai quickly and continue to work for the military!

That night, the Eleventh Young Master went to Zhongshan Mausoleum again, met Boss Liu secretly, and handed over the secret film of the puppet list to her.

Boss Liu heard that he was going to Shanghai tomorrow morning, and he couldn't help but feel a little sad: "Eleventh Young Master, do you know why I came to Nanjing? Just because I heard about the love legend between you and the top brand Peony in Ye Shanghai in Yan'an! You are a man! Character, that’s why I’m here. I’m a straight boy. To be honest, I wanted to have a romantic relationship with you, but unfortunately I don’t have that blessing anymore."

The Eleventh Younger couldn't help being in a daze, and said: "Thanks to Boss Liu, I dare not be the Eleventh Younger!"

Boss Liu smiled suddenly: "When you have a chance to see you again, I must make you fall under my pomegranate skirt!" A tear fell from the fragrant cheeks.

Eleventh Younger squinted at her and said, "Treasure, goodbye!"

Boss Liu watched the Eleventh Young Master disappear in the long night. He turned around to close the door. In the dark night, a pistol stretched out and a cold voice said, "Don't move!" The man had a stubble face and messy hair, but he was tall and tall. With eyes like an eagle, Boss Liu recognized at a glance, this person was Yan Long who had been intimidated by her in the Walt Hotel that day!