The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 18: Blind but wise little Hou Ye 6


"Guest, please come in." A smiling gentle and handsome man called out at the door.

"You... I..." Xiao Anning's mind went blank at this moment. What the hell is this place? Who is the person in front of him? In such a wilderness, how can there be such a stylish shop

Xiao Anning looked up and saw the magical couplet.

You can pay on credit, but you have to pay it back in time or you will be killed. The one who has been criticized is not a black shop, which makes people murmur in their hearts. Isn't this a black shop? How can there be a feeling that there is no silver 300 taels here

If it's not a black shop, then the boss is also an interesting person.

"Guest, please. Our boss is waiting for you." Dong Xiao urged again, "Those who can see this lamp coming to our store are destined people."

At this moment, Xiao Anning even felt that everything in front of him was his hallucination, or whether he had already died, and what he encountered now was only a ghost messenger, but did the ghost messenger look so good-looking

Under the urging of Dong Xiao, Xiao Anning stepped forward and entered the door of the shop, and saw a woman. Although he couldn't see things since he was a child, he thought, this woman is the most beautiful person in the world.

"Little Marquis." The woman smiled slightly, her smile was captivating, but her tone was extremely lazy.

"You... know me?" Xiao Anning asked suspiciously.

"Sit down." Tian Miao motioned for Xiao Anning to sit down, and after he sat down, he said, "Since you came to my store, what should I buy? I sell everything here, including wishes."

Xiao Anning was stunned again, shocked by the words of the woman in front of him.

From the moment he saw the lamp, everything became incredible.

"Anything? Including wishes." Xiao Anning asked. This store is also amazing, isn't it? From the moment he can see things to now he can buy wishes.

Tian Miao nodded: "Any wish is fine. But only one wish is sold, so you must think about it."

"Then, what price should I pay?" Xiao Anning asked solemnly. If it is true, then it must not be a price that money can pay. But he would never agree to such a deal if it was exchanged for the things he cherished most.

"Naturally it's a price you can afford. Don't worry, naturally it won't be the relatives you cherish." Tian Miao smiled slightly.

Xiao Anning was shocked, could the other party actually see what he was thinking

"So, do you want to buy wishes? You can take credit." There was an indescribable temptation in Tian Miao's voice. People can't help but want to fall into it step by step.

Can wishes really be bought? If so, then...

Xiao Anning suddenly smiled, the smile was so gentle and bright.

"I hope that my family is happy and healthy. Just buy this wish!" Xiao Anning blurted out this wish without thinking much, "If such a wish is to sacrifice my life, I hope it is in my relatives. After they all pass away safely, they will come and collect this price.”

Facing Xiao Anning's request, Tian Miao couldn't help but chuckle. what a good boy...

"Okay, then, as you... wish." Tian Miao's lazy voice suddenly became ethereal, and slowly, it crashed into Xiao Anning's heart.

When Konghou heard Xiao Anning's wish, confusion flashed across his face. But he didn't make a sound, just stood silently on the side.

(End of this chapter)