The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 25: Blind but wise little Hou Ye 13


"The jade in this shop is made of the best raw materials and carved by the best craftsmen in the capital." Although Xiao Anning is blind, his hearing and touch are beyond ordinary people. He took Tianmiao into this shop. The shop introduced him as he walked, "I remember there was a hairpin with a magnolia flower. I'll ask the shopkeeper to bring it out for you to see."

As soon as Xiao Anning entered the store, someone immediately greeted him.

"Little Marquis!" The shopkeeper's sharp eyes recognized the identity of the person at a glance. In the past, the little Marquis accompanied his mother Yongan County Master twice, but this time he came with another woman. It's not Ji Liluo, the fiancee of Xiaohou Ye.

Who is this woman? It's so long, so beautiful. The shopkeeper couldn't find any words to describe the beauty of this woman for a while, and finally he just thought of the simplest and most beautiful.

"Bring out the latest styles." Xiao Anning ordered, "And I remember my mother said that there was a hairpin in the shape of a magnolia flower in the store, so bring it too."

"Yes, you two, please take a seat. Little Er, quickly serve the tea." The shopkeeper hurriedly ordered people to serve tea and pick up the latest styles.

"Miss Tian, look at it first, and we'll buy whatever we like. We'll buy everything we like." When Xiao Anning said such words, the head of the guards always felt a little disobedient. Their little Marquis always has a gentle smile. Although he is blind, he never feels sorry for himself. Warm as jade, with sunshine in his heart, that is to say, a person like Xiao Houye. But such a young master suddenly said such... um, such a market statement made him a little unacceptable.

If Kong Hou knew what the head of the guards thought, he would have laughed. The words of the market are not appropriate at all, this is clearly the style of a domineering president.

"Thank you so much, Little Marquis." Tian Miao smiled, and after the shopkeeper presented a tray of exquisite jewelry, he picked it up unceremoniously.

Tianmiao picked up a bracelet, and the shopkeeper hurriedly introduced it: "The girl has a good eye, the style of this bracelet is the only one in the world. Because this craftsman never makes the same style. You have to take a look. Any of his other accessories? All of them are high-quality products, and they will definitely not disappoint the girl... "

"Buy." Without waiting for Tian Miao to speak, Xiao Anning took it in one word.

The guard leader watched Tian Miao wrap up the store one by one, with a big question mark in his heart. The gods are in the same vein, do you like these vulgar things? Aren't they light-hearted and consider these money and common things as dung

Tianmiao is the line of Shenhuazi, and Duke Dingguo has already released it. It is also a reasonable statement for Tianmiao's identity, so as not to make people guess at random, but it is not beautiful.

The shopkeeper wiped off the fraction when he finally settled the bill, which also made the shopkeeper's laughter from ear to ear. Xiao Anning paid the money without changing his face, and then let him send it back to the Guogong's mansion, and then took Tianmiao to the next store.

The guard leader looked at the backs of Xiao Anning and Tian Miao, and smacked his mouth. Spending a lot of money, they are talking about their little prince. But to spend a lot of money for such a beautiful woman, as long as he has the money, he is willing.

What made him feel a little strange was that the girl in the sky was beautiful, but it didn't make people feel any blasphemy. There is only that kind of reverence and even worship from afar.

(End of this chapter)