The Darling of Heaven Owns a Rip-off Shop

Chapter 53: Stunning little daughter-in-law 6


"Okay, listen to you, it must be faster." Ren mother nodded. At the same time, I was thinking in my heart that my daughter-in-law usually looks weak and weak, but she is more assertive than her at critical moments. I don't even know what happened to her.

Yes, Qianxu's life experience is now a mystery. She was picked up by Ren's mother outside the town before. When she found Qianxu, she was only two years old in luxurious clothes, but there was nothing else on her body to indicate her identity. No one came to look for the child, and the mother picked it up and raised it as her own child. Later, the child and Liang Xu fell in love with each other, and she made the two become pro.

It's just that Liangxu suggested moving house soon after getting married. She didn't want to leave her hometown at that time, so she didn't agree.

Liangxu resolutely went out to join the army, saying that he wanted to stand out, and come to the scenery to welcome them.

As a result, it took three years to leave, and there was no news for three years.

Then the attitude of the people in the village became worse and worse, and life became more and more difficult.

If it goes on like this, the day will never end.

In the morning, the little daughter-in-law began to pack her things.

Said to pack things, in fact, there are not too many things to pack, a few clothes, a little pitiful soft. And the clothes Qianxu wore when she was a child.

That's what my mother told me to bring it. She thought that if she could use it one day, she might be able to find Qianxu's real family.

Early in the morning, someone knocked on the door.

Mother Ren frowned and stepped forward to open the door.

Outside the door is an old woman holding a child. This is Daniel's mother, and that child is Daniel's child.

"Aunt Niu, what's the matter?" Mother Ren asked.

"Didn't your daughter-in-law ask our Daniel to sell some herbs today? Why hasn't it been delivered yet?" Aunt Niu stretched her neck and looked inside.

"Oh, it will be delivered in a while." Mother Ren thought of this and responded. Naturally, she wouldn't reveal a word about the move, but for fear of causing suspicion from others, she promised to come down and send the herbal medicine over.

"Then hurry up! Don't waste the time of my Daniel." Aunt Niu was very dissatisfied, and turned around and left with her grandson. If it weren't for the fact that his family could deduct more than half of the money for the herbs sold, she would not have come to remind the two widows so early. That's right, from their point of view, Ren Liangxu may have died a long time ago, aren't they just two unlucky widows

"Grandma, I want to eat candied haws." The child's voice came from afar.

"Eat, eat, and eat. You know, your father came back from town to buy one for you today."

"Ah? Only one? I want to eat more."

"Broken teeth."

The voices of the two faded away, and Ren's mother closed the door.

After closing the door, Ren's mother looked at Qianxu who was feeding Tianmiao and drinking porridge and said, "I'm going to deliver herbs to Daniel, don't go out at home."

"Well." Qianxu agreed obediently and continued to feed Tianmiao wild vegetable porridge.

Tian Miao enjoys it with peace of mind, and has no self-consciousness that he is seven years old and can drink porridge by himself. This wild vegetable porridge is fragrant and sweet, with a unique taste.

Ren's mother put the basket on her back, which contained the medicine that Qianxu picked yesterday, and went out to Daniel's house.

When he arrived at the door of Daniel's house, Daniel's ox cart was already loaded with a lot of things, all of which people in the village asked him to sell in the town. Seeing the arrival of Ren's mother, Daniel's face squeezed out a smile: "Aunt Ren, just put the back basket on the car."

Mother Ren nodded, ready to put away the basket and leave.

Then at this moment, someone called out to her.

"Aunt Ren." This was the voice of the village chief's son Tie Zhu.

Mother Ren frowned and turned around, only to see Tie Zhupi looking at her with a smile.

"Is something wrong?" Ren's mother suppressed the impatience and disgust in her heart and asked.

"It's okay, I just ask how you think about that matter? Qianxu is so filial, you don't want her to be so miserable for the rest of her life, do you?" Tie Zhu asked shamelessly with a smile on his face.

Ren mother shivered with anger, turned around and left.

Seeing that Ren's mother did not give him face like this, Tie Zhu's face turned blue, and he squeezed a sentence out of his teeth: "Toast, don't eat and drink fine."

"Brother Tie Zhu? What's wrong?" Daniel asked knowingly.

"Take this little money and buy some food and supplements for your children. As for the herbal medicine in the Ren family, you can take it yourself after you sell it, and tell them that the road is bumpy, and you don't know when the basket falls off the ox cart. "Tie Zhu ordered with a dark face.

"Okay." Daniel took the string of copper coins, grinned widely, and responded. As for Ren's mother and Qianxu relying on this herb to sell and buy rice, how could he still remember at this moment

Tie Zhu took out a piece of maltose from his pocket and handed it to the big cow's child sitting on the threshold.

"God, take it and eat it. When you see the old prostitute just now, throw her a stone." Tie Zhu ordered.

"Ah, isn't it just a widow, why are you still an old prostitute?" Da Niu didn't stop Tie Zhu's movements and orders, but asked suspiciously.

"What does she want to stop Qianxu from marrying? She wants to be a prostitute? Isn't she an old prostitute? I can't let her get her wish, I have to rescue Qianxu as soon as possible." Tie Zhu sneered shamelessly said.

Daniel's eyes widened, can this be explained? As far as he knew, Aunt Ren had been a widow for many years and kept her duty, how could she be twisted like this in Tie Zhu's mouth

However, that's none of his business, as long as he has the money.

"Got it, Uncle Tie Zhu." Gouzi ate the maltose happily and took Tie Zhu's instructions in his heart.

When my mother came home, she patted her chest angrily.

"Mother, what's the matter?" Qianxu had already fed Tian Miao the porridge and washed her hands. Seeing Mother Ren came back in a hurry, she asked worriedly.

"We'll leave tomorrow. These people are too shameless." Mother Ren said through gritted teeth.

"Okay." Qianxu nodded.

However, the two still underestimated the viciousness of the villagers.

Before dawn, the door of Ren's house was shot with a loud bang.

"Come out, come out, the people inside get out." More than one person's voice was shouting outside.

Mother Ren and Qianxu just got dressed and were about to go out, but they were shocked by such a change.

Before they could open the door, the people outside couldn't wait to knock the door open.

Standing at the forefront were the village chief and his son Tie Zhu, followed by a group of menacing men and women, as well as children.

"Village Chief, what are you doing? You broke into our house early in the morning, is there any Wang Fa?" Seeing this posture, Ren's mother felt an ominous premonition.

"You Ren Liangxu have already been executed for collaborating with the enemy and betraying the country. In this village, we are Wang Fa, and sinners like you should also be punished by Shentang. But Nianxu spared her when she was young, but she will be given to her in the future. Our family is a slave to atone for our sins." The village chief opened and closed his mouth and said such incredible words.

But the faces of the people around him seemed to think that this was a normal thing.

The more the village chief spoke, the happier he seemed, as if he had seen the stunning little daughter-in-law come to his house to be a cow or a horse at his command. Slaves, that's something only big families can have. There are only one or two slaves in the town mayor's house. This is a very humbling thing. When he thought that his family could also have slaves, the village chief's heart became more and more fiery. As for the son's interest in this little prostitute, being a slave and a bed warmer is not in conflict.

Ren's mother was already stunned. She thought that the village chief would take measures to take it by force, but she didn't expect to use such vicious and absurd reasons.

"Tsk, I came to propose a marriage yesterday, and you still don't want it. It would be great to marry a famous family. Now, tsk tsk, let's be a slave." Madam Liu's acerbic voice sounded.

Qianxu was also stunned, how could there be such a terrible group of people in this world? Viciousness that cannot be imagined by ordinary people's thinking.

"Quick, grab it." The village chief gave an order, and everyone at the door swarmed in. Including children also eager to try holding a branch.

"Whore, go to death." The child holding the branch yelled.

"You, these beasts! I'm fighting with you!" Mother Ren shouted, turning around to pick up a hoe and desperately trying.

But the sick mother, who is already very weak, is the opponent of this group of people. The hoe in his hand was immediately snatched away, and then Mother Ren was about to be caught and tied.

At this moment, a soft and crawling voice sounded.

"What are you doing?"

(End of this chapter)