The darling of the wealthy family: She is the real daughter and is an all-around boss

Chapter 16: Accident


Song Nanruo then left her behind, entered the dressing room, changed out of his costume, and returned to the underground parking lot along the way he came.

Song Shengzhou is still reviewing.

She sent a message to Song Shengzhou and drove out of the parking lot.

The location chosen by the program team is a bit remote, but it is very close to the seaside and there is a coastal road. There are usually no cars, so it is perfect for a drive.

The car windows are wide open.

The salty sea breeze ruffled her hair.

Song Nanruo couldn't calm down for a long time, and her mind was filled with that last decisive look.

She entered the scene very quickly, but could not get out of the scene immediately.

Seagulls flew over the sea, and the high-pitched and loud calls of birds could be heard constantly. She listened quietly.

Suddenly, her pupils shrank.

A screeching sound of brakes and dull gunshots hit my eardrums.

As a killer, she is all too familiar with the sound of gunshots with a silencer!

Her intuition told her that someone must be being hunted, and she hadn't had time to deal with that group last time.

Could it be...

Song Nanruo couldn't help but tighten her fingers on the steering wheel. Without any hesitation, Song Nanruo drove directly in the direction of the sound.

From a distance, she saw a car crash into a tree, with the body dented and thick smoke billowing out. The driver's door was wide open, the airbag deployed, and there were dazzling blood stains on the driver's seat.

There were several cars parked behind the car. In the woods not far from the car, there were faint figures of a few people surveying the surroundings, probably looking for escapees.

Song Nanruo squinted her eyes and saw the face of one of them clearly through the clear glass.

It was the same group of people who were chasing her before!

How could it be them? !

Before they noticed her, she parked her car in a hidden and undetectable area, and with her light body, she went around to the woods beside the road without anyone noticing.

Not far away, several people divided into several teams and were still searching.

She could hear several people talking.

"If you ask me, we should take action close to the city. What should we do if we worry about so many things? It's better now. No one can be found. We finally found Shi Ying's whereabouts, but now the plan has failed again!"

When Song Nanruo heard his code name, emotions surged in his eyes, but he continued to listen calmly.

"The Qin family is behind Qin Shiyue. Don't do anything in a remote place. If he is discovered, we cannot bear the consequences."

Another voice spoke.

"What do you know? The Qin family has long wished that he would die soon. Otherwise, with the power of the Qin family, how could we come? Let me tell you, maybe the Qin family will be grateful to us for helping them get rid of a big trouble."

Several people walked deeper into the forest.

Song Nanruo followed closely, keeping a distance where he would not be lost or discovered.

Suddenly, one of them stopped, as if he had discovered something, and looked back.

Song Nanruo was startled and hid behind a tree, holding her breath and trying her best to hide herself.

Cold sweat oozed out thickly.

"Hey, there seem to be footprints over there. I'll search over there. You continue!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the lone man walked in the direction of Song Nanruo, his footsteps getting closer and closer.

It's better to deal with one person than a group of people.

Besides, she didn't have a gun with her, she needed a gun.

Listening to the footsteps getting closer and closer, she held her hands on the tree trunk. The moment she was sure that the distance was close enough, she quickly rose up and got closer in an instant. Her movements were so fast that only an afterimage was left. She slashed the back of the neck hard with the blade of her hand, and quickly caught it. The falling body pulled out the weapon from his waist.

The movements were extremely smooth, as if they had been practiced thousands of times.

Song Nanruo put the thing away, took out the remaining ammunition from the man in black, and loaded it into the magazine.

(End of chapter)