The darling of the wealthy family: She is the real daughter and is an all-around boss

Chapter 83: Pay the price


Song Nanruo frowned. She really didn't like hearing about Xiao Xiao's romantic affairs, and said coldly: "Let's get to the point."

The host continued: "She always likes to complain to me about the entertainment industry, and she especially likes to complain about you. She just mentioned to me the things you did to her before."

By this time, the police had restored the chat history.

Song Nanruo took a look and found that the so-called greetings and inquiries accounted for only a very small part of it.

Most of the records are about Xiao Xiao complaining about the unfairness in the entertainment industry, especially in terms of insulting and slandering Song Nanruo. Xiao Xiao mentioned it time and time again.

There was a hint of mockery in Song Nanruo's cold eyes. Only those who are jealous and want to achieve success in one step will only complain about this and that.

It's hard to be patient because this person is so good, replying one by one, while constantly echoing Xiao Xiao's extreme ideas.

Xiao Xiao's long-standing complaints are like a kind of trust to him.

In his heart, Xiao Xiao revealed her true thoughts to him because she liked him.

Driven by this morbid thought, his thoughts were subtly influenced.

In his heart, he already agreed with Xiao Xiao's idea, and had determined that Nan Ruo was the kind of person Xiao Xiao said.

In his heart, Xiao Xiao already loved him deeply, and he decided to help this poor woman and take revenge on Nan Ruo.

It's just that a small character like him has no chance to come into contact with Nan Ruo.

He lurked patiently for a long time, but who knew that Nan Ruo would actually find the crew on his own

This was unexpected and he was ecstatic, as if he was only one step away from killing her.

Because he knew that this drama was a fairy-tale drama, and the fighting in it must be filled with flying scenes.

So he kept waiting.

Finally, he was about to shoot a scene that required Wia to be tricked. For this plan, he even made countless assumptions in advance.

He had even thought of the reason. He had rehearsed it countless times. After making sure that everything was perfect, he finally decided to take action.

But he had never done such a thing before. When he was about to cut the rope, someone suddenly called his name. In a moment of urgency, he quickly cut the rope with the knife in his hand.

Unexpectedly, it was He Yuyuan's rope that was cut.

When he saw Song Nanruo's closed eyes, he was frightened, but he thought that he had avenged his beloved and did it so perfectly.

No one would find out about him at all, and he was even a little complacent.

It was just that he returned to the crime scene under the guise of inspection. He discovered that the broken rope was not the one of Nan Ruo that he had broken first.

To make the evidence stronger, he destroyed another rope.

Just as he was about to leave, the footsteps of two people walked back to where he had stood.

In the face of the evidence, he was dejected and confessed to his crime.

At this point, the evidence is conclusive, and the case can be closed without the field officer's own confession.

The police have already brought handcuffs and are preparing to take the field manager to jail and wait for his fate.

The field manager looked at Song Nanruo with pleading eyes, "You promised me! I will tell you all these things! You will let me go!"

He Yuyuan, who followed Song Nanruo to the police station, couldn't help but sigh, "How could there be such stupid and ignorant people? How can we just let criminal cases go?"

Song Nanruo didn't have as many emotions as her. As long as he dared to offend her, he would have to pay the price.

(End of chapter)