The Dead Cycle

Chapter 1: Please enter the urn


"Xin'er, you fell off the cliff again." Ji Ting looked at Lin Xiner who fell off the sofa, an inexplicable light flashed in his eyes, "How many times is this?"

Lin Xiner sat up from the floor and rubbed her aching back.

Had that dream again.

It's not quite right to say a dream, because it has only a few sporadic images flashed by from beginning to end.

A bottomless abyss, a puppet doll with rough workmanship, and a blurred figure standing on the top of the cliff.

Lin Xin'er's eyes were still a little hazy, and she was obviously not fully awake yet, "Why did I fall asleep on the sofa?"

"You were already on it when I came out of the house." Ji Ting replied without looking away while packing up.

Lin Xiner sat blankly on the floor and looked at Ji Ting who was busy, "Are you going out?"

"Well, I'm going to pick up the last dry cleaning."

A hint of doubt flashed on Lin Xin'er's face, "You haven't picked it up yet?"

Ji Ting finally turned around and smiled at Lin Xin'er, "Xin'er, are you sleepy? You should have picked it up today."

Lin Xiner frowned slightly, but did not speak.

"Don't sit still, didn't you have an appointment this afternoon? If you don't clean up, it will be too late."

Date someone? Lin Xiner tilted her head and thought about it, by the way, she still has "work" in the afternoon.

Getting up from the ground, Lin Xiner also began to prepare for the next outing.

"Then I'll go first." Ji Ting said these words and went out abruptly.

Ji Ting is Lin Xiner's tenant. Lin Xiner originally lived alone in the second apartment, but Lin Xiner was the only one in the house of more than 90 square meters, which always made her feel a little empty.

So she vacated the side bed where the sundries had been piled up, and posted the rental information online.

Lin Xiner's requirements for the tenant are very simple, only three.

Single women, have legitimate and stable jobs, and have no bad habits.

Soon Ji Ting came to the door. Due to the nature of Lin Xiner's "job", it was not suitable to live with others, but Ji Ting was undoubtedly an ideal tenant for Lin Xiner.

Ji Ting, who graduated from a key domestic university, worked in a research institute after finishing her postdoctoral studies. She seldom stayed at home and never bothered about Lin Xiner's affairs.

There is only one thing that has always made Lin Xiner very concerned.

This perfect tenant has only one request from the landlord - not to enter her room without permission.

Thinking of this, Lin Xiner glanced at the closed door again.

This is how people are, the more you are not allowed to do things, the easier it is to arouse your curiosity.

However, curiosity returned to curiosity, and Lin Xiner still had a sense of proportion in some things.

So since Ji Ting moved in, she has never entered that side sleeper again.

Lin Xiner also asked Ji Ting what kind of research she was doing during the chat, but Ji Ting just smiled mysteriously and threw her four words—state secrets.

Isn't this guy secretly researching nuclear weapons

Lin Xiner shook her head, leaving her own thoughts behind, and then went out.

There was just one thing that Lin Xiner had been ignoring.

That is, why do national elites like Ji Ting come out to rent a house? Corpse King Marries


Xingyao Jewelry Co., Ltd., VIP reception room.

"Actually, I'm getting married."

After Lin Xiner said this in a low voice, she lowered her head shyly.

The woman sitting opposite showed a standard professional smile and said to Lin Xiner, "Congratulations to Miss Chen."

Hearing this, Lin Xiner's eyes darkened, "But my father doesn't approve of my marriage. He thinks my boyfriend's career is not mature enough." Lin Xiner raised her head when she said this. Looking at the woman opposite expectantly, "So Miss Zhang, in the name of my boyfriend, you must help me choose a diamond ring that can impress my father."

Miss Zhang, who had already cultivated into an adult, realized it in an instant. She smiled professionally at Lin Xiner and said, "Don't worry, I will definitely choose a diamond ring that is worthy of Miss Chen."

Lin Xin'er nodded reassuringly, and said, "Thank you. Please contact me in time when you have chosen."

Miss Zhang nodded, took out her business card and handed it to Lin Xiner, "This is my business card, if Miss Chen has anything, you can contact me at any time."

Lin Xiner looked down at the manager of the Marketing Department of Xingyao Jewelry, Zhang Yue.

The corners of Lin Xin'er's mouth were barely visible, but she raised her head with a grateful expression, "Thank you so much, Miss Zhang."

After coming out of the VIP reception room, Lin Xiner maintained a gentle smile like a young lady, walked out of the door of Xingyao Jewelry, and Lin Xiner took a taxi.

"Fragrant Cafe."

Lin Xin'er sat down casually in the back seat, completely losing the demeanor of Miss Qianjin just now.

The driver was instructed to drive to the Fragrance Cafe.

Lin Xiner took out her mobile phone and made a call, her tone was exactly the same as Zhang Yue just now: "Hello Mr. Wang, I'm Zhang Yue who contacted you before. Well, yes, sorry for making you wait for a long time. Okay. Yes, I'll be there soon."

Hanging up the phone, Lin Xiner looked at the phone and smiled.

When they arrived at the cafe, it was already 3:30 in the afternoon, and Lin Xiner saw her target, Wang Wei, from an inconspicuous spot in the corner.

Wang Wei is a young man wearing a black suit and his hair is meticulously combed.

Lin Xin'er sneered in her heart, he looked like a man, but he was a beast in clothes.

"Mr. Wang? I'm Zhang Yue."

Lin Xiner sat down on the sofa opposite Wang Wei and handed over the business card that Zhang Yue had just given her.

Wang Wei took the business card, looked at it for a while, and then nodded to Lin Xiner.

Lin Xiner said, "As I said before, if it wasn't for the fact that I was in a hurry to spend money this time, this ring would not have been sold to you at such a low price."

Wang Wei didn't answer, but took a sip of coffee and asked, "I have a distant relative who also works in Xingyao Jewelry, and it happens to be from your marketing department. Her name is Li Qian, I don't know how she is now. Sample?"

Lin Xiner's eyes flashed quickly, she looked at Wang Wei and said, "Mr. Wang may have misremembered, there is no one named Li Qian in our marketing department."

Wang Wei smiled at Lin Xiner, put down the coffee cup in his hand, and said, "Maybe I remember it wrong."

Lin Xin'er also smiled at him, she remembered all the names of the employees of Xingyao Jewelry in her head.

"I can accept the price you mentioned, but I have to see the goods first." Don't mess around with the old love president

"No problem, I'll get all the formalities ready and contact you."

When Lin Xiner left Piaoxiang Cafe, it was exactly four o'clock. She walked for a while and took a taxi home.

The taxi stopped in front of an ordinary residential complex. Lin Xiner's home was on the 21st floor. She opened the door tiredly and entered the house. There was no one in the room, but there was Ji Ting's piece on the sofa to send to the house. Dry cleaning clothes, it seems that she has something to go out after she comes back.

Lin Xiner opened the refrigerator and found that there was only one can of beer left alone.

Her outstretched right hand hesitated for a moment, but she still picked up the only can of beer.

Walking into the bedroom, he placed his mobile phone on the table, and there were seven or eight mobile phones of different models and brands on the table.

Sitting in front of the computer and drinking a sip of chilled beer, Lin Xiner sighed somewhat comfortably.

After casting the net for so long, it is finally about to close the net.

Of course, Lin Xiner is not Zhang Yue, the manager of the jewelry store, nor is she Miss Chen. She doesn't even want to get married, and she doesn't even have a boyfriend.

It's all just a scam.

Lin Xiner didn't know who her parents were since she was a child, and her adoptive parents only said they picked her up on the road. The poverty of her family made her drop out of school as soon as she finished junior high school, and her adoptive parents disappeared without a trace overnight.

But Lin Xiner didn't blame them. After all, she was not related to them, and they had done their best to raise her for so many years.

Lin Xiner, who can't continue to study, can only earn money to support herself, but what can she do? After this question troubled Lin Xiner for a day, she discovered that she was gifted in some aspects, that is, deception.

Therefore, when other children were learning Chinese and mathematics, Lin Xiner was specializing in deception and acting; when other children were developing in an all-round way in morality, intelligence, physique, and beauty, Lin Xiner's cheating and deception advanced by leaps and bounds.

Although she also knew that deceiving people was detrimental to her virtues, Lin Xiner knew nothing but deceived people.

This time, the target Wang Wei is also a liar, and a scum who only deceives ignorant girls.

Lin Xiner heard about his deeds for a long time, and finally came up with this plan, ready to teach Wang Wei a lesson.

After turning on the computer, the class group of the junior high school kept flashing.

Ahhhh: First love, you haven't woken up from your nap

Cuihua: Can you be normal

Ah bah: Last night you called them sweetheart, but now you call them normal in front of everyone. . .

Cuihua: →_→Xiaobao, you see that you have so many patients, are you happy

Xiaobao: Doctor Ye, please seek medical treatment. I just got an arrow in the knee.

Ye Long: You give up the treatment~

Ahhh: Dr. Ye is a dentist, he can't heal you if you hit an arrow in the knee╮(╯_╰)╭

Cuihua: ( ⊙ o ⊙) Ye Ye is a dentist

Ye Long: No, Lao Lin is.

Ahhh: what about you? Andrology

Yelong: Gynecology.

Ahhh: 0.0 I often feel like a woman, when will you show me

Ye Long: Come to heal when you are empty, don't give up.

Looking at these chat records, Lin Xiner smiled helplessly. These people have graduated from college for a year, and they are still poorer than the other.

Lin Xiner's fingers quickly tapped on the keyboard.

Lao Lin: I'm here, who's looking for me

Xiaobao: Report to Dr. Lin, there is a deep well ice over there, how to deal with it

Lao Lin: Humane destruction.

Pouch: Order!

Ahhh: You can't do this to me, I still have a baby in my belly!

Ye Long: ... ... drag them out and shoot them for ten minutes! ! !

Cuihua: Xiner, what time do you go to work every day

Lao Lin: I go to work

Cuihua: Are you in school

Lao Lin: ... No, it's just that I don't have a fixed time for work.

In the circle of junior high school classmates, Lin Xiner's identity is a doctor.

When she graduated from junior high school, she told everyone that she was going to go to high school abroad, and no one knew that she had dropped out of school.

Over the years, she "finished" high school and college with everyone, and successfully became a dentist.

She has always played this identity very well, even in the class reunion, she did not wear a gang.

After closing the dialog box, Lin Xiner drank the beer in her hand, and then clicked into a romance novel she had been following recently.

Lin Xiner has never read romance novels, but she has been following this article until now, because this article called "Pouring Out the Prosperity" is so interesting.

Of course, this interesting does not refer to how interesting the storyline is, but it is very interesting to complain about the author in the comments with countless readers every day.

This has also become a compulsory course for Lin Xiner to relax herself every day.

However, when I clicked on "Pour Out of Prosperity" today, I found that its status had become "Completed".

The corners of Lin Xiner's mouth twitched. Looking at the word count in the upper right corner of the screen, she only wrote more than 113,000 words! Has the author finally couldn't bear the complaints of the fans and ended in a hurry? !

This made Lin Xiner a little unacceptable. How could the author deprive her of the only joy in life!

Thinking like this, Lin Xiner clicked in as usual, and finished the last chapter patiently.

Then Lin Xiner could only laugh.

Before the flame of the vigorous love between the hero and heroine could be ignited, the heroine jumped off a cliff under the frame of the heroine? !

What the hell! Have you considered the male protagonist's feelings? Did he just come out to make soy sauce!

Lin Xiner suppressed the anger in her heart and prepared to talk to the author about her life.

But the mouse didn't respond no matter how Lin Xiner swiped, and finally the computer simply went blank.

A dazzling white light dazzled Lin Xiner, and she subconsciously closed her eyes.

When Lin Xiner opened her eyes again, there was a fierce and strange man standing in front of her.

This is not the scariest, the scariest thing is that the man still holds a dagger in his hand, and the tip of the dagger is buried in his body.

Lin Xin'er looked down at the dagger that sank into her abdomen, and there was still blood dripping from the wound.

Lin Xin'er finally couldn't hold back the emotions that had churned in her throat, and cried out in horror.


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