The Dead Cycle

Chapter 47: High energy ahead


Wang Dazhui led the way without saying a word.

Yin Yin and Linglong followed behind him and walked back to the ordinary farmhouse. Yin Yin was pondering the formation that Linglong said all the way. She had heard of the formation. There used to be a man named Zhuge Liang in the Great Heaven Dynasty, and he was best at Qimen Dunjia. Trapped the 100,000-strong army of Lu Xun, the general of the Eastern Wu Dynasty.

Well, these were all learned when she played Three Kingdoms.

However, these are not all fictitious! How can Zhuge Liang in history be so powerful, it is clearly the "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" that gave the myth!

… As if, now I am in a fictional novel. So, has the legendary master of the world finally appeared

Of course, Yin Yin would not think that the formation at the entrance of the village was created by Wang Dazhui, Zhuge Liang and Wang Dazhui... There is a hidden IQ in their names.

Before he knew it, Wang Dazhui's door was already in front of him.

Following Linglong to sit down in the room, Yin Yin felt a little uneasy. What was the purpose of trapping them in this Baishui Village? It's not really ready to be fattened and then slaughtered and eaten.

Fortunately, Wang Dazhui also sat down on the stool opposite them, looking at the posture, it seemed like he was about to tell a long, twisting and bizarre story.

[We sat on the high heap of grain and listened to my mother telling the story of the past. 】

This lyric appeared in Yin Yin's mind like this, well, she admitted, she was embarrassed.

It's a pity that the story of Wang Dachui is very short, as short as five words, "There is a dragon god here."

Yin Yin: "…"

Linglong: "..."

Even if there are evil dragons here, we are not warriors, Soul Dan!

Yin Yin wiped his face firmly and looked at Wang Dachui, "Please extend appropriately."

"Alas," Wang Dazhui sighed, "The formation at the entrance of the village is not to trap you, but to trap the villagers of Baishui Village."

Wang Dazhui's words made Yin Yin and Linglong frown.

"I'd like to hear the details." Linglong's amber eyes looked at Wang Dachui, as if he had magical power to deceive people.

Wang Dazhui suddenly started talking like he had opened a chatterbox.

"Since my grandfather's generation, I have been living in this Baishui Village. If you count the time, it has been at least a hundred years. But I think the two of you must have never heard of Baishui Village before? This is very natural. , Because Baishui Village is a place where outsiders can't come in, and villagers can't go out."

Linglong's eyes flickered slightly, no wonder he had never heard of this place before.

"I said earlier that there are dragon gods living in the village, right in the Baishuitan." Wang Dazhui's two eyebrows were wrinkled, "In the beginning, it is impossible to verify how everyone came here, but from the ancestors. There is an ancestral teaching passed down, saying that you should not leave Baishui Village without authorization, otherwise you will anger the dragon god and cause disaster.

We dare not disobey the ancestral teachings of our ancestors, but in my generation, there were young people who could not stand the isolation of Baishui Village and wanted to go up the mountain. Finally... His body was found at the entrance of the village, and the state of death was exceptional. tragic. The village chief said that we had angered the Dragon God, and if we wanted to appease the Dragon God, we had to hold sacrifices.

So since that year, we will hold a sacrifice to the Dragon God every year, asking it to bless Baishui Village. However, there are still villagers who don't believe in evil. They gathered a lot of people and wanted to go up the mountain together, but found that they couldn't get out of Baishui Village no matter what. The two of them also saw it just now. It was that formation, which was ever-changing. I don't know when it suddenly appeared at the entrance of the village.

The village chief said that this is the Dragon God's punishment for us. We are destined to stay in Baishui Village for generations, and don't try to escape the Dragon God. "

Yin Yin and Linglong exchanged glances, the story Wang Dazhui just told... There are too many doubts!

Yin Yin looked at Wang Dazhui, smiled and said, "Although I have a lot of questions to ask, I should ask the most important one first."

Wang Dazhui was stunned for a while, and said honestly, "Girl, please speak."

"You said that you have to hold a sacrifice every year to worship the Dragon God. How is this sacrifice performed?"

Wang Dazhui's face immediately turned pale, although he could see that the two in front of him must not be ordinary people, but he didn't expect to be so sharp that he immediately caught the crux of the problem.

Everything in Baishui Village started with this sacrifice.

Seeing that Wang Dazhui's face was pale, but he didn't mean to speak, Yin Yin didn't urge him, but Linglong spoke quietly, "There are a few things that don't make sense in what you said just now."

"Where?" Wang Dazhui stared at Linglong with wide eyes. He thought that what he said just now was flawless, and the important part was also deliberately hidden by him. Could there be any flaws

"First of all, because Baishui Village is isolated from the world, the villagers are conservative and traditional, and they have always believed in the existence of the Dragon God. Then, the first person who wants to go up the mountain to disobey the Dragon God, I will assume that he is young. It's just right to be full of energy, but he died tragically. After seeing such an ending, will there be any villagers who want to go up the mountain? But according to what you just said, not only there are, but there are many more. Why? What is the reason? Make them willing to risk their lives to go up the mountain?"

Linglong's words made Wang Dazhui's face turn paler and paler, and a layer of cold sweat oozes out of his palms. He... He hates smart people!

"Secondly, you said that the formation at the entrance of the village, everyone can't get out, which is strange. Didn't you meet us in Baishuihe yesterday?"

Wang Dazhui's fist clenched tightly.

"Finally, let me add one more thing." Yin Yin cleared his throat, "The village chief who appeared twice in your story is suspicious. Of course, this is just my personal opinion."

Wang sledgehammer, complete defeat.

"Are you still reluctant to say it?" Linglong looked at Wang Dazhui quietly, "All these questions can be answered in one thing, what kind of sacrifice is your sacrifice?"

Wang Dazhui stood up, looked at Yin Yin and Linglong and said, "You two, you can stay safe as soon as you come, you will not be able to leave Baishui Village. In addition, yesterday was because I was instructed by the Dragon God to go to the river. I will pick you up, so I can walk out of Baishui Village. The formation at the entrance of the village is changing at any time. Today is different from yesterday, and I can't go out."

Yin Yin raised his brows, "Have you received instructions from the Dragon God?"

Naturally, she wouldn't believe that there really is such a thing as a dragon god, so there is only one explanation for this situation - someone discovered their existence when the two of them approached Baishui Village.

Wang Dachui nodded, "Dragon God knows everything, so don't waste your time. As for the village chief, he is the leader of our village, and we all respect him."

"You two, rest here, I'm going out to work." After Wang Dachui finished speaking, he left the room, but the atmosphere in the room seemed very heavy.

Yin Yin looked at Linglong with a dignified expression beside him, "Lingling, have you studied the game?"

Linglong shook his head, he had only seen this kind of thing in books.

"Then... did you find that there were still people under the Cloud Belt Valley yesterday?"

Linglong shook his head again, of course he didn't believe in any dragon gods, so he could only explain that there was another person hiding beside them, and he went to report a letter to Wang Dazhui. If this is the case, this person's martial arts must be superior to him, because he did not notice this person at all.

Seeing Linglong shaking his head twice in a row, Yin Yin's whole body is not well, and the problem seems to be serious.

"You said, why didn't they let us go?"

This time Linglong finally didn't shake his head, "There are two possibilities. One is that we are afraid that we will leak the secrets of Baishui Village; the other is related to their sacrifices."

In the end... what kind of sacrifice is it? Yin Yin really cares about this.

Because she felt that it was closely related to the fate of the two of them later.

Linglong had an intuition that the person who set up the formation at the entrance of the village was the same person who gave the news. He was good at formation and martial arts. Looking at the entire river and lake, Linglong couldn't find a single person who could match the number. Happy doctor girl

Gu Ling of Lucky House is good at setting up formations, but he is not old, and his martial arts are not above him. That person from Baishui Village, Linglong always felt that he should be a senior.

When both of them were frowning, the little angel Qiaoqiao appeared again.

Seeing Qiaoqiao who came in from the door, Yin Yin's eyes lit up.

"Qiaoqiao." Yin Yin has never smiled so softly before, "Your brother dog Dan is looking for you."

Linglong: "..."

Qiaoqiao blinked her eyes and happily ran to Linglong, "Brother Goudan, are you looking for Qiaoqiao?"

"..." Linglong took a deep breath, "Well... Qiaoqiao, have you met the village chief?"

"Grandpa the village chief?" Qiaoqiao nodded, "Qiaoqiao has seen it before, does brother Goudan also want to see the grandfather of the village chief?"

"..." Linglong took a deep breath again, "What kind of person is the village chief?"

Qiaoqiao tilted her head and thought for a while, "The village chief grandpa is very nice, and he often gives Qiaoqiao candy to eat. But... Sister Huihui doesn't seem to like the village chief grandpa."

"Huihui?" Linglong's eyebrows twitched, "Huihui is Qiaoqiao's sister?"

"Yeah!" Qiaoqiao nodded, "I heard from daddy that Sister Huihui is married to the big dog brother at the east entrance of the village."

"Pfft!" Yin Yin knew that it was a serious time, and she shouldn't be smiling, but she couldn't help it, "Goudan, is Big Dog your brother?"

Linglong's cold eyes swept to Yin Yin, Yin Yin immediately suppressed the smile on his face, and asked earnestly, "Qiaoqiao, why doesn't your sister Huihui like the village chief?"

"Qiaoqiao doesn't know," Qiaoqiao frowned, "every time Sister Huihui sees the village chief, she hides."

hide? Rather than disliking the village chief, this is more like being afraid of the village chief.

"Qiaoqiao," Linglong finally remembered a question that they had forgotten for a long time, "Why did you let us leave when you saw us yesterday?"

Mentioning this, Qiaoqiao suddenly fell silent, Yin Yin waited for a long time, thinking that Qiaoqiao didn't intend to speak, but Qiaoqiao suddenly raised her head and grabbed Linglong's hand, "Brother Goudan, Don't tell Dad. Qiaoqiao heard from Sister Huihui last time that in our village, a brother and a sister are burned to death every year."

The author has something to say: Worang Auspicious House is here!

They will be very active in the next article!

look forward to! (Wo know, only one person is looking forward to it = =)