The Dead Cycle

Chapter 50: Queen of the Golden Horse


Yin Yin choked several sips of water, only to feel the cold water pouring into his nose and ears.


She opened her mouth, swallowed another gulp of water, and a bunch of bubbles gurgled up. She kicked her right leg vigorously, trying to hold her ankle with her hands shaking, but unexpectedly, a knife was hit in the back of her neck, and she finally fainted peacefully.

Yin Yin didn't know how long she had slept, but when she opened her eyes again, her body was no longer wet and cool, and her clothes and hair were already dry.

How long has she been sleeping

Looking around, it was an ordinary small house, empty, with candlesticks lit on all four walls, but it also illuminated this small room brightly.

Yin Yin saw at a glance the person who was sitting across from him holding his knees and looking at him with big eyes.

The man looked about fifteen or sixteen years old, and it should be a girl. The word "should" is used because the person looks and dresses like a girl, but... not very well developed.

As for where the development is not very good, everyone knows.

Seeing Yin Yin woke up, the man timidly shrank to the corner. Sensing her timidity, Yin Yin tried her best to look amiable, "Hello, I'm Xiaoya."

The man still stared blankly at her without speaking.

Yin Yin blinked and walked over cautiously, "I'm not a bad person, where is this place? Who are you?"

The man looked at Yin Yin for a long time, and finally said softly, "This is the Dragon Palace, I'm Huihui."

"Are you Huihui?!" Yin Yin looked at her in surprise, "Wang Dachui's eldest daughter?"

Huihui's eyes lit up, "You know my father?"

Yin Yin looked at the fair and smooth skin and beautiful face of the man opposite, speechless.

If you are Huihui, it must be a genetic mutation.

But if the person in front of him is not Huihui, then it can only be... Dragon God.

To be able to see you here is really bad luck that I have cultivated in three generations.

Yin Yin lit a candle for himself.

She glanced at the pitiful girl across from her again, she was actually more like a little dragon girl than a dragon god.

Thinking of this, Yin Yin's heart suddenly froze.

No, how could the Dragon God be so young? According to Linglong's inference, the Dragon God should be an old senior in the arena, but the person in front of him doesn't seem to be as old as him.

Who is she then? Tianshan child grandma

Although there are a lot of doubts, Yin Yin is a person who is very aware of current affairs. Since this person wants to pretend to her, then continue to pretend, anyway, this is her professional field. Baby arrives: Mommy, I'll take care of it

"Huihui, where's the big dog?" Yin Yin asked.

"The big dog isn't locked up with me." Huihui blinked and looked at Yin Yin, "I haven't seen him for a long time."

"Oh." Yin Yin replied lightly, "What about the Dragon God, have you seen it?"

Speaking of the Dragon God, Huihui's expression became a little scared, "Dragon God is so scary, he is a big and big dragon, and he has fangs!"

Yin Yin: "…"

Do you really think I'm an idiot.

Yin Yin stubbornly wiped his face and continued to inquire about the news, "What did the Dragon God arrest you for?"

Huihui's face blushed suspiciously, and he faltered: "Do nothing, just don't let us leave here."

Yin Yin: "…"

What is she trying to mislead herself? The small theater in Yin Yin's brain is constantly being updated.

Since she didn't want to say it, Yin Yin didn't ask anymore. When Yin Yin was thinking about what to do next, Huihui took the initiative to speak, "Sister Xiaoya, why did you get caught by the Dragon God?"

Because he was full.

Although he thought so in his heart, Yin Yin naturally would not answer this recklessly, "I was dragged down to Baishuitan by him."

Huihui was silent for a moment, looked at Yin Yin and said, "Sister Xiaoya is not from our village, right? Why did you go to Baishuitan?"

Yin Yin sighed with a sigh, "This is a long story. That day, as usual, I opened my sleepy eyes amid the chirping of birds, thinking it was another peaceful and peaceful day. I don’t know the gears of fate have quietly started to turn. I have to eat a meat bun every morning to feel that the day has truly begun, and the same day. I…”

Huihui finally interrupted Yin Yin who was chattering impatiently, "Long story short."

Don't, I still want to use this to delay time. At least let me come up with a few escape plans to interrupt me again.

However, Huihui would not be so considerate of course. Under her burning gaze, Yin Yin quickly said, "I fell off the cliff, and Wang Dazhui saved me."

"and then?"

"Then, there is no then."

Huihui looked at Yin Yin in silence, Yin Yin was seen sweating coldly, "Since you asked sincerely, I will tell you the truth. Actually, when I heard that there was a dragon god in the village , I'm really... very excited! I haven't seen the Dragon God since I grew up, so I went to Baishuitan to worship and worship. I didn't expect the Dragon God to like me so much, so he directly invited me to the Dragon Palace as a guest, haha."

Huihui looked at Yin Yin, suddenly buried her head and smiled, "Sister Xiaoya is here to ask the Dragon God to let you go back?" Concubine Poison Concubine

Yin Yin blinked, "Since you already know, why ask."

"I just want to see if you are honest."

"The results of it?"

"Very dishonest." Huihui paused and added, "Dragon God hates dishonest people the most."

Yin Yin: "…"

Such important information, you should put it first!

Huihui glanced at Yin Yin a few times and said, "If sister Xiaoya wants to go back, I can help you."

"Can you help me?" Yin Yin repeated amusingly.

"Well." Huihui didn't care, "I know the way out."

You know the way to Huangquan, right

But Yin Yin knew very well that she couldn't break through this layer of window paper, otherwise this person might send her to Huangquan immediately. So she decided to continue to play Tai Chi with this man, "Since you know the way out, why don't you escape by yourself?"

Huihui said: "I am a sacrifice to the Dragon God, how can I leave the Dragon Palace?"

When Huihui said this, her expression was very serious. Such a pious offering is really rare.

"But sister Xiaoya is different. You are not from our village, so naturally there is no need to stay in the Dragon Palace."

Really thank you for your understanding, Yin Yin smiled sincerely at Huihui.

"Come with me." Huihui walked ahead to lead the way, she pushed open a door, and a long and narrow corridor appeared in front of Yin Yin.

There are candlesticks lit at intervals on both sides of the corridor, swaying as if the corridor has no end.

Yin Yin frowned, but followed Huihui out. People are knives, I am fish, she has no choice.

"Sister Xiaoya, what did you do before?" Huihui's voice drifted faintly from the front.

"Me?" Yin Yin thought for a while, "our family sells pork, so I especially like to eat meat buns made with our pork. Like I said just now, every morning I start with a meat bun. Started…”

"I like human meat buns." Realizing that Yin Yin was about to start a long speech again, Huihui turned her head slightly and glanced at her from the corner of her eye.

The rest of the way was unusually quiet.

Yin Yin followed Huihui to the door of a large room, and she looked inside curiously.

There was a pungent smell in it, Yin Yin couldn't tell what it was, but the smell made people uncomfortable, Yin Yin frowned subconsciously. The layout of the room... Much like a chemical laboratory, there are many bottles and jars and scattered papers on the ground, with some symbols that Yin Yin can't understand. In the corner of the wall were some strange-shaped plants that Yin Yin had never seen before. sacrifice oneself

The most striking thing was the three large water tanks in the center of the room. The pungent smell came from these tanks.

Huihui walked to the tank in the middle and stopped, "The exit is right here."

Yin Yin: "…"

"This is the connection point between the Dragon Palace and the entrance of Baishui Village. You can go directly outside the village from here."

Yin Yin: "…"

There is actually such a high-end and high-grade thing as a portal, Yin Yin felt that she really underestimated the dragon god.

Huihui pointed to the water tank and said expressionlessly, "Go in."

Yin Yin: "…"

She is now sure that this little brat really thinks she is a fool.

Seeing Yin Yin standing still, Huihui frowned impatiently, "Why don't you go down?"

"... I suddenly discovered that the Dragon Palace is actually quite beautiful, and I want to visit it again."

Huihui snorted coldly, "I've already come here, do you still want to go back?" She took a few steps towards Yin Yin, "Since you don't want to go in, I'll have to throw you in."

Yin Yin took a few steps back subconsciously, and just wanted to turn around and run away, when the tank near the door suddenly moved together, making a "creaky" sound.

Huihui was also distracted by the tank, staring at the tank with a frown.

The tank swayed more and more violently, and finally only heard a loud "bang", the tank burst open from the inside, and the debris splashed around. Yin Yin hurriedly covered his face and avoided it.

"Hohoho!!" A man jumped out of the water tank. His skin was dark and bony, and his eyes were staring as if they were about to fall out of their sockets, which was very terrifying.

The man's eyes wandered around the room, and when he saw Huihui, it was like a firecracker was ignited, and he flew over at once. Huihui's eyes flashed, and she dodged away from where she was standing just now, and went around behind the man. One hand grabbed the man's hand behind his back, and the other grabbed the man's neck, his eyes were cold, "Can I be relieved tomorrow, why bother?"

Even though the man was caught, he still barked frantically, like a mad dog, eager to rush on and bite Huihui.

"Tsk," Huihui pursed her lips, "I don't eat a toast and take a penalty drink." As soon as she put her finger on the man's neck, the man screamed, and Yin Yin was shocked when she heard that.

Huihui knocked on the back of the man's neck, and the man finally fainted.

Yin Yin's brows wrinkled, this technique is exactly the same as the one that knocked him unconscious before.

Huihui dragged one of the man's legs, pulled it aside, and left it in the corner like throwing rags. Yin Yin, who was trying to reduce his sense of existence, felt a cold gaze suddenly staring at him, as frightening as a snake and scorpion.

"Oh, little sister, you are really unlucky." Although Huihui was sighing, there was a happy smile on the corner of her mouth. "In that case, Huihui can only send you on the road."