The Dead Cycle

Chapter 55: Brother and sister


Although Jia Renyi is a broken sleeve, he is not a casual broken sleeve.

Therefore, even though his senior brother Liu Yuling looked like a flower, he still didn't have the slightest sympathy for him.

There is no other reason, just because Liu Yuling was born to give him a very uncomfortable feeling.

At that time, they practiced martial arts together, read books together, and were scolded by their master together, but they didn't build up the slightest brotherhood relationship, and sometimes they couldn't even say a word for a few days.

The days of cultivating on the mountain were boring. Except for Uncle Zhang who occasionally went up the mountain to deliver the ingredients, there were only three of them, master and apprentice, on the whole mountain. Therefore, Jia Renyi likes to stick to He Wuyan very much. Although every time he has a hot face and a cold butt, Jia Renyi still enjoys it.

Until one day He Wuyan said to him, you can go down the mountain.

Jia Renyi was actually a little overwhelmed at the time. Although he was looking forward to going down the mountain every day on the mountain, he was suddenly told that he could go down the mountain, and he was still a little overwhelmed.

He simply packed his things and said goodbye to his dear master. On the day he was about to leave, Liu Yuling took the initiative to speak to him.

He said that there will be a period in the future, Junior Brother.

As Jia Renyi, he didn't want to have a future with that cold and dull Liu Yuling, so he responded to Liu Yuling with the word "Bah".

But that sentence came unexpectedly like a curse.

At that time, Jia Renyi had already robbed Lord Luo's youngest daughter and lost her. He then found a hidden mountain and lived a life of isolation.

Although the outside world says that Jia Renyi is withdrawn, in fact, he is more afraid of loneliness than anyone else.

Fortunately, he found a suitable apprentice.

Jia Qing was an orphan, and Jia Renyi found him dying in the forest. Because it was a good day with clear weather that day, he was named Jia Qing.

At that time, Jia Qing was only seven years old, still small and soft, and liked to stick to Jia Renyi very much. Every time Jia Renyi saw his beloved disciple, he felt that his broken heart, which was hurt by Lord Luo, was filled.

But an uninvited guest ruined the peaceful life of Jia Renyi and his apprentice.

Liu Yuling suddenly came to the door. Jia Renyi didn't know how he found out where he lived, but it didn't matter anymore. The important thing was how to get rid of this nasty ghost in front of him.

When seeing Liu Yuling this time, Jia Renyi found that he had changed a lot compared to before. He suddenly became cheerful, and he talked a lot more than before. The only thing that didn't change was that Jia Renyi felt disgusted.

Even if the outside changes, some essential things will never change. The rich and powerful game, the sky-high young grandma!

Jia Qing was nine years old that year, and in the two years he had been with Jia Renyi, he had never seen Jia Renyi and anyone he knew very well, so for this person who suddenly appeared and claimed to be Senior Brother Jia Renyi, Jia Qing was very interested.

Although Jia Renyi has been facing Liu Yuling with a cold face, Liu Yuling still talked about his encounters in the past few years with high interest.

He said that he deliberately went to see Yu Jinghua, the most beautiful woman in Jianghu, but unfortunately, she has long since lost her youth and has become a wrinkled old woman.

He said that he was really amazed when he saw Gu Xin, the elegant and noble son who was talked about by the whole capital.

He said, it would be great if this amazingness could last forever.

Liu Yuling chattered about the time for half a column of incense, and finally stopped and took a sip of the tea on the table.

"Junior Brother, I'm married." Liu Yuling blew the tea leaves floating in the teacup.

"Heh," Jia Renyi snorted out of his nose, "I really don't know which girl has been in bad luck for eight lifetimes and married you, a lunatic."

Liu Yuling smiled and whispered, "Mo Ting, who is known as the most amazing woman in the capital."

At this point, Jia Renyi couldn't help frowning slightly.

Although Liu Yuling said a lot more than before, but one thing has not changed, that is - she won't talk nonsense.

So the content that was spitting out from his mouth before was just to pave the way for this sentence.

The reason why Mo Ting is called the first strange woman in the capital is because she knows astronomy and geography, and she is also good at arranging troops in Qimen Dunjia. The most important thing is that there have always been rumors in the market that the children of the Mo family have been favored by God, and they can change their appearance with the passage of time.

Jia Renyi felt that the face on the opposite side became more and more annoying, "Get out of here after drinking the tea, your face will scare my family Qingqing."

"Haha." Liu Yuling smiled and looked at Jia Qing, who had been secretly looking in at the door, "Junior brother, he is really like when you were young, always liked to pester your master."

"Humph!" Jia Renyi snorted and turned his head away, as if he didn't want to look at Liu Yuling again.

Liu Yuling said as if unaware: "Junior Brother, I plan to stay here for a while."

"Bah!" Jia Renyi finally couldn't help but turned his face back again, "Now that you're married, go back to accompany your wife, what are you doing here with me?"

Liu Yuling put down the tea bowl in his hand, his eyes widened, "Junior brother, you know, if I don't want to go, you can't help me."

Jia Renyi's hands clenched into fists tightened, he glanced at Liu Yuling, and after saying "as you", he took Jia Qing at the door and left. Rebirth of the wrong love daughter

Liu Yuling lived here for a year.

Jia Renyi felt as if he had returned to the days when he was cultivating in the mountains. Although he was in the same boat as Liu Yu, he maintained a delicate balance, and the well water did not violate the river water.

But Jia Renyi gradually realized that something was wrong. For example, this year, not only did he not get old at all, but he looked a lot younger than the previous years. Although it's only a year, it doesn't matter if you don't get old, but... you shouldn't be getting younger and younger!

After thinking about it in his heart, he understood the purpose of Liu Yuling's coming here. Although he guessed that Liu Yuling would marry Mo Ting, it must have something to do with the rumor, but he did not expect that Liu Yuling would be so mad that he would use his own medicine to test it!

When Jia Renyi found Liu Yuling aggressively, Liu Yuling calmly said, "Oh, I didn't expect you to find out so quickly."

The tone is very regretful.

Just as Jia Renyi was about to have a seizure, Liu Yuling smiled again and said, "Junior brother, don't be angry, I also have good intentions. Being able to live younger and younger is something that many people can't dream of."

"Don't think that everyone in the world is as crazy as you are!" Jia Renyi paused, then asked with a sullen face, "What are the after-effects of this medicine?"

Liu Yuling looked at Jia Renyi, smiled and said, "Junior brother is really smart. Unfortunately, I have never tried this medicine on humans, so forgive me, I don't know the sequelae." Liu Yuling paused again when he said this. After a while, "It's just that the cats and dogs who tested the medicine for me in the past have all died unexpectedly. That's the way of death... Tsk tsk, junior brother, you better not know."

Jia Renyi was furious, and directly moved hands with Liu Yuling. The two fought on the top of the mountain for a day and a night, but they couldn't tell a winner or loser. Fortunately, Jia Renyi suddenly spit out a mouthful of blood, which ended the fight.

Liu Yuling looked at the pale Jia Renyi in front of him, and pursed the corners of his mouth, "I thought, Junior Brother, you have deep inner strength, and you will not be easily killed by me. I didn't expect..."

Liu Yuling shook his head, "Junior Brother, you really disappointed me."

Jia Renyi was so angry that he spat out another mouthful of blood.

"Master! Master, what's wrong with you!" Jia Qing finally found Jia Renyi at the top of the mountain after searching for a day.

Jia Renyi looked at Jia Qing who was running towards him, and the anger in his heart finally subsided.

Jia Qing's small figure stood in front of Jia Renyi, staring at Liu Yuling angrily, "You bad guy! Get out!"

Liu Yuling looked at them and laughed in a good mood, "Junior brother, don't get angry, this will only make the sequelae of this medicine more violent. I have devoted myself to researching these years. Junior Brother, it shouldn't be a big problem for you, as long as you stop taking the medicine, it won't happen again. But..." Uncle Fierce

Liu Yuling lowered her head and touched the corner of her clothes, "Junior brother, you will probably grow old at a much slower rate than ordinary people, and your lifespan... will also be much shorter than ordinary people."

Although Jia Qing was only ten years old at the time, she still understood what Liu Yuling said, "What poison did you give my master? Hand over the antidote!"

Liu Yuling walked up to touch Jia Qing's head, but was slapped away by Jia Qing. Liu Yuling rubbed his right hand that was beaten red, but was not annoyed, "What I gave him is not poison, but an elixir that can immortalize."

It is a pity that this elixir has only been refined to immortality, and has not achieved longevity.

After Liu Yuling said these words, he went down the mountain gracefully.

A lot has happened this year.

First, the family of Gu Xin, the richest man in Songlin County, was invited by Feixue Mountain Villa to visit Feixue Mountain Villa. But on the way to Feixue Mountain Villa, the family mysteriously disappeared. Only under the cliff, I found the smashed carriage and the blood on the ground.

Then Liu Yuling wiped out Feixue Mountain Villa with lightning speed, and picked Cao Gang's five halls in a row. Then the rivers and lakes chased and killed Liu Yuling like a madman, and Liu Yuling finally fell off a cliff in the Jade Belt Valley.

It was also in this year that Jia Qing decided to give up martial arts to pursue medicine.

Because he found that sometimes, no matter how high your martial arts are, you can't protect the person you want to protect.

Liu Yuling never said what kind of poison he gave Jia Renyi, but Jia Qing believes that one day he will be able to get rid of the poison on Jia Qing's body, so that he can live to be a hundred years old!

Time flies, ten years later.

Liu Yuling looked at Jia Renyi, who looked in her twenties, and said with a smile, "Junior Brother, I've said it many times, what I'm giving you is not a poison, but an elixir."

Jia Renyi frowned and didn't speak, but Liu Ruoxi stepped forward with a face full of astonishment, "You... monster, you're actually my father?!"

This news was too explosive, Yin Yin's head banged like a flower exploded.

She finally understood why Jia Renyi looked so young, and why Jia Renyi hated Liu Ruoxi so much when he first saw Liu Ruoxi.

It turned out that all of this was inseparable from the crazy neurosis in front of him.

The author has something to say: I have written Gu Xin boldly! !

He is the Baba of the male protagonist of the next article! !

Dear little angels, little cuties, do you really have nothing to say to the nest