The Dead Cycle

Chapter 59: Infinite loop


Everyone in the capital said that Young Master Linglong has a temperament that is weaker than water.

This can upset many young masters who want to flatter Linglong, and many girls and young ladies who want to please Linglong.

But things are so wonderful in the world.

Some people may not be able to get you a trace of favor with their hard work, but some people can easily please you with just one sentence.

Yin Yinzhi Yu Linglong is undoubtedly such a person.

What Yin Yin said was just a simple "good morning", and his voice was not at all unpleasant, even because of the long-term coma and fever, his voice was a little hoarse, but to Linglong, it was the most wonderful in the world. The sound of heaven.

Yin Yin finally... woke up.

Linglong's slender fingers twisted a strand of black hair on Yin Yin's chest, put it on the tip of her nose and sniffed, and also imitated Yin Yin's appearance, and replied with a smile: "Good morning, Yin Yin."

The golden sunlight with a strong warmth came in diagonally from the window and sprinkled on the two of them, just right.

The fact that Miss Yin woke up quickly spread throughout the cobweb, and the cobweb's subordinates breathed a sigh of relief.

Finally, I can sleep happily and peacefully, and finally don't have to face the terrifying leader!

moved to cry.

Jia Qing has been living in Cobweb these days so that she can observe Yin Yin and Linglong's injuries at any time. Now that Yin Yin is awake, he naturally needs to go to Linglong's house to check on Yin Yin. It's just that he didn't understand why the cobweb brother walking in front of him had such a happy expression

In the end, Jia Qing came to the conclusion that Miss Yin was very popular.

After taking Yin Yin's pulse, Jia Qing pondered for a while before saying: "The residual poison has been completely eliminated, and the body is not in serious trouble. It's just a little weak, and it needs some time to adjust."

After hearing Jia Qing's words, Linglong finally felt completely relieved. Jia Qing gave Yin Yin a few more medicines to recuperate her body, and then said goodbye to Linglong. Linglong specially sent two cobweb little brothers, carrying a large box of thank-you gifts, to escort Jia Qing back to Shili Bieyuan.

Jia Qing readily accepted Linglong's kindness.

Linglong's foundation was better than Yin Yin's, so he recovered faster than Yin Yin. Yin Yin lay in bed for another ten days before being allowed to get out of bed by Linglong. It's just that when she was about to move back to the house she used to live in, Linglong justly refused on the grounds that it was "too troublesome to move around".

Yin Yin: "…"

So I am now upright and the male god... living together

Short oil is really shy. Yin Yin covered his face.

Yin Yin hadn't seen He Liankong in the past few days, so he finally remembered and asked. Linglong said that he was called back to the palace by an edict from the emperor. President's Stupid

Yin Yin pondered for a long time, this time emptying him, I am afraid that it is really going to be the end of the festival.

A few days later, Linglong said that Cobweb had something to deal with, so he went out early in the morning. Yin Yin had nothing to do, and Linglong didn't allow her to go out, so she moved a reclining chair to the yard alone to bask in the sun.

After basking in the sun, I saw Li Li walking slowly towards this side.

Yin Yin subconsciously sat up straight, because Li Li's tense expression made her feel that there would be a serious and upright conversation next.

"Miss, how is your recovery?" Li Li first asked Yin Yin's physical condition.

"Much better." Yin Yin's tone also became serious.

"Oh, that's good." Li Li answered in a flat tone.

Yin Yin sat up and looked at Li Li, waiting for him to say something earth-shattering.

But Li Li just stood there blankly, not even moving his lips.

Feeling that her patience was about to run out, Yin Yin finally asked unwillingly, "Do you have anything to tell me?"

Li Li's figure swayed, Yin Yin almost thought he was about to fall to the ground, but he stabilized his figure in the next second.

Finally, the corners of his mouth moved, "Miss, do you know that this world is always in a loop?"

The so-called "no sound" is already a blockbuster, and it is the current situation.

Yin Yin looked at Li Li with a pale face after waiting for the animals in his heart to rush, "Is this world really circulating?"

Yin Yin's words made Li Li's eyes flash with brilliance, "Could it be that Eldest Miss also noticed?"

"Uh..." Yin Yin organized the language, "I'm just guessing." She paused before asking again, "Does this world cycle as long as Du Qianqian falls off a cliff?"

Ji Ting's novel is set in this way.

Unexpectedly, Li Li shook his head and said excitedly: "No, as long as you fall off the cliff, the world will cycle!"

With the sound of "Boom", 10,000 grass and mud horses of various colors galloped past Yin Yin's heart again.

This time, it took her a long time to digest what Li Li said, because it was really unscientific. She stroked her forehead and said with some headache, "Wait, let me think for half an hour first."

She sorted out her thoughts in her heart, then raised her head to look at Li Li and asked, "Let's not talk about how stupid the setting of looping is, even if it is really looping, why would you know? Who are you? Who? Mysterious NPC? Besides, the so-called cycle, where does the cycle come from, and why does it cycle?" Long Dan Road

Li Li was stunned by Yin Yin's question, he slowed down and said: "I don't know when it started, everything has been repeating. And everyone around doesn't think there is anything abnormal, I am the only one left. This is the thirteenth time I have repeated the memory before!" Li Li's expression was a little distorted, "If this continues, I will really go crazy!"

Things are so unbelievable that Yin Yin's brain temporarily freezes.

Li Li continued: "In these thirteen cycles, every time you fall off a cliff, and every time you fall off a cliff, the world will return to the day I stabbed you with a dagger."

Wait wait, this is not the same as what was said! Ji Ting's setting is obviously not like this! And... the day you stabbed me with the dagger, didn't it happen to be the day I wore it

Yin Yin's heart suddenly felt dull, and she always felt that something was about to happen.

Although Yin Yin was completely immersed in his own thoughts, Li Li's bitter water continued to pour out, "I thought I was crazy at first, but after one, two or three times, I realized that it wasn't that I was crazy, it was The world is crazy! I was very desperate at the time. If the cycle continues like this, it would be better to kill myself first. However, I am not reconciled."

Li Li took a breath when he said this, "So I thought, since the end point of each cycle is that you fall off the cliff, isn't that... as long as you stop you from falling off the cliff, you can break the cycle?"

These words finally caught Yin Yin's attention, she raised her head and looked at Li Li without saying a word.

Li Li's next words answered almost all the questions Yin Yin had encountered before.

"I started trying to stop you from falling off the cliff. The best way is to tell you directly. But I don't know why, whenever I want to tell you, there is no sound. After I tried many times, I dismissed the direct Let me tell you this idea. But other methods are too roundabout. I have tried many methods. I even kidnapped you directly, but none of them can change the ending of your falling off the cliff. It seems that there is some power in the shadows, when I try to change When something happens, it corrects the change back in some form."

Yin Yin's heart was beating fast. The feeling of suddenly learning a great secret about the world made her feel nervous and uneasy like never before.

"However, I still found some patterns. Although I have not successfully prevented you from falling off the cliff once, I have found that although you fell off the cliff a few times, the world did not cycle immediately. I carefully compared these times with The difference between the other times has found their common ground - in the world of these times, the person who helps Liu Er is you, not Du Qianqian.

Therefore, I deliberately created a feud between Liu Er and Du Qianqian, just to increase your chances of helping Liu Er. "

Yin Yin's mind suddenly had a flash of light, no, no. The point is not who helped Liu'er, but, only when she helped Liu'er would she know Sang Ze!

She remembered the puppet doll that always appeared in her dreams, how San Ze gave it to herself, and the seven star pills hidden in the puppet. Half-faced angel: cold medicine is too enchanting

If it wasn't for the Qixing Pill, then no matter whether it was her or Linglong who was poisoned at the time, she would have no choice but to die.

So, in fact, the trigger for the cycle was not her falling off a cliff, but her death

A layer of cold sweat broke out on Yin Yin's back, "Did you put the Qixing Pill in that puppet?"

Li Li glanced at her suspiciously, "What puppet? What Qixingwan?"

Yin Yin frowned, it wasn't him, who could it be

Only Jia Qing has Qixing Pill. Because of a series of incidents, he forgot about it. The next time you see Jia Qing, be sure to ask him.

Yin Yinfu looked at Li Li again, "You just said that every time you wanted to tell me these things, you would not be able to tell them, but didn't you tell them all now?"

Li Li let out a sigh of relief from his chest and said, "I just want to give it a try. Has the world stopped circulating? Now that I can tell you these things, it means I'm all right? Without that, the cycle hasn't started after such a long interval."

Yin Yin didn't remember how Li Li left later. After Li Li said this, the whole thing seemed to become clearer, but it seemed to become more and more confusing.

Yin Yin sat in the yard for a while before returning to his room.

Linglong came back early in the afternoon, Yin Yin leaned up curiously and asked, "Linglong Linglong, what are you doing?"

Linglong glanced at Yin Yin, pulled her to sit beside her, and ordered someone to make a pot of tea. "Exactly, I have something to ask you too."

Yin Yin blinked his eyes and asked, "What's the matter?"

Linglong flipped the tea cover in his hand and asked casually, "I heard Liu Yuling say that day, you are from the future?"

Yin Yin did all the calculations, but Linglong didn't even mention it suddenly. She hesitated and said, "Hahahaha, I am making fun of Liu Yuling."

"Oh." Linglong responded lightly, "But, I heard Red Tail say that you and Li Li said very interesting things in the yard today."

Yin Yin's heart skipped a beat, and his whole body froze. How to do? ! ! ! !

The author has something to say: In fact, the nest suddenly felt that the setting at the beginning of the nest seemed a little bit bloody and a little thunderous...

What was Woo thinking at the time? . . .

PS: The author is going to see the recently very sensational substrate tonight,

It's called Thor 2.

After the nest is finished, I will report to you whether it is enough~ not~ enough~ base~