The Dead Cycle

Chapter 64: Catching the wind


Obsessive-compulsive disorder is a disease that needs to be cured.

Ji Yishuai has always had this disease.

From childhood to adulthood, no matter what he does, Ji Yishuai must strive for the first place. Although it is good to be motivated, it is perverted to be too obsessed with the title of number one.

But as long as he thinks that there are people above him, Ji Yishuai feels uncomfortable, as if there are 10,000 ants crawling around in his heart. Therefore, since Ji Yishuai stumbled and stepped into the intelligence industry, he has never felt comfortable again.

No matter how hard he tried, there was always a Linglong in front of him. And the saddest thing is that he racked his brains to add stumbling blocks to Linglong and tried every means to increase his sense of existence. Linglong was still like a feathered fairy, leaving him with an ethereal back.

So Ji Yishuai is getting more and more vicissitudes day by day, screaming silently all the time—both Shengshuai, He Shenglong!

Until one day, Ji Feng's subordinates came to report happily - the leader! Linglong fell off a cliff and died!

Ji Yishuai couldn't help but excitedly stood up with a slap on the table, "Buy me a hundred taels of cannonballs and come back, I'm going to set off firecrackers to celebrate!"

But the 100 taels of artillery battle was not ready, and his subordinates came to report again - the leader! Linglong, he came back from the bottom of the cliff!

"What?!" Ji Yishuai was shocked, "His soul climbed up from the bottom of the cliff tenaciously?"

What a spirit this is! Although he is a competitor, Ji Yishuai is full of admiration for him.

"It's not the leader!" his subordinates shouted in a hurry, "He didn't die at all!"

Ji Yishuai's chrysanthemum tightened, oh no, the tiger's body shook, and he fell straight on the chair, "You... Yes, it's you! Didn't you say Linglong fell off the cliff and died!"

The subordinates blushed and buried their heads lower, "Reporting to the leader, it is true that you fell off the cliff, and I imagined that you fell to your death."

Ji Yishuai: "…"

He slowly leaned back on the chair and said feebly, "Next time, you don't have to tell me what you imagined."

Although this is a good idea.

The subordinate's face was as red as fire, and it was directly attached to the ground, "I know the leader!"

Since that day, Ji Yishuai has been ill.

That imaginative subordinate goes to Ji Yishuai's bed every day to cry, "Boss! It's all my bad boss! Woohoo, boss, you died so miserably, boss!"

Ji Yi, who was lying on the hospital bed, was as handsome as a gossamer and said, "I'm not dead yet..."

The subordinates still burst into tears and said to themselves: "Don't worry, chief, I will definitely avenge you! We will never let you sacrifice in vain!"

Ji Yishuai was anxious, and blood spurted out of his mouth, "It's all said... I'm not dead yet!"

Looking at Ji Yishuai, whose mouth was full of blood, with a terrifying expression, his little subordinate was almost scared out of his mind, and dashed out with his legs shaking, "Not good!! The leader is cheating!!!!"

Ji Yi handsome, died.

During the period when Ji Yishuai was ill, the world has been turned upside down.

The man in black who was born in the sky caused a stir in the whole river and lake.

On this day, the little subordinates came to see Ji Yishuai happily again, "Chief! The spies came to report just now that Jiuhua sent Sect Leader Lian Xianlai to have a secret conversation with Linglong on the spider web."

Ji Yishuai "suddenly" sat up from the bed, "What are we talking about?"

The little subordinate said: "According to the report of the spy, Lian Xianlai wants to ask Linglong to help him find the stolen martial arts book "Chrysanthemum Collection"!" The little subordinate said this, with a frown, "Do you know about the "Chrysanthemum Collection"? It's the black man from before. The martial arts used by Yiren! Legend has it that if you master the "Chrysanthemum Collection", you will be able to stand alone in the world, no one can match it!"

Ji Yishuai kicked a carp and turned over from the bed, "Come on, follow me to the spider web!"

The little men followed behind Ji Yishuai ignorantly, "What are you going to do with the spider web?"

Ji Yishuai was in high spirits, "Provocation!"

Ji Yishuai, healed without medicine.

As soon as Ji Yishuai stepped out of Ji Feng's gate, Linglong received a message, "Chief, Ji Yishuai is leading his men to move towards the spider web."

The red tail knelt on the ground, respectfully and authentically.

Linglong raised his eyebrows and asked, "What is he here for?"

Hongwei said: "According to the spies, it is for the "Chrysanthemum Collection"."

"Oh?" Linglong smiled with the corners of his mouth hooked, "I see, you go down first."

Red Tail nodded, "whoosh" and disappeared.

When Ji Yishuai and his men rushed to the spider web, Linglong had already made tea and was waiting for them to come.

Looking at the group of people standing in front of him aggressively, Linglong smiled lightly, "I don't know what advice Leader Ji has come here today."

"Humph!" Ji Yishuai just snorted before being interrupted by Linglong, "Why don't you drink some tea first, it's the first-class bamboo leaf green that has just been brewed."

"Who wants to drink your broken tea!" After Ji Yishuai finished speaking, he sniffed subconsciously, "Humph! It's really fragrant!"

Linglong laughed, Ji Yishuai stepped forward to pick up a teacup and was about to drink tea, but was stopped by his men behind him, "Boss, Linglong has many tricks, what if he puts medicine in the tea!"

Ji Yishuai was stunned for a moment, and quickly took down the teacup in his hand, "You're right! I almost fell for it!" The Splendid Wedding of Rebirth

Linglong picked up the teacup and took a sip, "Chief Ji has been thinking too much. There is no need to prescribe medicine to deal with you."

Ji Yishuai recalled Linglong's words and said to his subordinates behind him, "Why do I think he is scolding us around the corner?"

The subordinate nodded heavily, feeling the same, "He's just scolding us around the corner!"

Ji Yishuai suddenly burst into anger, "Linglong! Don't be too complacent! I'm here to challenge you today!"

Linglong put down the teacup in his hand, glanced at Ji Yishuai, and asked slowly, "What is the challenge method?"

Ji Yishuai straightened his chest and cleared his throat, "I heard that the head of the Jiuhua faction wants to ask you to help him find the Chrysanthemum Collection?"

Linglong nodded, "That's true."

"Okay, let's come to Bibi, who will find this "Chrysanthemum Collection" first!" Ji Yishuai finished, and there were cheers behind him, all of his subordinates cheering for him.

Linglong frowned a little displeased, Cobweb appeared quickly, and a few dodges made all the subordinates behind Ji Yishuai click the dumb hole, and then dodged again and disappeared into the room.

Ji Yishuai: "…"

What just happened

Linglong looked at Ji Yishuai as if unaware and said, "I accept your challenge, but... what's the punishment for the loser?"

"Punishment?" Ji Yishuai never thought about this question, as long as he could win against Linglong, he would be satisfied.

Seeing Ji Yishuai's puzzled expression, Linglong took the initiative to say, "Well, let's do this, the loser quits the arena."

"Quit the arena?!" Ji Yishuai raised his voice. Will this be too much

Linglong chuckled lightly and looked at Ji Yishuai with a half-smile but not a smile, "Is Chief Ji scared?"

"Who's afraid?!" Ji Yishuai stomped his feet, "Exit Jianghu, quit Jianghu!"

Ji Feng's subordinates were speechless and condensed, leader, how could you fall into someone else's trick so easily!

After Ji Yishuai returned to Ji Feng with his subordinates in a hurry, he suddenly remembered that the acupoints under his subordinates had not been unlocked!

Because the cobweb's subordinate's acupuncture technique was too unique, they tried several times, but all ended in failure.

Ji Feng's subordinates were speechless, except for a thousand tears.

After Ji Yishuai left, his challenge to Linglong spread like wildfire in the arena, including the fact that the loser had to quit the arena.

So all the people in the rivers and lakes stretched their necks and waited to watch the show. No matter who wins, as long as the "Chrysanthemum Collection" can be reproduced, they will benefit. There are still many good people competing to bet, betting on the cheat book "Chrysanthemum Collection", who will win in the end.

The situation is one-sided in favor of Linglong. surrogate bride

Knowing this, Ji Yi was so handsome that he almost fell ill again. He swore that sooner or later, he would step on Linglong under his feet!

But on the second day after he took the oath, another mysterious person bet a lot of money on Ji Yishuai.

This made many martial arts comrades sigh, and at the same time, they all silently placed bets on Linglong's body.

Ji Yishuai also quickly learned that someone had bet a lot of money on him. Although he didn't know who this discerning person was, Ji Yishuai believed that he must be an expert who was not born. For the sake of this master, Ji Yishuai, this time, has to fight!

It was night, Yin Yin lay on the bed and looked at Linglong who was writing in front of the desk, and blinked, "Linglong, are you still asleep?"

Linglong's eyelashes trembled, "Go to sleep after writing this letter."

"Oh." Yin Yin rolled on the bed, "I heard that Ji Yishuai has been desperately trying to find "Chrysanthemum Collection" recently."

"Well." Linglong finished writing the last word, and finally put down the pen in his hand. Folding the letter, putting it in the envelope and sealing it, Linglong called out to the door, "Flower Crab."

A dark shadow descended from the door, "This subordinate is here."

Linglong walked to the door, opened it, and delivered the letter to Hua Crab, "Send this letter to the address as soon as possible."

"This subordinate understands." Flower Crab took the letter, turned around lightly, and disappeared into the endless night.

Yin Yin sat on the bed and applauded the performance of the flower crab, "If you cobwebs don't do intelligence, you can still open a circus, and the business must be very prosperous."

Linglong closed the door and chuckled, "Really?"

"Yeah." Yin Yin nodded, "Everyone comes and goes without a trace, and they are always there."

A breeze passed by, Yin Yin's eyes flashed, and Linglong sat in front of her, "Then what do you think of my skills?"

Yin Yin's eyes twitched, and then he praised dog-legged, "Very agile."

The smile on Linglong's mouth gradually deepened, and his right hand gently pushed Yin Yin's hair behind his ear, "Besides this, I have many other strengths."

"Strengths?" Yin Yin swears that she is as upright as she is, and she never thinks about it in the slightest!

Linglong hummed, then kissed Yin Yin's lips and started their new round of practice.

The author has something to say: Hello everyone :)

The plan of this article is to write 25W words, and now I have written nearly 22W~

After the end, Wo plans to write more stories.

So, if you have anything you want to see, please tell me here~

As the nest of the five good authors, I will try to write as rough as possible :)