The Deadly Ghost Doctor

Chapter 113: Weird


At around nine o'clock in the morning, Min Chaohui drove a police car and arrived outside the No. 8 clinic.

I just got in the car, and Min Chaohui said softly to me: "I have contacted the school in advance. At 10 o'clock in the morning, the students in the first and second grades of high school will stay in the classroom and cooperate with us in the investigation."

Seeing me nodded gently, Min Chaohui asked again: "Brother Tang and Song, if this matter is really related to a ghost, if this ghost is not found out, will something similar happen in the third lieutenant colonel? Falling from the building?"

"A Hua, who fell down and died before, entangled Zhang Xiaoqiang, causing Zhang Xiaoqiang to lose his life. This suffices to show that Ah Hua may have become a ghost, and a ghost hates the living. Once he hurts his life, he will never give up easily. If we don’t find Ahua and eliminate it, we can’t guarantee that the third lieutenant colonel will fall down again this evening."

Hearing what I said, Min Chaohui thought for a while and then asked, "This matter is so important, why didn't Ms. Ma come with you?"

"I can handle this alone."

Seeing what I said so confidently, Min Chaohui nodded. After a while, I drove a police car and took me to No. 3 Lieutenant Colonel again.

Almost within a week, the third lieutenant colonel had two falling incidents in succession. This had a great impact on the Third Lieutenant Colonel. When Min Chaohui and I came to the school gate, we saw a large group of reporters surrounding the school gate.

Just as Min Chaohui and I got out of the police car, a reporter came in front of the two of us and asked me: "Two police comrades, I am a reporter from the "City Express". I want to ask you about it. Was the fall from the school a suicide or a homicide?"

"Sorry, no comment for the time being!" Min Chaohui waved his hand at the reporter of the Metropolis Express. Before the other party could react, Min Chaohui took me to the school gate.

After showing the ID to the security guard, Min Chaohui took me into the campus.

"The high school I went to in the county seat is not one-fifth the size of the third lieutenant high school." I smiled at Min Chaohui, and then said: "The classroom only has ceiling fans and no air conditioning. The summer is the best.

Teachers and students are all sweating in class when it is hot. I live on campus, and the conditions in the dormitory are even more difficult. Twelve students live in a dormitory, and there is no bathroom in the dormitory. "

"The same! The same!" Min Chaohui looked at me with a smile and said, "At that time, there were ten dormitories on the first floor of the dormitory building, just one toilet and three pits. The toilet. I remember one time I had diarrhea, and I pulled it in my crotch halfway."

"Hahaha, this kind of thing happened before in our place."

Min Chaohui and I talked and laughed along the way. When the two of us came downstairs in the teaching building, I finally held back a slightly nervous mood. Thoughts have also gradually become active.

After waiting for nearly half an hour outside the classroom of Class One and Two in high school, the bell rang after class.

The school leaders had already greeted the teachers in the first and second grades of high school. After the bell rang after class, a male teacher in the classroom of the first and second grades came out, chatted with us briefly, and took us away. Into the classroom.

The classroom is spacious and bright, with more than forty students sitting. I briefly introduced myself and waited until the male teacher left. Min Chaohui made a please gesture towards me.

"Hello classmates, my name is Tang Song. The purpose of coming here today, classmates should be clear, next I want to ask you a few questions, I hope you can cooperate with me."

Seeing the students nodded, I asked, "How is the relationship between Ah Hua and Zhang Xiaoqiang in front of him?"

"They are at the same table and have a good relationship. They often go home together after school." As soon as my voice fell, a fat girl stood up and said loudly.

"When Ah Hua fell, what was Zhang Xiaoqiang doing? Was he by Ah Hua's side?"

Hearing what I said, a girl sitting in the first row replied: "Before Ahua fell downstairs, I saw him and Zhang Xiaoqiang together. The two of them played and shoved like usual."

I hugged my arm, thought for a while, and then asked, "When Ah Hua fell down the building, did you shout Zhang Xiaoqiang's name?"

"Yeah!" A dark-skinned male student stood up and said loudly, "I was on the balcony at the time.

It’s not far from Ah Hua and Zhang Xiaoqiang. I clearly heard that Ahua called Zhang Xiaoqiang's name loudly when he fell downstairs. He also called for help, and Ah Hua wanted Zhang Xiaoqiang to save him. "

"In other words, before Ahua died, the last person in his mind was probably Zhang Xiaoqiang." I muttered to myself and finished in a low voice. After a moment of silence, I raised my head and asked, "Ahua pendant. After Lou's death, did strange things happen in our class? The strange things I was referring to were relatively strange things?"

As my voice fell, the class suddenly remembered a moment of whispering. After a while, the fat girl who was the first to speak stood up and said, "Yes, after Ah Hua died, something strange happened in our class."

Hearing what the girl said, I raised my head towards Min Chaohui. Min Chaohui understood and closed the door of the classroom.

"Tell me, after Ah Hua died, what weird things happened in the class?"

"Will you believe what we said?"

"The reason why I am standing here asking you questions like this is because I believe in what you say. Of course, you can't lie to me."

"After Ah Hua was thrown to death, we felt that he was still in the class." A boy wearing glasses stood up, took a look at me and then said: "I was very clear after the evening self-study two days ago. I heard Ohua's voice."

"I have also heard it. I heard Ah Hua seem to say to Zhang Xiaoqiang, let Zhang Xiaoqiang go back to rest early at night, and he will go to Zhang Xiaoqiang in his dream."

Hearing what the students said, I took a look at Min Chaohui, and then asked, "Anything else besides these?"

"The night Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped off the building, he drew a coffin on the notebook. I asked him why he painted the coffin. He said that he would sleep in the coffin at night."

At this point, everyone was silent for a moment. A short while later, a tall boy stood up and said, "There is a WeChat group in our class. Just now Zhang Xiaoqiang and Ahua were in the group talking."

The tall guy said here, he paused for a moment and then said: "Of course, what I'm talking about may also be a prank by some boring classmate."

(End of this chapter)